If you own a cell phone, changes are you've already become part of the "Heads down tribe". Indeed, the smartphone provides a whole arsenal of features for us to use and we can use it whatever we go. But the emergence of the smartphone has changed the way we interact each other. Some say we have lost our passion with one another, other's say; "Just go with it! " This is the new way of communication.
Take a group of young people at a dinner, gathering as a example. I guarantee that before tucking into the food, someone will definitely say, " Wait a sec! I need to take a photo." Without a doubt, they'll most likely end up uploading in onto Facebook, check in and then wait for the number of likes. It can't be helped, we humans crave for attention! But when it comes to the extreme, some will use every minute sliding on their phones. There will be zero real time interaction among friends.
As a matter of fact, people nowadays treasure their privacy and the cellphone is the perfect tool to keep private matters private. The cell phone is also an ideal tool for intimate messages between lovers. From snail mail to instant messaging, the speed of communication has increased and our circle of friends has consequently expended, even long lost friends can now stay in contact without losing touch again.
Is it so bad to be so tech savvy? there are no limitations to human interaction. Nevertheless try to occasionally put down your phone and have face-to-face interaction, especially if you are with the elderly. This is after all a common courtesy.
If you own a cell phone, changes are you've already become part of the "Heads down tribe". Indeed, the smartphone provides a whole arsenal of features for us to use and we can use it whatever we go. But the emergence of the smartphone has changed the way we interact each other. Some say we have lost our passion with one another, other's say; "Just go with it! " This is the new way of communication.
很典型的開頭式,現點出題目的文字,並加以轉乘 "Heads down tribe".以利文章下面發展成communication的東西,手機是溝通用的,可是文題卻帶來人與人之間缺乏溝通,很妙吧!真覺得作者很會用對比,轉淚點就是那個BUT,前面說手機很棒,but後風雲變色,轉成他是影響人際關係的兇手,最後一句話用分類,有些人如何如何,另外的人如何如何,這只是在做lost our passion with one another這組字元的補充而已,回去跟BUT之前的句子做對比,看似好像手機已經被作者標記成反派的大魔王了,可是最後再來個緩和,說到這就是新方法,這也一併把作者觀點帶出來囉,作者認為低頭族,只是新的族群聯繫方式,本質上都是在維持人與人之間的溝通,好的這裡作者只講概念,第一句先用手機定義成低頭族,然後做一些對比,最後下論點,這當中都是主觀立場的堆疊,所以往下看,我們可以期待例子的到來。
Take a group of young people at a dinner, gathering as a example. I guarantee that before tucking into the food, someone will definitely say, " Wait a sec! I need to take a photo." Without a doubt, they'll most likely end up uploading in onto Facebook, check in and then wait for the number of likes. It can't be helped, we humans crave for attention! But when it comes to the extreme, some will use every minute sliding on their phones. There will be zero real time interaction among friends.
這段的主題句是用某某當例子,更可以確定本段都是在講這個例子的所有內容,因為主題句是點出該段重點及文眼的句子,由他往下延伸更多的細節,所以本段是上一段的具體呈現,所以以下就不多看了,所有的動作絕對都是在說低頭族的基本配備,基本手勢,所以庵也就跳過不看了,然後這些動作也都呼應上一段說到的lost our passion with one another以及new way。
As a matter of fact, people nowadays treasure their privacy and the cellphone is the perfect tool to keep private matters private. The cell phone is also an ideal tool for intimate messages between lovers. From snail mail to instant messaging, the speed of communication has increased and our circle of friends has consequently expended, even long lost friends can now stay in contact without losing touch again.
邏輯關鍵字『事實上』,哇~也就是上面兩段都是屁話,因為這裡第三段開頭是As a matter of fact, 轉折字眼,而第一段+第二段是一組完整的概念加例子。因此第三段這是個楚河漢界,作者在此立場大翻轉,without losing touch again.又來說手機其實是聯繫彼此間的情感利器,而且感情更加紮實親密。但是由now, nowadays可以看出作者原本大架構上的立場還是不變的,都是new way。
Is it so bad to be so tech savvy? there are no limitations to human interaction. Nevertheless try to occasionally put down your phone and have face-to-face interaction, especially if you are with the elderly. This is after all a common courtesy.
作者自我回答道no limitations,表示他是支持滑手機的,而且認為滑手機是好事,但是藉由nevertheless來緩和氣氛,不把話說死,這裡依舊利用新舊對比,face-to-face,elderly這都是較為traditional的。