

One advantage of breeding African bees with other bee types (Africanization) may be resistance to the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni, a major threat to modern beekeeping. In parts of Europe, this mite is devastating honeybees and killing many colonies despite preventive measures by beekeepers. But in Brazil Varroa jacobsoni has been present in Africanized bees since 1972 without the loss of a single colony, even though beekeepers there undertook no preventive measures. The mites lay eggs within the brood cells of immature bees, and developing mites feed on the hemolymph (blood) of bee pupae. But fewer mites reproduce in Africanized bees than in European bees. Some researchers point out that this resistance may be related to the Africanized worker bee's shorter development period, which prevents some mites from reaching maturity. Recently the mite has become a serious problem in colonies of European bees in North America. Africanization of these bees may be the best safeguard against this parasite.


For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

1. The author cites all of the following as evidence that Africanized bees' resistance to Varroa jacobsoni is superior to that of European bees:

(A) Varroa jacobsoni is killing many bee colonies in Europe.

(B) Beekeepers in Brazil have not used preventive measures to protect their colonies.

(C) At least some European bee colonies have been saved by preventive measures.


2. According to the passage, research suggests that one possible reason the Africanized bees in Brazil have successfully resisted Varroa jacobsoni is that

(A) the life cycle of the Africanized bee may limit the Varroa jacobsoni mite's opportunity to reach full development

(B) the Africanized bees may have had an opportunity to develop a chemical resistance to Varroa jacobsoni

(C) the location of bee colonies in Brazil may provide a natural deterrent to Varroa jacobsoni

(D) Varroa jacobsoni may be relatively new to Brazil and may not have had time to become widespread

(E) beekeepers may have developed effective control techniques for Varroa jacobsoni


3. The author's argument regarding the resistance of Africanized bees to Varroa jacobsoni would be most weakened if which of the following were true?

(A) The bees in Brazil were resistant before being Africanized.

(B) The number of bee colonies in North American increased dramatically whereas the number in Brazil remained unchanged.

(C) Mites found in European bees reproduce at a faster rate than mites of identical species found in the bees in Brazil.

(D) Africanized bees retain many of the characteristics of European bees.

(E) Bee colonies in Europe continue to produce greater quantities of honey than do those in Brazil.



One advantage of breeding African bees with other bee types (Africanization) may be resistance to the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni, a major threat to modern beekeeping.

開頭給出 breeding African bees with other bee types 就是蜜蜂非洲化,非洲化的蜜蜂很厲害,可以抗VJ。


In parts of Europe, this mite is devastating honeybees and killing many colonies despite preventive measures by beekeepers. But in Brazil Varroa jacobsoni has been present in Africanized bees since 1972 without the loss of a single colony, even though beekeepers there undertook no preventive measures.



The mites lay eggs within the brood cells of immature bees, and developing mites feed on the hemolymph (blood) of bee pupae.

前方The mites代名詞,不用看了這必然是增加補充用的,


But fewer mites reproduce in Africanized bees than in European bees.

這句話怪怪的,因為轉折詞後面應該個主幹相反邏輯才對啊,不過這裡怎麼邏輯是相同的,所以要來考慮到是不是BUT的封裝,也就是他只跟上一句有關係,好的看到The mites lay eggs看到這裡就要停了,不能跟A片一樣不要停,人家是越久越好,考試可是用越短越好,看到上一句的前面三個字,再配合But fewer mites reproduce,這樣結合起來轉折就有用了,VJ會生蛋喔,但是呢,『很少』的VJ被生出來。所以他們兩句又是勾在一起的,既然是在一起,上一句的地位是細節補充的部分,所以本句當然沒必要看。往下。


Some researchers point out that this resistance may be related to the Africanized worker bee's shorter development period, which prevents some mites from reaching maturity.


Recently the mite has become a serious problem in colonies of European bees in North America.

我又看到the mite請跳過


Africanization of these bees may be the best safeguard against this parasite.



結構圖也不用了,主旨就是Africanization is good for anti-V.J


For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

1. The author cites all of the following as evidence that Africanized bees' resistance to Varroa jacobsoni is superior to that of European bees:

(A) Varroa jacobsoni is killing many bee colonies in Europe.

(B) Beekeepers in Brazil have not used preventive measures to protect their colonies.

(C) At least some European bee colonies have been saved by preventive measures.




In parts of Europe, this mite is devastating honeybees and killing many colonies despite preventive measures by beekeepers.

But in Brazil Varroa jacobsoni has been present in Africanized bees since 1972 without the loss of a single colony, even though beekeepers there undertook no preventive measures.



2. According to the passage, research suggests that one possible reason the Africanized bees in Brazil have successfully resisted Varroa jacobsoni is that

(A) the life cycle of the Africanized bee may limit the Varroa jacobsoni mite's opportunity to reach full development

(B) the Africanized bees may have had an opportunity to develop a chemical resistance to Varroa jacobsoni

(C) the location of bee colonies in Brazil may provide a natural deterrent to Varroa jacobsoni

(D) Varroa jacobsoni may be relatively new to Brazil and may not have had time to become widespread

(E) beekeepers may have developed effective control techniques for Varroa jacobsoni




Some researchers point out that this resistance may be related to the Africanized worker bee's shorter development period, which prevents some mites from reaching maturity.



3. The author's argument regarding the resistance of Africanized bees to Varroa jacobsoni would be most weakened if which of the following were true?

(A) The bees in Brazil were resistant before being Africanized.

(B) The number of bee colonies in North American increased dramatically whereas the number in Brazil remained unchanged.

(C) Mites found in European bees reproduce at a faster rate than mites of identical species found in the bees in Brazil.

(D) Africanized bees retain many of the characteristics of European bees.

(E) Bee colonies in Europe continue to produce greater quantities of honey than do those in Brazil.



考個邏輯單題,問到弱化,這弱化的意思就是在具有連貫性的情況之下,假設前提或是結論被質疑,這個就是弱化了,但是這樣整個都要看會有點多,所以偷懶直接對結論下手,假設我的結論是可以找到答案的話那就剛好省下時間,不行的話只能用老方法用logic book style去分類分析了,所以直接跳結論是

Africanization of these bees may be the best safeguard against this parasite.


(A) The bees in Brazil were resistant before being Africanized.(先來檢查連貫性,這裡沒問題,上面出現的字文章都提過)

再來,這個選項帶入可不可以讓Africanization of these bees may be the best safeguard against this parasite.『被質疑』。沒有非洲化就很屌了,所以非洲化可能沒必要存在,Africanization of these bees may be the best safeguard已經不是100%正確了,把巴西在地的培養起來就好了,因此被質疑成功了,選(A)









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