The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period of recovery from a recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also atypical. The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. Then an ensuing spate of scandals weakened public trust in the way companies were run. And yet, despite these powerful counterforces to growth, the recession proved surprisingly mild.
The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period of recovery from a recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also (i)_____. The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. Then an ensuing spate of scandals (ii)_____ public trust in the way companies were run. And yet, despite these powerful (iii)_____ to growth, the recession proved surprisingly mild.
Blank(i) | Blank(ii) | Blank(iii) |
(A) heartening | (D) weakened |
(G) counterforces |
(B) atypical | (E) illuminated |
(H) stimulamts |
(C) ambiguous | (F) consolidate |
(I) concomitants |
開頭The slow就表示這句話是不好的,然後後頭的but出現照理說是要轉正,但是also的插花使得(i)_____要跟前面句子的態度一樣保持負面的,最後探究這裡but只是轉折主詞不同而已,即The slow pace of job creation VS. he conditions that conspired to cause the recession 所以往下看的話,沒出現轉折詞所以依舊講慘案,The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. 所以Blank(i)只能填(B) atypical,就是因為also插花,使得but只是去分辨主詞不同的作用而已,而without precedent=atypical
Then an ensuing spate of scandals (ii)_____ public trust in the way companies were run。因為Then出現表示前後句邏輯相同的遞進關係,所以還是"慘",選(D) weakened才能繼續保持慘的狀態
And yet, despite these powerful (iii)_____ to growth, the recession proved surprisingly mild. 最後終於看到轉折了,整句話應該是好轉了,但是但是despite these powerful (iii)_____ to growth,空格出現在despite的介詞片語中,despite的作用就是跟他的主要子句去唱反調,也是一個句內轉折詞,導致空格三也只能繼續慘下去,選(G)counterforces
heartening (adj) 令人振奮
atypical(adj) 非典型的
ambiguous (adj) 模糊的
consolidate (v) 鞏固
illuminated (v) 照亮
counterforce (n) 反作用力
concomitant (adj) 伴隨的,供存的
rampant (adj) 繁盛的