
AS we can see, the covid -19 pandemic is becoming stable campared with the beginning of this year. Now in the July of 2021. Sean is here to update the current situation of COVID fucking-19. 

If you are a foreign student in Spain, how do you get the vaccine. Remember to bring 3 stuff. Then go to Salud to ask someone to help make the temporary AR numbers. I don't know what is AR numbers called, but you will receive a document with the AR numbers so that you can wait for 5 days and then go to the appointment website. that's all. 

1. NIE Card 

2. Resdency proof

3. Insurance with coverage of covid-related expense.

That's all if you are urgent to take the vaccine, bye bye 莎悠那拉!


A: What to prepare:

1. NIE Card - you need a NIE, and if the card was expired, don't worry. You can take a VISA extension document with your NIE. Just need to make sure that your NIE is vaild, (the article for how to extend the visa)

2. Residency proof- about the document, I don't think this is a probem. Because you will get this before you collected your NIE card. (For those who have no idea about how to get residency proof, I will write the article later)

3. Insurance with coverage of covid-related expense- this should be very wildly acceptable. The insurance need to cover covid-19 expense, but since this pandemic is be defined as a national legalized desease, so I think most of the insurance got this item ( the fucking desease). No matter where is your insureance from, either from Spain or your home country, it is vailded as long as the insurance included covid expense. 

*UPDATE: you can also ask for the PIN code in the hospital when you go for applying for the AR numbers. This PIN code is for you to get the EU digital covid certificate, which is important. Most of EU countries accepted the digital certificate already, meaning that with the certifiate in your samrtphone you can travel around most of the EU countries, but be careful of your safety. The COVID is everywhere. 


Screen shot from Slaudinforma:

If you download the APP allowing for storing EU digital covid certificate, the nurses in the hospital will help you to operate the APP.

The APP is depend on where you live. For example, I live in Zaragoza, and this is the APP:


Screen shot from APPLE Store

B: Where to go:


Tpye the word " Salud" in your google map and check out the nearest one to you and bring your collection to there. If your are from Zaragoza, I would like to recommend you to here :

CS Puerta Del Carmen , 
Paseo Maria Agustin, 12 1st Floor (Zaragoza)

The nursing staff, They are so nice and patient, help me correct a lot of typo on document such as I come from Taiwan, but my document said I come from China, and my NIE is expired.

Why I have this situation becasue I went to another Salud before I had been here. The previous hospital is horrible. It looks like a recyclables depot and the staff is aggressive, and When I give then the document they just take a look and give me a document with AR numbers. I was not looking carefully. So when I went home find two serious typos: my NIE is expired and nationality is wrong. I went back again the same day, but the staff said "NO PASA NADA. "............ Ok, but when I am at the range of taking vaccine, my appointment system still does not work. So I decide to go to other Salud. The Salud is the one I recommend. Then it find out that the problem is the expiration. So I am not quilified. OK right now everything is donso and wait for the system to update my persional detail. After I wait for 5 days, finally I got the appointment. 


C: How to make a vaccination appointment:

Now, you don't need to get sweating anymore. Just seat on your sofa and open the website : 

FYI this is for Aragon, cheeck out the location you live, the system is slightly different. 




And enter the system, you will know how to do it. The system will give you the appointment for the location and type of vaccine for you to choose. It is a combination. Such as

A: K salud y Mod vaccine. date : XX/ XX/ XX

B: Q salud y Pfer vaccine. date : XX/ XX/ XX

So you can choose what you want. Of couse, the second dose is booked at the same time. So check out the optimal one. 

And then wait for the date comming and go to the Salud and you will get another justification of vaccination. That is your proof. So you will have Two documents for the vaccination staff. (The AR numbers and the Justification)


Bye see you. 



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