

Why during sickness should body temperature of warm-blooded animal rise? It has long been known that the level of serum iron in animals falls during infection. Garibaldi first suggested a relationship between fever and iron. He found that microbial synthesis of siderophores -- substances that bind iron -- in bacteria of the genus Salmonella declined at environmental temperatures above 37°C and stopped at 40.3°C. Thus, fever would make it more difficult for an infecting bacterium to acquire iron and thus to multiply. Cold-blooded animals were used to test this hypothesis. Kluger reported that of iguanas infected with the potentially lethal bacterium A. hydrophilia, more survived at temperatures of 42°C than at 37°C, even though healthy animals prefer the lower temperature. When animals at 42°C were injected with an iron solution, however, mortality rates increased significantly. Research to determine whether similar phenomena occur in warm-blooded animals is sorely needed.


1. According to the passage, Garibaldi determined which of the following?

(A) That serum iron is produced through microbial synthesis

(B) That microbial synthesis of siderophores in warm-blooded animals is more efficient at higher temperatures.

(C) That only iron bound to other substances can be used by bacteria.

(D) That there is a relationship between the synthesis of siderophores in bacteria of the genus Salmonella and environmental temperature.

(E) That bacteria of the genus Salmonella require iron as a nutrient.


2. If it were to be determined that similar phenomena occur in warm-blooded animals, which of the following, assuming each is possible, is likely to be the most effective treatment for warm-blooded animals with bacterial infections?

(A) Administering a medication that lowers the animals' body temperature

(B) Injecting the animals with an iron solution

(C) Administering a medication that makes serum iron unavailable to bacteria

(D) Providing the animals with reduced-iron diets

(E) Keeping the animals in an environment with temperatures higher than 37°C


3.Which of the following can be inferred about warm-blooded animals solely on the basis of information in the passage?

(A) The body temperatures of warm-blooded animals cannot be easily controlled in the laboratory.

(B) Warm-blooded animals require more iron in periods of stress than they do at other times.

(C) Warm-blooded animals are more comfortable at an environmental temperature of 37℃ than they are at a temperature of 42℃.

(D) In warm-blooded animals, bacteria are responsible for the production of siderophores, which, in turn, make iron available to the animal.

(E) In warm-blooded animals, infections that lead to fever are usually traceable to bacteria.



Why during sickness should body temperature of warm-blooded animal rise? It has long been known that the level of serum iron in animals falls during infection.


Garibaldi first suggested a relationship between fever and iron. He found that microbial synthesis of siderophores -- substances that bind iron -- in bacteria of the genus Salmonella declined at environmental temperatures above 37°C and stopped at 40.3°C. Thus, fever would make it more difficult for an infecting bacterium to acquire iron and thus to multiply. Cold-blooded animals were used to test this hypothesis. Kluger reported that of iguanas infected with the potentially lethal bacterium A. hydrophilia, more survived at temperatures of 42°C than at 37°C, even though healthy animals prefer the lower temperature. When animals at 42°C were injected with an iron solution, however, mortality rates increased significantly. 

接下來Garibaldi出現,表示作者在借他人之言,支持自己的文章觀點,所以意味著開始舉例,而這個舉例完之後He found表示再繼續補充,因此目前為止,GG哥的這兩句都是支持前方概念,了解之後,老樣子不要看哈哈~~,我們再往下看看還有沒有可以刪的內容,於是看到了thus,這個表示結論,但基本上結論沒轉折都是順向邏輯的,因此我既然主幹有了,這句話等於是當作呼應用的而已,跟左手一樣只是輔助,但是不能跳過,因為到目前為止只知道T↑,SI ↓,可是怎麼沒有一個結果出來,所以結論還是要讀完給一個封口,就是這樣的機制是可以殺細菌的,再往下,看到Cold-blooded這裡要看嘛,喵一下即可,看起來像是另外一個例子的開端,看到是were used to想成『等號』,因此他也符合GG哥的理論,感覺上文章就這麼結束了,沒錯,因為最後一句話的轉折沒屁用,他是在做對象的對比more survived at temperatures of 42°C對應下一句的animals at 42°C,mortality rates increased,所以是動物居住的室溫區別,第二部分舉例大概意思就是,IG被感染了,可是溫度高的時候他比較不會死,但是我如果在高溫灌入鐵,動物就掰了,所以就是溫度可以讓細菌不跟鐵結合,但是強迫叫他吃鐵,就會跟細菌結合,就算溫度高也沒用,動物還是掰。


所以總結就是:T↑,SI ↓→kill bact.


