參考資料來自:ETS TOEFL TPO 23-2
Seventeenth - Century Dutch Agriculture
Agriculture and fishing formed the primary sector of the economy in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century. Dutch agriculture was modernized and commercialized new crops and agricultural techniques raised levels of production so that they were in line with market demands, and cheap grain was imported annually from the Baltic region in large quantities. According to estimates, about 120,000 tons of imported grain fed about 600,000 people: that is about a third of the Dutch population. Importing the grain, which would have been expensive and time consuming for the Dutch to have produced themselves, kept the price of grain low and thus stimulated individual demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods.
1. By indicating that production was in line with market demands the author means that Dutch farmers were able to
- Aexceed other European countries in agricultural production
- Bproduce crops mat were similar to those popular in other European countries
- Csupply sufficient quantities of the agricultural products that the Dutch population wanted to buy
- Dsatisfy the demand for high quality agricultural products from the Baltic region
- 修辭目的題(有看到author mention/ purpose):要先找題幹的那句內文在哪,然後修辭目的題的特色是問為何題幹的這些字彙出現在文章中,意味的題幹出現的字是舖梗,所以不要往題幹出現的那段句子找答案, 反白題幹對應原文整句 Dutch agriculture was modernized and commercialized new crops and agricultural techniques raised levels of production so that they were in line with market demands,
and cheap grain was imported annually from the Baltic region in large quantities.(忽略) so that (翻譯為如此...以至於)後面是結果,所以句子當中 so that 前面的主要句子就是答案了,注意這裡邏輯是因果中間並沒有轉折,所以選項無法用邏輯排除,再來看主詞,文中農業升,所以生產大量,對應(C) sufficient quantities
2. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
Importing the grain, which would have been expensive and time consuming for the Dutch to have produced themselves, kept the price of grain low and thus stimulated individual demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods.
- ABuying imported grain led to the Dutch demanding that other foodstuffs and consumer goods be imported.
- BBecause the Dutch were able to import inexpensive grain, they had money available to create a demand for other food products and consumer goods.
- CKeeping the price of grain low was a primary goal of the Dutch at a time when they could not produce enough grain to provide for all their needs.
- DThe demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods forced the Dutch to import grain and other products at a time when maintaining low prices was especially important.
句子改寫題:用意在於把句子的主幹找出來也就是完全不變形的S+V 那開始解析
1.首先眼睛會先被and thus 吸引,沒錯這個副詞子句所引導的句子會有因果關係,這是整個長句子的邏輯,就是表達「因果」,PS. 這裡and 只是要符合文法要求而已,所以意思要取 Thus, 因為 Thus 是副詞,但是兩個完整句中間打逗點必須要有連接詞,不然就只能不加and然後打句點Thus 繼續下一段 ,這情形兩個完整句中間打逗點沒有連接詞的錯誤常常在寫作測驗中出現,會被判定 RUN-ON sentence 是很嚴重的扣分依據,要小心 - 2., which would have been expensive and time consuming for the Dutch to have produced themselves, 這句話只是修飾詞修飾 the grain是怎樣的,跳過不要理他,這裡又出現一個常用文法 A ,which...., is B 這是埋葬句表示不重要但是又必須存在,一般用於修飾名詞,不然就視同位語,所以既然不重要那我幹嘛看例如:常出現在新聞報導裡: the professor says that air is polluted = air, the professor says, is polluted
- 3.喳喳刪掉剩下 Importing the grain kept the price of grain low and thus (Importing the grain) stimulate individual demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods.
- 4.看選項 (C)、(D) 沒因果先掰掰,(A) 出現兩個import 可是題幹主詞只有一個,幹掉,答案(B)
Apart from this, being able to give up labor-intensive grain production freed both the land and the workforce for more productive agricultural divisions. The peasants specialized in livestock husbandry and dairy farming as well as in cultivating industrial crops and fodder crops: flax, madder, and rape were grown, as were tobacco, hops, and turnips. These products were bought mostly by urban businesses. There was also a demand among urban consumers for dairy products such as butter and cheese, which, in the sixteenth century, had become more expensive than grain. The high prices encouraged the peasants to improve their animal husbandry techniques; for example, they began feeding their animals indoors in order to raise the milk yield of their cows.
