資料參考來源 ETS TOEFL TPO34-3 Protection of Plants by Insects
一段:Many plants – one or more species of at least 68 different families – can secrete nectar even when they have no blossoms, because they bear extrafloral nectaries (structures that produce nectar) on stems, leaves, leaf stems, or other structures. These plants usually occur where ants are abundant, most in the tropics but some in temperate areas. Among those of northeastern North America are various plums, cherries, roses, hawthorns, poplars, and oaks. Like floral nectar, extrafloral nectar consists mainly of water with a high content of dissolved sugars and, in some plants, small amounts of amino acids. The extrafloral nectaries of some plants are known to attract ants and other insects, but the evolutionary history of most plants with these nectaries is unknown. Nevertheless, most ecologists believe that all extrafloral nectaries attract insects that will defend the plant.
1. According to paragraph 1, floral nectar and extrafloral nectar are alike in that
- Athey are likely to be produced by the same plants
- Bthey basically consist of the same chemical components
- Cthey attract only insects that will defend the plant
- Dthey are produced by the same parts of the plant
- 細節題:定位詞找玩對應原文整句讀完,答案就在其中了,定位詞:FN & XFN ,對應原文Like floral nectar, extrafloral nectar consists mainly of water with a high content of dissolved sugars and, in some plants, small amounts of amino acids. ,邏輯詞like(相等) 。文中主幹是 a high content of dissolved sugars and, in some plants, small amounts of amino acids. →選項(B) chemical components
二段:Ants are portably the most frequent and certainly the most persistent defenders of plants. Since the highly active worker ants require a great deal of energy, plants exploit this need by providing extrafloral nectar that supplies ants with abundant energy. To return this favor, ants guard the nectaries, driving away or killing intruding insects that might compete with ants for nectar. Many of these intruders are herbivorous and would eat the leaves of the plants.
2. To say that ants are “persistent” defenders of plants means that
- Athey defend plants against a wide variety of threats
- Bthey continue to defend plants for as long as the plants are threatened
- Cthey are successful defenders of plants
- Dthey are easily observable defenders of plants
- 單字題:取 persistent 原意 堅持,長時間
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the ants that are attracted to the extrafloral nectaries?
- AThey do not eat the leaves of the plants that produce extrafloral nectar.
- BThey live almost entirely on extrafloral nectar.
- CThey spend most of their energy guarding extrafloral nectaries.
- DThey frequently fight among themselves over extrafloral nectar.
- 推理題:題幹的動物名詞是 Ant 後面的修飾詞先放著,找同類名詞,→ insect 出現在文中 To return this favor, ants guard the nectaries, driving away or killing intruding insects that might compete with ants for nectar. 這句出現ant 和 inssect 關係 一個防衛,一個攻擊,所以邏輯相反,再來看intruding insects有什麼內容,所以文中Many of these intruders are herbivorous and would eat the leaves of the plants. 結果回推Ant 不吃草所以選(A)
三段:Biologists once thought that secretion of extrafloral nectar has some purely internal physiological function, and that ants provide no benefit whatsoever to the plants that secrete it. This view and the opposing “protectionist” hypothesis that ants defend plants had been disputed for over a hundred years when, in 1910, a skeptical William Morton Wheeler commented on the controversy. He called for proof of the protectionist view: that visitations of the ants confer protection on the plants and that in the absence of the insects a much greater number would perish or fail to produce flowers or seeds than when the insects are present. That we now have an abundance of the proof that was called for was established when Barbara Bentley reviewed the relevant evidence in 1977, and since then many more observations and experiments have provided still further proof that ants benefit plants.
4. According to paragraph 3, what was the position of the opponents of the “protectionist” hypothesis?
- AExtrafloral nectar provides plants with a direct defense against attack by insects.
- BAnts substantially benefit plants that secrete extrafloral nectar.
- CThe secretion of extrafloral nectar plays a role in the plant’s internal functioning.
- DAnts visit plants that secrete extrafloral nectar as often as they visit plants that do not.
- 細節題:定位詞 反PH,對應原文是This view and the opposing “protectionist” hypothesis that ants defend plants had been disputed,兩個在爭論,表示一正一反,所以 This view 看上一句是什麼就是答案,secretion of extrafloral nectar has some purely internal physiological function選(C),這裡要注意文法 the opposing “protectionist” hypothesis,opposing 是形容詞,翻成這個有敵意的保護假說,所以他不是翻成保護假說的對立面→不保護假說
5. The word “skeptical” in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Acurious
- Bdoubtful
- Copen-minded
- Dpractical
That we now have an abundance of the proof that was called for was established when Barbara Bentley reviewed the relevant evidence in 1977, and since then many more observations and experiments have provided still further proof that ants benefit plants.
6. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
- AWe now have ample proof that ants benefit plants.
