

  1. 自然聽自然解,不記筆記,兵來將擋,這種比較屬於有比較高程度的人士用
  2. 把聽力當上課,按老師的語氣,及舉例自行做重點
  3. 抓關鍵字,作筆記,看到題目後比對筆記

是的我是走第三種方法的,因為只要動一下筆就可以把一些重點記錄下來,那幹嗎要花腦力去硬記呢 ? 我是覺得腦容量有限,要硬記下來的畫很浪費精力的,而且無限量用紙在旁邊供考生使用,我上次考試,四個部分測試下來用了11張A4黃紙,所以不用怕,取之不盡之不竭,跟呂傑老師的水肥車一樣




So today → !!※

but→ ※(星星)

because→ b/c,用數學代號也行,自己習慣的符號


imply/ infer→ (→)

place   / location → 區

大,多→ +

小,少→ - 

I mean → ! P! (出現這個字必考無疑,而且很容易miss沒聽到,一恍神就過去了,到時候回來找筆記很容易找不到)

如果是學生說的話→ ! S!

challenge/ contradict 這類反對的字眼 → 反

difficult / hard → hrd

feature / characteristic / mark.. → F


method / view / point / theory → T

mistery / puzzle → ??

different →  =/= (等號中間一撇)

same  / associate →  =

problem等負面字→ (哭臉)

great/ good 等正面字(笑臉)

example / like / for instance→ ex.   (li)  我是習慣用(li) ,因為比畫少,(俗話說的好,不考舉例對不起自己~~必考的拉)


  • 然後如何記筆記,當我拿到紙我會把它變成六個部分,因為lecture的題目都出六題,分成六塊會比較好找,一般除了第一題的涵蓋範圍可能會到我筆記的第二區去,還有最後一題如果是重聽題的話會亂跳,2/3/4/5題是百分之百按順序考,雖然有時候筆記的紀錄還是會離開我預設的區域,有時候還沒有紀這麼多,但相對來講是比較容易定位的,而且考試的時候A4指無限拿,你就盡量用
  • 但是如果聽力跟不上就不要記太多了,怕在記的同時會不知道教授在講沙小,跟不上就以聽為主,但是一旦聽到訊號字,一定要做個記號,以便再找題目答案的時候可以定位

接下來舉例TPO-33 L4 的聽力做解釋



1.What does the professor mainly discuss? 

  • A . The most popular features of ancient Roman gardens

  • B . The goals of Renaissance garden designers

  • C . The influence of Renaissance gardens on modern Italian gardens

  • D . Differences between ancient Greek gardens and ancient Roman gardens


2.The professor mentions three authors from ancient Rome. What point does the professor make about the three authors? 

  • A . They provided credible descriptions of ancient Roman gardens.

  • B . They probably exaggerated the beauty of ancient Roman gardens.

  • C . They probably never owned gardens themselves.

  • D . They invented gardening practices that are still used in Italy today.

定位詞就是three authors→我的筆記上是 S/ P /L ,所以看下面的內容rely,所以就是(A)中credible的改寫

3.Why does the professor mention Hero of Alexandria? 
  • A . To explain the relationship between ancient Greek gardens and ancient Roman gardens

  • B . To explain how ancient Roman gardens came to be influenced by Egyptian culture

  • C . To point out that garden designers were highly respected members of Roman society

  • D . To indicate the origin of some of the features of Renaissance gardens



4.According to the professor, what was one goal of the designers of Renaissance gardens? 
  • A . To incorporate plants from as many parts of the world as possible

  • B . To develop beautiful new breeds of plants

  • C . To provide amusement for guests

  • D . To create a peaceful setting for prayer and meditation

兩個找法,法醫:one goal就是目的的意思了,所以快速定位到→目,後面寫imp人,就是impress guests

法二:最關鍵的就是According to the professor,會對到筆記!P!,這個真的很重要!!!每次必考,之後寫一個fun,對應到選項amusement,所以(C)

What does the professor imply about mazes? 
  • A . They were not part of ancient Roman gardens.

  • B . They were not common in Renaissance gardens.

  • C . They often incorporated hidden water tricks.

  • D . They were the most creative aspect of Renaissance gardens.


, R畫圈圈是文藝復興的意思,R沒有圈圈才是羅馬,後面又有很多XXX,所以文藝復興就跟著做了

6.Listen again to part of the Lecture.Then answer the question
What does the professor imply when he says this: 
As we've said before, the main point of the Renaissance was to revive the genius of the ancient Greeks and Romans, which is why designers of Renaissance gardens designed them as the ancient Romans would have designed them, or at least as they imagined the ancient Romans would have designed them.
A . Designers of Renaissance gardens were in some ways more creative than the designers of ancient Roman gardens.
B . Designers of Renaissance gardens sometimes had inaccurate conceptions of ancient Roman gardens.
C . Designers of Renaissance gardens sometimes deliberately violated the design principles used in ancient Roman gardens.
D . Designers of Renaissance gardens were able to take advantage of technology that was not available to the designers of ancient Roman
img想像,用想的不一定完全正確,筆記下面how? 怎麼知道外表的不是靠照片所以可能有出入,所以(B)

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