3. The phrase “Apart from” in the passage is closest in meaning to
- ABesides
- BDespite
- CAs a result of
- DInstead of
4. According to paragraph 2, the increases demands on Dutch agriculture made by urban consumers had which of the following results?
- ASeasonal shortages of the products consumers most wanted
- BIncreased production of high-quality grain products
- CRaised prices charged by peasants to urban consumers
- DDifferent ways of caring for dairy-producing animals
- 細節題,請找名詞,把題幹出現的名詞在原文當中整句讀完,這裡不要找Dutch agriculture 因為整篇文章都在講這個,會無法定位,所以改找increases demands,和urban consumers 對應到文中 There was also a demand among urban consumers for dairy products such as butter and cheese, which, in the sixteenth century, had become more expensive than grain. 文中dairy products 對應(D) 如果還有時間在往下看下一句會有the peasants to improve their animal husbandry techniques更明朗
- 1.這裡有兩個文法陷阱 (C) 講的是抬高價錢不過原文說 had become 已經完成了所以因果不成
- 2.There was also a demand among urban consumers for dairy products such as butter and cheese, which, in the sixteenth century, had become more expensive than grain.反白部分全都是修飾,那真正重點主幹就是有需求而已,然後 which, in the sixteenth century, had become more expensive 修飾前面 butter and cheese 而這個butter and cheese 只是dairy products 的舉例,那幹嘛對舉例反應這麼大,舉例只是補充說明他不會是題幹所說的results
In addition to dairy farming and cultivating industrial crops, a third sector of the Dutch economy reflected the way in which agriculture was being modernized-horticulture. In the sixteenth century, fruit and vegetables were to be found only in gardens belonging to wealthy people. This changed in the early part of the seventeenth century when horticulture became accepted as an agricultural sector. Whole villages began to cultivate fruit and vegetables. The produce was then transported by water to markets in the cities, where the consumption of fruit and vegetables was no longer restricted to the wealthy.
5. The word “consumption” in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Asale
- Bstorage
- Cexportation
- Dutilization
- 單字題:消費就是利用掉,exploit = harness
6. According to paragraph 3, the modernization of agriculture in the Netherlands was evident in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
- AThe production of fruits and vegetables became a commercial venture.
- BThe wealthy stopped growing fruits and vegetables in their gardens and grew flowers instead.
- CHorticultural produce was transported to city markets by water.
- DMany more people were able to afford to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
- 是非題: 是非題,看到有true 或 not ,except直接看選項去找文中找答案,因為這種題目出現時機會出現在文中出現舉例(First, second, on the other hand, last... 等等類似這種多重案例擠在一段的情況),或者是並列句型,如果去找文中對應的句子套入選項答案中,會很零散反而事半功倍,所以各選項先簡單筆記一下即可找到相對應答案
- (A) F & V 變錢 → Dutch economy reflected the way in which agriculture was being modernized-horticulture
- (B) 有錢人 不重F & V→ only in gardens belonging to wealthy people.(並沒有說之後有沒有) 而且flower從哪來
- (C) 水物流→The produce was then transported by water
- (D)可負擔→ fruit and vegetables was no longer restricted to the wealthy.
As the demand for agricultural produce from both consumers and industry increased, agricultural land became more valuable and people tried to work the available land more intensively and to reclaim more land from wetlands and lakes. In order to increase production on existing land, the peasants made more use of crop rotation and, in particular, began to apply animal waste to the soil regularly, rather than leaving the fertilization process up to the grazing livestock. For the first time industrial waste, such as ash from the soap-boilers, was collected in the cities and sold in the country as artificial fertilizer. The increased yield and price of land justified reclaiming and draining even more land.
7. Select the TWO answer choices that, according to paragraph 4, indicate two methods people used to increase the productivity of their land. To receive credit you must select TWO answers
- AThey planted different crops in different sections of the farm each year.