1. According to the passage, Garibaldi determined which of the following?

(A) That serum iron is produced through microbial synthesis

(B) That microbial synthesis of siderophores in warm-blooded animals is more efficient at higher temperatures.

(C) That only iron bound to other substances can be used by bacteria.

(D) That there is a relationship between the synthesis of siderophores in bacteria of the genus Salmonella and environmental temperature.

(E) That bacteria of the genus Salmonella require iron as a nutrient.




Garibaldi first suggested a relationship between fever and iron.

He found that microbial synthesis of siderophores -- substances that bind iron -- in bacteria of the genus Salmonella declined at environmental temperatures above 37°C and stopped at 40.3°C.

上下兩句是呼應的,上者為概念,由relationship帶出,fever and iron是兩個主角,分別在下一個句子替換成above 37°C and stopped at 40.3°C. ,microbial synthesis of siderophores,選(D)


2. If it were to be determined that similar phenomena occur in warm-blooded animals, which of the following, assuming each is possible, is likely to be the most effective treatment for warm-blooded animals with bacterial infections?

(A) Administering a medication that lowers the animals' body temperature

(B) Injecting the animals with an iron solution

(C) Administering a medication that makes serum iron unavailable to bacteria

(D) Providing the animals with reduced-iron diets

(E) Keeping the animals in an environment with temperatures higher than 37°C



對應到warm-blooded animals with bacterial infections

所以找到有細菌的部分,然後是在講溫體動物的故事,所以就是那位GG個的理論一直到thus的這三句話,然後題目講到最棒的治療方式,因為前兩句的是介紹機制,先概念在舉例,不理會,直接看到結論去,Thus, fever would make it more difficult for an infecting bacterium to acquire iron and thus to multiply. ,選(C)


3.Which of the following can be inferred about warm-blooded animals solely on the basis of information in the passage?

(A) The body temperatures of warm-blooded animals cannot be easily controlled in the laboratory.

(B) Warm-blooded animals require more iron in periods of stress than they do at other times.

(C) Warm-blooded animals are more comfortable at an environmental temperature of 37℃ than they are at a temperature of 42℃.

(D) In warm-blooded animals, bacteria are responsible for the production of siderophores, which, in turn, make iron available to the animal.

(E) In warm-blooded animals, infections that lead to fever are usually traceable to bacteria.





我想我知道怎麼解釋那個否定詞了,就在我的睡夢中,昨晚睡覺夢見好像是媽祖顯靈一般,跟我說:孩子啊!!那個of iguanas infected的那種動物是個例子啊,是冷血動物的例子,於是我突然想到,推理法以前常用的慣用伎倆,找對比對象是可行的,現在看到尾巴的三句話

Cold-blooded animals were used to test this hypothesis.

Kluger reported that of iguanas infected with the potentially lethal bacterium A. hydrophilia, more survived at temperatures of 42°C than at 37°C, even though healthy animals prefer the lower temperature.

When animals at 42°C were injected with an iron solution, however, mortality rates increased significantly. 

題目要找的是溫體動物,但是文章給的只有冷血動物,所以老套路就是溫血跟冷血必然相反,所以等等針對文章中的內容取反就是答案了,這其實我一開始也想過,但是怎麼對內容取反都無法配對,而且內容取反也感覺就是一個怪字,後來突然這麼被媽祖一指點好像有點通了,因為要知道Kluger reported後面的名詞子句是描述一件事情,就文法上來說後面整個是受詞,所以不能完全只看這個名詞子句的主要子句,應該連even though都要看,應為他們都是被包在子句裡頭的。

of iguanas infected with the potentially lethal bacterium A. hydrophilia, more survived at temperatures of 42°C than at 37°C, even though healthy animals prefer the lower temperature.

所以把強調句even though考慮到之後,可以得到結論是

主要子句:more survived at temperatures of 42°C,

副詞子句:even though healthy animals prefer the lower temperature.







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