1.題幹出現 indicate / infer / imply / suggest / ... 舉凡翻譯有提示暗示含意的我都歸納為推理,因為暗示表示要自己去找,好了當敵人確定為推理題時,如何一槍斃命
2.找到題幹上的關鍵字,但不是要去回查原文,因為這樣不就變成細節提出理方式了,所以要去針對題幹給的名詞或者訊息分析它是哪一類名詞,然後去找原文中相似或相反的同屬性名詞(如:animals & plant,或者待會會處理到的 photography & painting ),找到明顯的對比性名詞或是對應性名詞後,說穿了推理題就是一個看有沒有辦法短時間找到對應的名詞而進行分析的題型
3.找文中不是題幹出現的那個名詞整句讀完,他會有延伸內容,也就是說animals(對應主幹), 吃東西,會動....(內容細節)
4.最重要的事情是找邏輯關係詞,正面支持或是反面打槍,如 like / similar 正面支持,however / although / but 轉折反面打槍
4.在針對你之前找到的語氣調整的副詞或連結詞如:however表轉折,意思是你在處理第三步時所得到的訊息筆記下來後,取反就是該題答案了,vice versa ,正向邏輯(like之類的)第三步得到的訊息取正
參考資料:ETS TOEFL TPO 22-2
The Birth of Photography
一段:Perceptions of the visible world were greatly altered by the invention of photography in the middle of the nineteenth century. In particular, and quite logically, the art of painting was forever changed, though not always in the ways one might have expected. The realistic and naturalistic painters of the mid- and late-nineteenth century were all intently aware of photography—as a thing to use, to learn from, and react to.
二段:Unlike most major inventions, photography had been long and impatiently awaited. The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper, were already familiar—the device had been much employed by topographical artists like the Italian painter Canaletto in his detailed views of the city of Venice. What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre (1787-1851), who perfected a way of fixing them on a silvered copper plate. His discovery, the "daguerreotype," was announced in 1839.
1. What can be inferred from paragraphs 1 and 2 about the effect of photography on nineteenth-century painting?
- APhotography did not significantly change the way people looked at reality.
- BMost painters used the images of the camera obscura in preference to those of the daguerreotype.
- CPainters who were concerned with realistic or naturalistic representation were particularly influenced by photography.
- DArtists used the long-awaited invention of photography in just the ways they had expected to.
- 推理題:
- 1.Perceptions of the visible & the art of painting 之間的關係兩個都改變了,邏輯詞:In particular 相同邏輯的強調舉例,所以邏輯相同往後看細節,aware of photography→ influenced by photography.
- (D)是陷阱前面long-awaited invention 已經在講另外一件事情了,the ways they had expected to.是第一段補充 the art of painting was forever changed,這是典型的拚裝車考題,A主詞去做B主詞做的事情,B主詞去做C主詞要做的事
- PS.其實這題感覺用細節題的做法就好了
三段:A second and very different process was patented by the British inventor William Henry Talbot (1800-1877) in 1841. Talbot's "calotype" was the first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph. The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image. This "negative," as Talbot called it, could then be used to print multiple positive images on another piece of treated paper.
2. According to paragraphs 2 and 3 which of the following did the daguerreotype and the calotype have in common?
- AThey were equally useful for artists.
- BThey could be reproduced.
- CThey produced a permanent image
- DThey were produced on treated paper.
細節題:定位詞 D & C → What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre 再來是第三段開頭 A second and very different process點出 Daguerre是第一個文章要講的例子,所以都在講讓影像永久化的製程,(C)
四段:The two processes produced very different results. The daguerreotype was a unique image that reproduced what was in front of the camera lens in minute, unselective detail and could not be duplicated. The calotype could be made in series, and was thus the equivalent of an etching or an engraving.Its general effectwas soft edged and tonal.
