This was largely due to the enterprise of Watteau’s friends who, soon after his death, organized the printing of engraved reproductions of the great bulk of his work— both his paintings and his drawings— so that Watteau’s total artistic output became and continued to be more accessible than that of any other artist until the twentieth- century advent of art monographs illustrated with photographs.
第一:這句話裡出現來個因果關係,due to,so that,due to 表示前果後因,表因果的介系詞片語,後方只加名詞,so that 是前因後果,後方可以是一個完整子句,所以兩者差異是因果關係相反以及後面搭配的結構不同。
Watteau’s friends who, soon after his death, organized the printing of engraved reproductions of the great bulk of his work,其中soon after his death插入句,用來標定時間點,所以把插入句忽略就可以比較清楚看到Watteau’s friends who organized the printing of engraved reproductions of the great bulk of his work,organized是動詞,前方沒有主詞,視為不完整句,用來當作形容詞修飾前方Watteau’s friends,再用who當作關係代名詞連接前後兩句,並且以who當作organized的主詞用。正所謂關係代名詞,就是連接詞+先行詞。既然關係代名詞有先行詞(名詞)的含義在,所以後方的句子自然而然會少了一個名詞,所以我們才會看到有不完整句的存在
第三:關係代名詞『非』限定用法,his work— both his paintings and his drawings—,等於his work 省略( which are) both his paintings...,但是其實也可以當作同位語看待,就是直接把破折號當逗點用,破折號的出現只是要強調而已,強調他的作品就是繪畫跟素描這方面,但是這句出現就整個句子的邏輯來說是沒有影響的,因此可以視而不見,不需理會。
第四:more accessible than that of any other artist比較法,此時的than當介系詞用,因後方只有名詞的關係,其中的that是代名詞代替=artistic output,藝術著作。這個that往往會被忘記,常常會變成只剩下any other artist,這樣會形成錯誤對比(faulty camparisons) ,這樣會變成W的作品比上其他的藝術家,應該是W的作品比上其他藝術家『的作品』才對,所以那個that很重要,同樣邏輯上than後面的東西可以不用看,than的出現可以趨近表示『相反』含義。
第五: until the twentieth- century advent of art monographs
Until 直接想成before,會比較好操作,因為這個常常被翻譯成直到,但是並沒有翻譯完全,後面其實還有『為止』,因此要把until當成時間分割點,until前面的事情一直做,然後until這個點為分界,後面所描述的事情便出現並且停止做前面描述的事,因此從原本前面描述(A)變成做後面描述(B)。所以他其實就是時間劃分的轉折詞,表示時間前後做的是兩碼子的事情,因此才會等於before.
第六:art monographs illustrated with photographs.
來個關係代名詞限定用法的省略形式結束這一回合,還原:art monographs (which were) illustrated with photographs.
due to the enterprise,
so that Watteau’s total artistic output became and continued to be more accessible,
until the twentieth- century advent of art monographs ,
This was largely due to the enterprise of Watteau’s friends who, soon after his death, organized the printing of engraved reproductions of the great bulk of his work— both his paintings and his drawings— so that Watteau’s total artistic output became and continued to be more accessible than that of any other artist until the twentieth- century advent of art monographs illustrated with photographs.
Accessible (adj.) 可得到的=convenient / handy / available / reachable / attainable / obtainable
Bulk (n) 巨塊=mass
Advent (n.) 出現=emergence
Illustrate (v.) 圖解說明
Illustrious (adj.) 有名的 =prestigious / eminent / preeminent / distinguished / luminous / notable / outstanding