GRE - T-23
Article one : (From GRE offical guide )
Among some Native American peoples, the oral tradition of one group has sometimes influenced that of another; indeed, tracing such influence has been one major task of scholars of Native American oral literature. European influences are often regarded, understandably, as another matter. Nellie Barnes, for example, in an early stylistic study of Native American oral literature, considered only forms preceding the influence of Europeans. Yet the example of the Zuni version of the Italian folk tale "The Cock and the Mouse" suggests that, notwithstanding the opinions of scholars of Native American oral literature, European influence is not always synonymous with the waning of Native American traditions. The Zuni narrator utilized the European story as an opportunity to exercise his narrative genius, thus leaving his tradition enhanced rather than diminished by the European influence. Such examples should cause scholars researching influences on Native American oral narratives to reassess their notions of the proper domain of such studies.
The passage is primarily concerned with
(A) assessing the extent of a particular influence on a narrative tradition
(B) pointing out the prevalence of a type of narrative once thought to be rare
(C) reporting results of recent research on a particular narrative tradition
(D) proposing an expansion of the focus of a particular area of research
(E) illustrating the use of an unconventional new research methodology
Ans: (D)
Let's take notes for this article. From the first, the oral tradition of one group has sometimes influenced that of another, which claims that oral influenced one another. That's all. We can skip all the sentence before we see transition words, Becuase "indeed" and " for example" are supportive words for the upper sentence with the same idea and logic.
However, we see "Yet" at the fourth sentence, and then be careful about what is the difference from upper sentences. So, It is needed to read.
Yet the example of the Zuni version of the Italian folk tale "The Cock and the Mouse" suggests that, notwithstanding the opinions of scholars of Native American oral literature, European influence is not always synonymous with the waning of Native American traditions.
Obviously, due to the example in the beginning of the sentence, we are indicated that this sentence is opposed to the upper example: Nellie Barnes, for example,...
So, that is not quite different from main idea, and the following sentence, The Zuni narrator utilized...., is the further detail but not a main theme. We forcus on the detail later, but we know the structure of the article is that first, give a opinion, and then give two example which stand on the two opposite side. Then Such examples should "cause" give us a conclusion. So, (D) an expansion fits on Such examples should cause scholars researching influences on Native American oral narratives to reassess their notions of the proper domain of such studies.
FYI, (A) assessing the extent of a particular influence, which does not the topic sentence's meaning. The topic is aleardy admitted there is a influence, but not talks about the "extent".
(C) it has been mentioned a very tiny portion og the firnal senence. So, not a main point.
According to the passage, an important focus of research for scholars of Native American oral literature has been
(A) tracing the influence of European tales on Native American narrative traditions
(B) reconstructing the form in which Native American tales existed prior to being influenced by European narrative elements
(C) documenting how Native American oral traditions have influenced one another
(D) identifying features of Native American narratives that betray European influences
(E) analyzing the significance of differences that appear in particular Native American narratives after exposure to European influence
Ans: (C)
Key) following the topic sentence, we saw that Among some Native American peoples, the oral tradition of one group has sometimes influenced that of another; indeed, tracing such influence has been one major task of scholars of Native American oral literature. And this, one major task of scholars of Native American oral literature. is the same meaning of an important focus of research for scholars of Native American oral literature. So I can easily to tracing the influence is important. (A) I am almost trapped by this one, but not about European tales on Native American narrative traditionsa. European tales is a detail, but the theme is the group, so European is one of the group. (B) trying to get rid of the influence, so it is wrong. (C) right, documenting is equal to tracing. (D) not features. (E) not signifcance.
The author of the passage refers to Nellie Barnes` study most probably in order to do which of the following?
