Excavations at a Mayan site have uncovered jewelry workshops located some distance from the center of the site on roads radiating outward from the center. Since the nobility lived only in the area of the center, archaeologists conclude that these workshops made jewelry, not for the nobility, but for a middle class that must have been prosperous enough to afford it.
1. The archaeologists' argument assumes which of the following about the artisans who worked in the workshops'
(A) They were themselves prosperous members of a middle class.
(B) They lived near their workshops.
(C) Their products were not made from the same materials as was jewelry for the nobility.
(D) They worked full-time at making jewelry and did not engage in farming
(E) They did not take the jewelry they had made in the workshops to clients who were members of the nobility.
logic book style:
Premise1:Excavations at a Mayan site have uncovered jewelry workshops located some distance from the center of the site on roads radiating outward from the center.
Premise2:Since the nobility lived only in the area of the center
Conclusion:archaeologists conclude that these workshops made jewelry, not for the nobility, but for a middle class that must have been prosperous enough to afford it.
(B) They lived near their workshops.
工匠住附近,所以有比較高的機會去買,對沒錯,但是因為這裡有個並列結構not A but B,雖然B是重點,解釋了B(artisan),但是沒貴族啊,沒有交代貴族都沒買,這選項是只有加強一半,並沒有把貴族額可能性踢掉,這樣結論的not for the nobility就不成立了,貴族他們可以自己跑過去買,住在市中心不等於不能去郊區玩,這也說明一件事情,考預設立場題是不能讓前提跟結論有問題。
(E) They did not take the jewelry they had made in the workshops to clients who were members of the nobility.
沒有宅配,沒辦法產地直送,也不給你買,只好當地自產自銷,因此貴族也拿不到了,然後來驗算一下,是否結論具有『保真』性(true preserving),讓結論變沈葆楨,前提便劉銘傳。雖然這個選項換成中產階級沒講,但是沒講表示『可能有』,而有講的部分是確保貴族拿不到,所以not for the nobility成立。