- BBarbara Bentley has called for additional proof that ants benefit plants.
- CIn 1977 Barbara Bentley conducted research that proved that all prior studies were wrong.
- DProof that ants benefit plants will require many more observations and experiments.
- 句子改寫題:先抓題幹邏輯詞,in1997後面有個and 所以邏輯是並列,回看選項先刪掉喳喳,發現不行,再來分析主幹,
- 1.That we now have an abundance of the proof that was called for 他是名詞子句當主詞,所以改他一個代號吧多NP,整句簡述:多NP was establish, note:NOW 多P 被建立 ,其中proof 後面 that was called for 是形容詞子句,先不理會
- 2.when 後面的子句先放著,只是要帶出時間點
- 3.看and後面的句子,since then 表時間1977,note:更多EXP. 被證明,所以(A)符合主幹 『很多』,PS. proof 後面的 that ants benefit plants.是名詞子句補充說明什麼證據
四段:One example shows how ants attracted to extrafloral nectaries protect morning glories against attacking insects. The principal insect enemies of the North American morning glory feed mainly on its flowers or fruits rather than its leaves. Grasshoppers feeding on flowers indirectly block pollination and the production of seeds by destroying the corolla or the stigma, which receives the pollen grains and on which the pollen germinates. Without their colorful corolla, flowers do not attract pollinators and are not fertilized. An adult grasshopper can consume a large corolla, about 2.5 inches long, in an hour. Caterpillars and seed beetles affect seed production directly. Caterpillars devour the ovaries, where the seeds are produced, and seed beetle larvae eat seeds as they burrow in developing fruits.
7. According to paragraph 4, what effect does the destruction of the corolla have on plants?
- AIt leaves the seeds exposed and unprotected.
- BIt prevents the stigma from developing.
- CIt keeps pollen grains from attaching properly.
- DIt prevents the flower from attracting pollinators.
- 細節題:定位詞: corolla 帶入原文並整句讀完 Without their colorful corolla, flowers do not attract pollinators and are not fertilized.,without對應題幹 destruction,not attract 對應選項(D) prevents ... from (翻成防止) attracting pollinators
8. The word “devour” in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Aattack
- Beat
- Cdamage
- Dprefer
五段:Extrafloral nectaries at the base of each sepal attract several kinds of insects, but 96 percent of them are ants, several different species of them. When buds are still small, less than a quarter of an inch long, the sepal nectaries are already present and producing nectar. They continue to do so as the flower develops and while the fruit matures. Observations leave little doubt that ants protect morning glory flowers and fruits from the combined enemy force of grasshoppers, caterpillars, and seed beetles. Bentley compares the seed production of six plants that grew where there were no ants with that of seventeen plants that were occupied by ants. Unprotected plants bore only 45 seeds per plant, but plants occupied by ants bore 211 seeds per plant. Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers, they drive them away by nipping at their feet. Seed beetles are more vulnerable because they are much smaller than grasshoppers. The ants prey on the adult beetles, disturb females as they lay their eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay.
9. What role does paragraph 5 play in the passage?
- AIt offers various kinds of evidence for the protectionist view.
- BIt presents the study that first proved that ants benefit plants.
- CIt explains how insects find sources of nectar.
- DIt presents information that partly contradicts the protectionist view.
- 結構題:
- 1.本題建議先跳過等到其他第五段的題目都做完再回來看,我在模擬練習就是先跳過再回來補,就覺得好理解多了,所以第十一題說BB這個人比較的結果是45 seeds per plant, but 211 seeds per plant(數據)就是證據,然後第十二題問了好多種保護作用,所以答案就是(A)
- 2.如果硬要解的話,主題句:螞蟻最愛EN, 然後看每一句的主詞和動詞就好,其他喵過去,不要耗太多時間 Extrafloral nectaries 吸引動物 (96 percent of them are ants) 提供由來螞蟻怎麼來、Observations leave little doubt(support) 說明螞蟻怎麼保護、Bentley compares 實驗、45 seeds per plant, but 211 seeds per plant(實驗數據)就是證據,they drive them away by nipping at their feet. The ants prey on the adult beetles,這些行為都是證據之一
10. The word “vulnerable” in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Anumerous
- Bharmful
- Copen to attack
- Ddifficult to locate
11. According to paragraph 5, what did Bentley’s comparative study show?
- AMany more plants grew in places where ants were present than where they were absent.
- BThe ants preferred plants with low seed production to plants with high seed production.
- CThe plants occupied by ants produced many more seeds than those that were not occupied by ants.
- DThe plants that grew in places without ants were much smaller and weaker than those that grew in places where ants were present.