(A) Point out a weakness common to early stylistic studies of most oral literature
(B) Illustrate a research approach commonly taken by scholars of Native American oral literature
(C) Provide an example of an anomalous approach to the study of Native American oral traditions
(D) Contrast the assumptions guiding early research with those guiding study of Native American oral literature today
(E) Draw attention to an area of research that has been increasingly neglected by scholars in recent years
Ans: (B)
Key) Nellie Barnes, for example, in an early stylistic study of Native American oral literature, considered only forms preceding the influence of Europeans.
Yhis is a rhetorical purpose question, and we konw the sentence including NB is a example -- the purpose to support upper concept that European influences are often regarded, understandably, as another matter.
So, becuase it is a supportive sentence, (A) weakenss, (C) anomolous, (D) contrast, and (E) neglected are wrong. (C) another matter matches considered only forms preceding the influence of Europeans.
Article two : (From GRE offical guide )
implication = allusion = intimation = insinuation
implore = adjure = beg = appeal = beseech = entreat = importune = invoke = plead = petition = solicit = supplicate
impose = impose on = inflict on
imposing = grand = grandiose = majestic = sublime = splendid = spectacular
imprison = incarcerate = confine = immure
impromptu = unrehearsed = extempore = extemporaneous = offhand
bold = brazen = brash = saucy
inadvertent = accidental = advertitious = contingent = fortuitous = haphazard = incidental
inaugurate = initiate = launch
inception = commencement = outset = onset = incipience = dawn = threshold
inchoate = initial = inceptive = incipient = nascent
incandescent = glowing
incentive = motive = inducement = spur = stimulus
negligible = paltry = petty = puny = trivial = trifling
negotiate = traverse = cross
neophyte = novice = tyro = apprentice
nexus = bond = tie = relationship
nibble = chew = gnow = munch
nick = notch = identation
nimble = agile = active = brisk = frisky = resilient = spry = sprightly = vigorous
nip = pinch = tweak
nomad = horde
nominal = titular
nominate = nomination
nonpareil = unparalleled = peerless = incomparable = unequalled
norm = cannon = criterion
abandon = abjure = abdicate = forsake = jettsion = relinguish
abate = curtail = dwindle = retrench
abbey = monastery = cathedral
abeyance = suspension = respite
foil = thwart = balk
abhor = abominate = detest = loathe =
abhorrence = aversion = abomination = detestation = disfavor = repulsion = revulsion
abide by = conform to = comply with = obey = observe
abject = miserable = pathetic = wretched = piteous = pitiful = pitiable
abolish = abrogate = annul = revoke = rescind = repeal = nullify = invalidate
abortion = flop = fiasco
abound = teem in = rife with
euphemism = circumlocution = periphrasis
euphonious = melodious = dulcet = mellifluous
euthanasia = mercy killing
evacuate = withdraw = remove = decamp
evanescent = transitory = transient = ephemeral = fleeting
exalt = elevate
exalted = superior = noble = sublime
excavate = dig = exhume = resurrect = disinter = unearth
exceed = excel = outweigh = outstrip = outdo = overtake = surpass = transcend
exculde = obviate = preclude
excoriate = flay = invective
excrete = secrete = exude = ooze
excruciate = torture = torment = rack = agonize = anguish = distress
execrate = abhor
exert = employ = wield
exertion = endeavor = effort
EX1: The parabola in the figure above has its minimum at X=2 which of the following could be an X-intercept of the parabola
(A)2.5 (B) 3 (C) 3.5 (D) 4 (E) 4.5
Because the intercept is equal to the length between 2 intersetion points on X-axis, and we can see original point is on the right of the left intersetion point, which means the length from left intersetion point to X=2 must be bigger than 2. Then according the symmetry of the parabola, the X=2 ( where the minimun is) is the central axis cutting the intercept into half, so the intercept must be bigger than 4. (2...*2 > 4) (E) is right.
EX2: The square of X is equal to 4 times the square of Y. If X is more then twice Y, what is the value of X?
X^2 = 4 Y^2
X= Y+2
2 unknow element and 2 formula, simultaneous program.
after the calculsion, we can get X= 1/2
K of these squares lie along the boundrary of the gameboard