
In its final section, by declaring the resolution is not intended to alter the constitutional authority of either Congress or the President, the resolution asserts that congressional involvement in decisions to use armed force is in accord with the intent and spirit of the Constitution.


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The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1980’s that the agrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the Unite State since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of the internal frontier— that is, the depletion of available new land needed for expansion of the American farming system.


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However, as they gained cohesion, the Bluestockings came to regard themselves as a women’s group and to possess a sense of female solidarity lacking in the salonnieres, who remained isolated from one another by the primacy each held in her own salon. 


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TOEFL【Integrated Writing】TPO52



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Steeped as they were in the English political language, these colonials failed to observe that their experience in America had given the words a significance quite different from that accepted by the English with whom they debated; in fact, they claimed that they had more loyal to the English political tradition than were the English in England. 


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Open acknowledgment of the existence of women’s oppression was too radical for the Unite States in the fifties, and Beauvoir’s conclusion, that change in women’s economic condition, though insufficient by itself, “ remains the basic factor” in improving women’s situation, was particularly unacceptable.


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Even the “radical” critiques of this mainstream research model, such as the critique developed in Divided Society, attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority.


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This was largely due to the enterprise of Watteau’s friends who, soon after his death, organized the printing of engraved reproductions of the great bulk of his work— both his paintings and his drawings— so that Watteau’s total artistic output became and continued to be more accessible than that of any other artist until the twentieth- century advent of art monographs illustrated with photographs.


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As a representative system in which elected officials both determine government policy and are accountable to a broad-based electorate, polyarchy reinforces  diffusion of power away from any single center and toward a variety of individuals, groups, and organizations.


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TOEFL【Integrated Writing】TPO53

Many countries require cigarette smokers to pay particularly high taxes on their purchases of cigarettes; similar taxes are being considered for unhealthy foods. The policy of imposing high taxes on cigarettes and other unhealthy products has a number of social benefits.


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