- 細節題:定位B ,所以原文 Bentley compares the seed production of six plants that grew where there were no ants with that of seventeen plants that were occupied by ants.這句攏長的句子只想表達題幹的 study 因為剛剛定位詞的那句中的主幹是 種子生產 和 ANT有無 的關系也是可以直接秒選的,如果不放心的話往下看 Unprotected plants bore only 45 seeds per plant, but plants occupied by ants bore 211 seeds per plant.整句完全對應(C)
12. According to paragraph 5, ants defend morning glory plants from seed beetles in each of the following ways EXCEPT
- Adriving adult beetles off the plants by nipping at their feet
- Bcatching and eating adult beetles
- Ceating beetle eggs they find on developing fruits
- Dmaking it difficult for beetles to lay eggs on developing fruits
- 是非題:
- (A) Beetle ,nipping at their feet →Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers, they drive them away by nipping at their feet. 動物不對
- (B) 抓Beetle → The ants prey on the adult beetles
- (C) 吃蛋 → disturb females as they lay their eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay.
- (D) Beetle難下蛋→ disturb females as they lay their eggs
- 筆記縮寫盡量化簡,我只是覺得這題化簡有點不雅,所以盡量寫清楚
13. Look at the four squares [●] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
Sometimes they capture the insects to feed their protein-hungry larvae.
Ants are portably the most frequent and certainly the most persistent defenders of plants. ●(A)Since the highly active worker ants require a great deal of energy, plants exploit this need by providing extrafloral nectar that supplies ants with abundant energy.●(B)To return this favor, ants guard the nectaries, driving away or killing intruding insects that might compete with ants for nectar. ●(C)Many of these intruders are herbivorous and would eat the leaves of the plants. ●(D)
句子插入題:題幹they 是誰,先者出來。後面又有『THE』insects 表示 insects表示前面有提過,所以開始找,(A)、(B)、(D) 刪除因為前面沒看到 insect ,剩下(C) killing intruding insects →『THE』insects, they→ant 答案選(C)
PS.『THE』他是指定冠詞,表示限定之前說過的那個東西,或是你想專門和同類做區隔,這部分的文法常常被忽略,常常直接名詞前面用,如the apple,可是前面根本沒提到apple 或是沒有用形容詞把他限定起來,這樣會造成文法誤用而文意不合,換句話說,如果要用 THE那要把這個 THE 是在講哪裡給指定出來,舉例說 I eat a apple,and the apple spoiled. 這個the用意在形容我吃的蘋果。或是 The apple that I eat( that is eatten by me) spioled. 此時that I eat 關西代名詞的限定用法當形容詞用,修飾前面apple,又或是 The apple of mine,of mine 當形容詞,所以文章中『THE』不會平白無故出現
14. Many plants have extrafloral nectaries that produce nectar even during periods in which the plant is not flowering.
(A) Evolutionary history shows that plants that produce extrafloral nectar originated in the tropics.
(B) Extrafloral nectar has a higher concentration of sugar than floral nectar and is more attractive to ants and other insects.
(C) The protectionist hypothesis is that extrafloral nextar attracts ants, and that the ants, in order to preserve this energy-rich food source, attack insects that might harm the plant.
(D) Evidence accumulated during the twentieth century proved that ants provide significant benefits for plants with extrafloral nectaries.
(E) Research has shown that American morning glory plants that are protected by ants produce significantly more seeds than morning glory plants that are not protected by ants.
(F) Ants generally ignore small insects, but they will eat the adults of large insect species as well as their eggs and larvae
1.六選三,一定看引導句 . Many plants have extrafloral nectaries that produce nectar even during periods in which the plant is not flowering. 簡單筆記一下:多pnt 有外FN,心裡預想是他跟保護之間有什麼關係,因為標題是 Protection of Plants by Insects,所以一定繞著主題跑,不然文章會配評為digrassion
- (A)主幹不符,標題都講植物保護跟昆蟲關係,那幹嘛討論外花蜜從熱帶區域來,雞同鴨講,而有時間再去看第一段,不只熱帶,but some in temperate areas.
- (B)對應第一題 兩者相當,而且也是雞同鴨講,植物保護跟昆蟲關係幹嘛要討論分泌麼
- (C)attack insects that might harm the plant.→保護作用,符合預想,且對應第三題
- (D)對應第六題,且ants provide significant benefits for plants→保護作用
- (E) 保護作用的例子,符合預想,且對應十一題
- (F) 對應第十二題,選項(F) Ants generally ignore small insects有問題,因為對應原文Seed beetles are more vulnerable because they are much smaller than grasshoppers.這樣就變成很愛去搞小昆蟲囉。然後文中五段最後一句The ants prey on the adult beetles, disturb females as they lay their eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay.和選項(F)large insect 不太搭,Beetle 不是算小昆蟲嗎,總之我前面五個已經選出答案了就別在糾結(F)了