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2021-07-21 置頂 西班牙留學如何打疫苗- How a foreign student get vaccination in Spain (343) (0)
2019-11-01 置頂 Matsu Pilgrimage in Taiwan (137) (0)
2019-05-10 置頂 Movie Appreciation|The negotiators - a very useful International Business Negotiation course (115) (0)
2019-05-10 置頂 電影|王牌對王牌The negotiators-最實用的談判課 (8232) (1)
2019-02-11 置頂 日本大阪環球影城|攻略之不買快速通關、VIP手環還可以玩到爽的方法 (15695) (3)
2018-09-30 置頂 日本自由行 |鬧中取靜的京都 -漫步清水寺、金閣寺、伏見稻荷、先斗町 (735) (2)
2018-07-03 置頂 GRE閱讀|A divide between aesthetic and technical considerations has played a crucial role in mapmaking and cartographic scholarship (7062) (1)
2018-06-14 置頂 GRE閱讀|Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840’s (3282) (0)
2018-03-25 置頂 【GRE英文筆記】關係代名詞限定用法VS.非限定用法-『逗號』的差異 (21200) (0)
2018-03-20 置頂 美東紐約紐約一日音樂遊-百老匯歌劇魅影,爵士音樂酒吧 (657) (0)
2018-01-22 置頂 托福 【聽力】-快速秒殺解題技巧 (5536) (1)
2017-12-22 置頂 日本 【東京自由行】箱根、御殿場交通攻略懶人包 (15625) (2)
2017-11-24 置頂 TOEFL【Independent Writing】搞定托福獨立寫作的戰略分析 (4363) (0)
2021-08-27 在西班牙畢業後簽證的延期方式,『找工作』簽證 | seeking jobs visa. (69) (0)
2020-12-14 西班牙歐洲哈草聖地,自產自銷捲菸去 (855) (0)
2020-09-02 西班牙歐洲哈草聖地,介紹一款便宜小雪茄只要2.8 EU (4308) (0)
2019-10-14 Preparation for GRE | T-19 (408) (0)
2019-10-12 Preparation for GRE | T-22 (1445) (0)
2019-10-10 Preparation for GRE | T-23 (533) (0)
2019-10-04 Preparation for GRE | T-28 (284) (0)
2019-10-04 Preparation for GRE | T-29 (143) (0)
2019-10-03 Preparation for GRE | T-30 (103) (0)
2019-05-28 談判學筆記|從談判到協作的過程要素 (116) (0)
2019-05-15 談判學筆記|談判的開局及策略 (414) (0)
2019-04-27 批判性思維Critical Thinking|preparation before GRE verbal tests(6) (202) (0)
2019-04-26 批判性思維Critical Thinking|preparation before GRE verbal tests(5) (212) (0)
2019-04-26 批判性思維Critical Thinking|preparation before GRE verbal tests(4) (68) (0)
2019-04-23 批判性思維Critical Thinking|preparation before GRE verbal tests(3) (67) (0)
2019-04-21 批判性思維Critical Thinking|preparation before GRE verbal tests(2) (133) (0)
2019-04-21 批判性思維Critical Thinking|preparation before GRE verbal tests (147) (0)
2019-04-13 上海迪士尼|遊玩攻略 The strategy of having fun in Shanghai Disneyland Park (249) (1)
2019-03-02 TOEFL【Integrated Writing】TPO-50- Scientists are considering the possibility of sending humans to Mars in the coming decades (677) (0)
2019-02-18 英文自學筆記雜誌文章分析|We are addicted to checking our phones (208) (0)
2019-02-15 英文自學筆記雜誌文章分析|Winning strategies (166) (0)
2018-11-04 TOEFL-Reading | TPO17-3 The chief problem was technological: How were the Europeans to reach the East? (218) (0)
2018-10-19 TOEFL-Reading | TPO14-1 Inequalities of wealth and rank certainly exist, and have probably existed in most pastoralist societies, (245) (0)
2018-10-15 GRE閱讀|About a century ago, the Swedish physical scientist Arrhenius proposed a law of classical chemistry that relates chemical reaction rate to temperature. (1602) (0)
2018-10-15 GRE閱讀|Flatfish, such as the flounder, are among the few vertebrates that lack approximate bilateral symmetry (1039) (0)
2018-10-13 GRE閱讀|Many theories have been formulated to explain the role of grazers such as zooplankton in controlling the amount of planktonic algae (phytoplankton) in lakes (1082) (0)
2018-10-13 GRE閱讀|Traditionally, the study of history has had fixed boundaries and focal points — periods, countries, dramatic events, and great leaders (878) (2)
2018-10-12 GRE閱讀|When a molten metal or metallic alloy is cooled to a solid, a crystalline structure is formed that depends on the particular alloy composition (756) (1)
2018-10-12 GRE閱讀|One advantage of breeding African bees with other bee types (Africanization) may be resistance to the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni (554) (0)
2018-10-11 GRE批判性推理|Like most other coastal towns in Norway, the town of Stavanger was quiet and peaceful until the early 1960's (258) (0)
2018-10-11 GRE閱讀|The success of fluoride in combating dental decay is well established and, without a doubt, socially beneficial (637) (1)
2018-10-11 GRE閱讀|Biologists have long maintained that two groups of pinnipeds, sea lions and walruses, are descended from a terrestrial bear like animal (681) (0)
2018-10-10 GRE閱讀|Why during sickness should body temperature of warm-blooded animal rise? (468) (0)
2018-10-09 GRE閱讀|Because of its accuracy in outlining the Earth's subsurface, the seismic-reflection method remains the most important tool (682) (0)
2018-10-07 GRE閱讀|As Gilbert White, Darwin, and others observed long ago, all species appear to have the innate capacity to increase their numbers from generation to generation (605) (0)
2018-10-05 GRE批判性推理|Excavations at a Mayan site have uncovered jewelry workshops located some distance (199) (0)
2018-10-03 GRE閱讀|Shergottites, the name given to three anomalous achondrites (igneous meteorites lacking chondrules) so far discovered on Earth (396) (0)


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