3. The word "duplicated" in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Acopied
- Breplaced
- Chandled
- Dclarified
4. The phrase "Its general effect" in the passage refers to
- Athe camera lens
- Bthe calotype
- Cthe etching
- Dthe engraving
- 指代題:it 指前面的名詞從最近的開始帶入,所以可能是 engraving / etching / equivalent / series / calotype,然後反白的effect 和你找到之間的單字最合理的就選(B)
- ,不推薦用技巧,認識單字越多越好,認識的語意就會越深,自然而然就會掌握文意了
五段:One of the things that most impressed the original audience for photography was the idea of authenticity. Nature now seemed able to speak for itself, with a minimum of interference. The title Talbot chose for his book, The Pencil of Nature (the first part of which was published in 1844), reflected this feeling. Artists were fascinated by photography because it offered a way of examining the world in much greater detail. They were also afraid of it, because it seemed likely to make their own efforts unnecessary.
5. The word "authenticity" in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Aimprovement
- Bpracticality
- Cgenuineness
- Drepetition
六段:Photography did indeed make certain kinds of painting obsolete—the daguerreotype virtually did away with the portrait miniature. It also made the whole business of making and owning images democratic. Portraiture, once a luxury for the privileged few, was suddenly well within the reach of many more people.
6. What point does the author make in paragraph 6?
- APaintings became less expensive because of competition with photography.
- BPhotography, unlike painting, was a type of portraiture that even ordinary people could afford.
- CEvery style of painting was influenced by the invention of photography.
- DThe daguerreotype was more popular than the calotype.
- 修辭目的:看到author就是修辭目的題的標誌,這題問整段所以要看主題句+結論句,所以主題句:Photography did indeed make certain kinds of painting obsolete照片讓自畫像過時,讓 portrait miniature看不到車尾燈,結論句:Portraiture reach of many more people. 每個人都有,所以總結一夏 P 很厲害,結論補充大家都能買
七段:In the long term, photography's impact on the visual arts was far from simple. Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply, it was soon treated as the poor relation of fine art, rather than its destined successor. Even those artists who were most dependent on photography became"reluctant to admit that they made use of it, in case this compromised their professional standing.
7. The word "reluctant" in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Aunable
- Bembarrassed
- Cunlikely
- Dunwilling
8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply, it was soon treated as the poor relation of fine art, rather than its destined successor.
- APhotography did not replace other fine arts because people felt the image looked cheap in relation to the other arts.
- BPhotography was not considered a true art because people could use it to create many images cheaply.
- CPhotography was so cheap and readily available that it could be purchased by people who were too poor to purchase fine art.
- DPhotography not only spread quickly but also was a cheap art form and so became true successor of fine arts rather than its poor relation.
- 句子改寫:不用緊張,先抓題幹邏輯,第一字就出現大魚了 becasue 整句一個因果,rather than 先放著因為她是跟前面的小名詞做對比補充不算主要句,看選項誰可以殺掉,只有(D)掰掰,再來看主幹, 因為 M多,所以視為爛藝術。就剩(B)了,其他我選不下去
- 1.這裡其實有文法可以討論 in the sence that = meaning that 意味著 用meaning 的原因是因為逗點前面是完整句了,你這裡如果用原型動詞去連句子會形成 RUN-ON sentence 所謂一個句子兩個動詞,一個句子兩個主詞,而沒有用連接詞座連接,在英文裡逗點沒有句點這麼厲害,有辦法分成楚河漢界,假設硬要改的話就 Because the medium was so prolific, which means that (省略之後→ meaning that )it was possible .......
- 2.然後, in the sense that it was possible to produce a multitude of images very cheaply,這是埋葬句補充說明前面的 the medium,基本上不用看,因為做說明表示修飾主詞,而句子改寫最關鍵就是找到主詞,找到主詞之後再去對選項,發現選項無法對應到再去看這修飾詞說什麼鬼。
八段:The rapid technical development of photography—the introduction of lighter and simpler equipment, and of new emulsions that coated photographic plates, film, and paper and enabled images to be made at much faster speeds—had some unanticipated" consequences. Scientific experiments made by photographers such as Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) and Etienne-Jules Marey (1830-1904) demonstrated that the movements of both humans and animals differed widely from the way they had been traditionally represented in art. Artists, often reluctantly, were forced to accept the evidence provided by the camera. The new candid photography—unposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken—confirmed these scientific results, and at the same time, thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images that the camera often imposed, suggested new compositional formats. The"accidental effects obtained by candid photographers were soon being copied by artists such as the French painter Degas.