- BThey used improved irrigation methods to increase the yield of crops.
- CThey increased the use of fertilizers to supply more nutrients to plants.
- DThey used new horticultural practices to produce different varieties of plants in the same section of the farm.
- 細節題:
- 1.找定位 increase the productivity→In order to increase production on existing land, the peasants made more use of crop rotation and, in particular, began to apply animal waste to the soil regularly, rather than leaving the fertilization process up to the grazing livestock.
- 2.文中內容去對應答案 crop rotation→farm each year,apply animal waste to the soil→fertilizers,這裡有個定義 crop rotation 是輪耕,維基百科有詳述https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crop_rotation
- 3.滑鼠點(A).(C) 然後再點 next
The Dutch battle against the sea is legendary. Noorderkwartier in Holland, with its numerous lakes and stretches of water, was particularly suitable for land reclamation and one of the biggest projects undertaken there was the draining of the Beemster lake which began in 1608. The richest merchants in Amsterdam contributed money to reclaim a good 7,100 hectares of land. Forty-three windmills powered the drainage pumps so that they were able to lease the reclamation to farmers as early as 1612, with the investors receiving annual leasing payments at an interest rate of 17 percent. Land reclamation continued, and between 1590 and 1665, almost 100,000 hectares were reclaimed from the wetland areas of Holland, Zeeland, and Friesland. However, land reclamation decreased significantly after the middle of the seventeenth century because the price of agricultural products began to fall, making land reclamation far less profitable in the second part of the century.
8. The word “they” in the passage refers to
- Amerchants
- Bhectares
- Cwindmills
- Ddrainage pumps
- 單字題:lease the reclamation to farmers 這裡只有人可以租東西給別人,你叫(B)公頃 租你土地也太屌了
9. According to paragraph 5, which of the following was an important reason why land-reclamation projects in the first half of the seventeenth century proceeded rapidly?
- AWindmills became powerful enough to run drainage pumps efficiently.
- BMerchants invested large amounts of money in reclamation.
- CHigh interest rates discouraged people from buying land already available.
- DReclaimed land was much more suitable for agriculture than the existing land.
- 細節題:
- 1.找定位 in the first half of the seventeenth century→ However, land reclamation decreased significantly after the middle of the seventeenth century because the price of agricultural products began to fall, making land reclamation far less profitable in the second part of the century. 注意待會找答案要取反
- 2.文中內容去對應答案 because the price of agricultural products began to fall, less profitable → 因為錢的關系,只有(B)在講錢
10. The word “legendary” in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Acontinuous
- Bwell documented
- Cfamous
- Dexpensive
- 單字題:會用legendary 講一件事情,表示這件事行很厲害,很出眾,就像是 Shaqtin' A Fool Legend - Kendrick Perkins 他就是打球很『出眾』才被稱為傳奇,JaVale McGee只是MVP
Dutch agriculture was finally affected by the general agricultural crisis in Europe during the last two decades of the seventeenth century. However, what is astonishing about this is not that Dutch agriculture was affected by critical phenomena such as a decrease in sales and production, but the fact that the crisis appeared only relatively late in Dutch agriculture. In Europe as a whole, the exceptional reduction in the population and the related fall in demand for grain since the beginning of the seventeenth century had caused the price of agricultural products to fall. Dutch peasants were able to remain unaffected by this crisis for a long time because they had specialized in dairy farming industrial crops, and horticulture. However, toward the end of the seventeenth century, they too were overtaken by the general agricultural crisis.
