

Making the move from middle management to the executive suite requires a healthy dose of confidence. Executives have to make critical, wide-reaching decisions, often with limited information and time-- then persuade others to execute those decisions. Self-assurance is a must. 

Yet, gaining confidence can be a struggle. Researchers found that 33% of high-achieving adults did not feel they deserve their success. Women in particular struggle with confidence. They often are less adept at moving forward after setbacks and reading temporary failures as permanent deficiencies.

The good news is that confidence can be learned, like any career skill. Here are 5 steps that can have you operating from a place of power :

1) when in doubt, act. 

It's the difference between running and stagnant water. When you are stagnant, doubt and insecurities, breed like mosquitoes. Dala Carnegie wrote that "inaction breeds doubt and fear". " Action breeds confidence and courage. " Fear of failure can paralyze us, as we almost always overestimate the consequences. Build your confidence by taking action.

2) Do something outside your comfort zone each day.

If we don't stretch our comfort zones, they shrink. Constantly challenge and improve yourself, and you'll become comfortable doing new things -- and you will establish your identity as someone who takes risks. 

3) cultivate mentors.

Their advice and connections are invaluable, plus you will make better decisions about opportunities thanks to their objective assessments of the pros and cons.

4) keep self-talk positive.

It's hard to feel confident, if someone put you down all the time. It's impossible if that naysayer is you. Watch how you talk to yourself, and then make a change.

5) Watch your body language.

Your posture and overall appearance affect how others perceive and thus respond to you. If you want to be a leader, you have to dress and act the part. Stand and sit up straight, make eye contact, and remember to simile. Wear the professional clothing of your industry.

Like public speaking or leadership, confidence is a professional skill that can be improved. And with confidence, you will embrace new experiences. Start growing your confidence today.



1. Making the move from middle management to the executive suite requires a healthy dose of confidence. 

2. Executives have to make critical, wide-reaching decisions, often with limitedd information and time-- then persuade others to execute those decisions. 

3. Self-assuarance is a must. 

第一段通常都是定義文字用的,在此作者將win的概念轉成升職(from middle management to the executive suite) 就表示在職位上的成功或成就,然後strategies則變成confidence. 那麼第二句的部分補充說明那個高階經理人的工作是啥,去回應升職之後的差別,然後第三句話在搭上去,這樣二三兩句加起來就變成一個因果關係了,這剛好也跟第一句做呼應,第一句的角色是概念說明,二三兩句則是具體舉例。



4. Yet, gaining confidence can be a struggle.

5. Researchers found that 33% of high-achieving adults did not feel they deserve their success.

6. Women in particular struggle with confidence.

7. They often are less adept at moving forward after setbacks and reading temporary failures as permanent deficiencies.

第四句看到了"YET"表示我們整個文章邏輯要轉向反方了,第一段說明的內容就是要『有』confidence,此時第二段就變成『沒有』的邏輯,再來往下飛快看過之後,就是struggle with confidence,less adept這都跟confidence相反邏輯的東西。在第六句看到in particular就可以知道這是加強文章語氣用的,所以邏輯只是順成上一句,而第七句開頭的代名詞表示他們是如何沒自信,所以這句話的角色只是當作補充,也是不影響文章主軸,所以文章的第四句話看到YET,本段其實就可以跳過別看了。



8. The good news is that confidence can be learned, like any career skill.

9. here are 5 steps that can have you operating from a place of power :

承接上一段沒confidence該怎麼辦,第三段再來提供解決方案,這裡邏輯再度反轉,轉回『有』cofidence不過我覺得第三段再加上一個轉折用的副詞會比較好一點,如however......,因為後面can be learned這表示從『無到有』的過程。以下稍微喵一下,用條列式的方式呈現,所以解決方式有五種,那麼第三段的作用是如何呢?就是回到文章標題的winning strategies,這五個就是那個strategie『s』,所以整個結構大概是,先作定義,所為的這裡的『win』就是在職位往上爬,然後這個爬升過程會需要一個很重要的素質就是『confidence』,那這個信心怎麼來的,就是從以下五個技巧來的,因此我們可以假裝confidence和strategies之間劃箭頭,整體邏輯應該是,五個技巧學到之後→有信心→成功。


10. 1) when in doubt, act. 

11. It's the difference between running and stagnant water.

12. when you are stagnant, doubt and insecurities, breed like mosquitoes.

13. Dala Carnegie wrote taht "inaction breeds doubt and fear" 

14. " Action breeds confidence and courage. "

15. Fear of failure can paralyze us, as we almost always overestimate the consequences.

16. Build your confidence by taking action.

重點就是動起來而已,這一段比較直得探討的技巧是『對比』,這裡巧面的一正一負交叉,這樣讓文章比較有動態,重點是可以騙字數,哈哈,所以整理一下,他們應該就是running water+action+taking action= (-) stagnant water+inaction + paralyze,一縮一進。 不過我們的主邏輯是confidence很棒,所以負面字都推到另一邊,然後保留像是action, courage之類的正面字。


17. 2) Do something outside your confort zone each day.

18. If we don't stretch our confort zones, they shrink. 

19. constantly challenge and improve yourself, and you'll become comfortable doing new things -- and you will establish your identity as someone who takes risks. 



20. 3) cultivate mentors.

21. their advice and connections are invaluable, plus you will make better decisions about oportunities thanks to their objective assessments of the pros and cons.



22. 4) keep self-talk positive.

23. It's hard to feel confident, if someone put you down all the time. 

24. It's impossible if that naysayer is you.

25. Watch how you talk to yourself, and then make a change.



26. 5) Watch your body language.

27. Your posture and overall appearance affect how others perceive and thus respond to you.

28. If you want to be a leaader, you have to dress and act the part.

29. Stand and sit up straight, make eye contact, and remeber to simile.

30. Wear the professional clothing of your industry.



31. Like public speaking or leadership, confidence is a professional skill that can be improved.

32. And with confidece, you will embrace new experiences.

33. start growing your confidence today.

三十一句有個小地方直得注意的,介系詞like引導出來的介詞片語,勢必是要跟後方主要句裡面的東西做『等號』上的連結,所以這『逗點』左右兩邊所表示的比較對象,也就是名詞public speaking, leadership, confidence絕對必須是『同』類型的名詞比較,不然會形成『faulty comparison』。






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