11. The word “astonishing” in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Aincredible
- Bunfortunate
- Cpredicted
- Devident
12. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
- AA presentation of a theory and the evidence in favor of it
- BA general statement followed by examples and relevant details
- CA analysis of a problem and its solution
- DA series of statements leading to a conclusion
- 結構題:這題我是直接用排除法因為問整篇文張那等於是我每段的主題句和結論句都要看,時間可能不夠,所以從選項答案回推在回看一下每一段的開頭
- 農業跟錢,引導主題,二段Apart from(舉例的訊號表示前面還有舉例,所以第一段也是舉例), 三段 in addition(舉例的訊號字),四段 什麼東東++(又再舉例),五段不用看了,喵過去一堆數字絕對在舉例,六段沒結論,所以選(B)
- (A) 沒印象有哪個科學家或地球人講話--幹掉
- (B) 好像剛剛細節題考很多
- (C) 看看有沒有解決方案→最後一段還在講農業跟危機,結尾停在DA 也遭暗算了。所以還是沒解決--幹掉
- (D) 最後一段還在講農業跟危機而且開頭還來個however, 表示作者還在沒完沒了的舉例
13. Look at the four squares [●] that indicate where the following sentence could be aㄐdded to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?
Some villages specialized in growing cabbages and carrots; others grew onions, mustard, and coriander; and still others produced fruit and cultivated trees in nurseries.
In addition to dairy farming and cultivating industrial crops, a third sector of the Dutch economy reflected the way in which agriculture was being modernized-horticulture.●(A) In the sixteenth century, fruit and vegetables were to be found only in gardens belonging to wealthy people.●(B) This changed in the early part of the seventeenth century when horticulture became accepted as an agricultural sector. ●(C)Whole villages began to cultivate fruit and vegetables.●(D)The produce was then transported by water to markets in the cities, where the consumption of fruit and vegetables was no longer restricted to the wealthy.
Some villages specialized in growing cabbages and carrots; others grew onions, mustard, and coriander; and still others produced fruit and cultivated trees in nurseries.
句子插入:選(D) whole villages → some villages 集合概念有先講過全部才會講說其中一些,fruit and vegetables → still others produced fruit 用 still 說明前面有講過,然後(D) 空格後面句子 fruit and vegetables
14. Agriculture formed one of the primary sectors of the economy in seventeenth-century Netherlands.
(A) The Baltic region produced large quantities of grain for export to other regions, including the Netherlands.
(B) The richest people grew enough fruits and vegetables to supply the entire country with fresh produce.
(C) An agricultural crisis that began in Europe did not affect Dutch land-reclamation projects.
(D) Specialization in dairy farming, industrial crops, and horticulture allowed the Dutch to be more productive than some other regions in Europe.
(E) Land reclamation and improvement allowed the Dutch to meet demands for their agricultural products.
(F) Because the Dutch had specialized their agricultural output they were less susceptible to the crisis that Europe experienced from the beginning of the century.
- 六選三,一定看引導句 Agriculture formed one of the primary sectors of the economy in seventeenth-century Netherlands.解剖後 荷蘭靠農業賺錢,然後本題離不開5W1H(when,where,who,what,why,how),所以抓完主幹之後再自己試問,假設可以解結你假設的問題他就是答案了1.何時荷蘭靠農業賺錢 2.哪個地方荷蘭靠農業賺錢 3.荷蘭靠什麼農業賺錢 4..為什麼荷蘭靠農業賺錢 5. 如何荷蘭靠農業賺錢
- 請對前面13題留點印象
- 一定有一個正確選項來自最後一段,除非他跟最後一段描述相反
- 刪去法-有時候找出錯的答案,比找出對的答案簡單,因為對的答案會很精確毫無疑問,細節和細節間處理完美,但是錯誤答案可能隱藏至少兩三個錯誤點,所以相較之下比較多線索,找到一個錯誤就可以殺除了,以上相互使用可以很快解題
- (A)主幹不對,問的是荷蘭農業的怎麼賺錢,export to other regions 這是交通部分,而且還說including the Netherlands 這就不對阿,主腳是荷蘭,幹嘛還要補充說明,所以不相干--幹掉
- (B) 我看到 richest 就不想選了,不是因為他最高級,切記這種凡事看到the best,only 這種絕對詞出現就刪掉的解題方式,是有但書的不要隨便用,而我是因為第六題講過大家都在種,所以刪掉。
- (C) 有沒有印象剛剛再做第十二題時,最後一段最後一句話However, toward the end of the seventeenth century, they too were overtaken by the general agricultural crisis. 他們也中招
- 接下來請大膽選(D),(E),(F)