9. The word "unanticipated" in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Aindirect
- Bnot expected
- Cunquestionable
- Dbeneficial
10. The word "accidental" in the passage is closest in meaning to
- Asurprising
- Bunintentional
- Crealistic
- Dunusual
11. Which of the following is mentioned in paragraph 8 as a benefit that artists derived from photography?
- AIt inspired artists to use technological themes in their painting.
- BIt lent prestige to those artists who used photographs as models for paintings
- CIt provided artists with new types of equipment to speed up the painting process.
- DIt motivated artists to think about new ways to compose images in their paintings
- 細節題:題幹benefit that→thanks to,整句讀完發現suggested new compositional formats.→選項(D) compose images,20秒秒殺
12. It can be inferred from paragraph 8 that one effect that photography had on painting was that it
- Aprovided painters with new insights into how humans and animals actually move
- Bshowed that representing movement could be as interesting as portrait art
- Cincreased the appeal of painted portraiture among the wealthy
- Dinfluenced artists to improve techniques for painting faster
- 推理題:找使用前跟使用後的特徵 題目問effec表示使用後,所以時間前後本來就對比了,不用再刻意找邏輯詞了,the movements of both humans and animals differed widely from the way they had been traditionally represented in art.所以之後事the movements of both humans and animals 一樣的→actually move (A)
13. Look at the four squares HI that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [●] to add the sentence to the passage.
Although his process produced permanent images, each was unique and no reproduction of the picture was possible.
What was lacking was a way of giving such images permanent form. This was finally achieved by Louis Daguerre (1787-1851), who perfected a way of fixing them on a silvered copper plate. His discovery, the "daguerreotype," was announced in 1839.●(A)
A second and very different process was patented by the British inventor William Henry Talbot (1800-1877) in 1841. ●(B)Talbot's "calotype" was the first negative-to-positive process and the direct ancestor of the modern photograph. The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image.●(C) This "negative," as Talbot called it, could then be used to print multiple positive images on another piece of treated paper.●(D)
The two processes produced very different results.
句子改寫:恆跨三段,超麻煩。Although 表示前後相反,NOTE:雖然永久畫,但是特別且不可複製,此題直接選(A)了因為永久畫只有上一段有講到,先說缺法,再說有人解決,然後插入句本體剛好是解釋他的細節
14. The invention of photography had a significant impact on the art of painting in the nineteenth century.
(A) For a brief time, artists preferred not to paint natural or realistic images that would have to compete with photographs.
(B) The photographic processes of Louis Daguerre and William Henry Talbot both made permanent images, but only Talbot's process allowed making multiple copies.
(C) Photography made accurate images widely and inexpensively available, but this popular success also had the effect of lowering its perceived value in relation to the fine arts.
(D) Before photography, Canaletto had used the camera obscura to project scenes onto a paper or glass plate.
(E) The work of Eadweard Muybridge and Etienne-Jules Marey established photography both as a science and as an art.
(F) Photography eliminated the painted portrait miniature, led artists to accurately represent movement, and affected pictorial composition, but did not replace traditional visual arts.
文章小節:先看題幹NOTE: 照片衝擊畫
- 六選三,一定看引導句 ,然後本題離不開5W1H(when,where,who,what,why,how),所以抓完主幹之後再自己試問,假設可以解結你假設的問題他就是答案了
- 請對前面13題留點印象
- 一定有一個正確選項來自最後一段,除非他跟最後一段描述相反
- 刪去法-有時候找出錯的答案,比找出對的答案簡單,因為對的答案會很精確毫無疑問,細節和細節間處理完美,但是錯誤答案可能隱藏至少兩三個錯誤點,所以相較之下比較多線索,找到一個錯誤就可以殺除了,以上相互使用可以很快解題
- (A)Art喜歡..... ,這個主詞不對,照片的衝擊跟藝術家喜歡畫什麼鬼是兩馬的事,對應 第一題,第六題 是影響不是競爭
- (B)完全正確對應第二題,第三題,且符合預想PH 是永久畫面,以前不是,改變就是衝擊
- (C) 對應第六題,第七題,利用製程技術衝擊畫符合預想
- (D) 跟第二段開頭的是兩回事,Canaletto 有弄出相片,但不是永久的,和選項(D)講的不合,而且題幹說照片衝擊畫,那幹嘛講以前的事情,這類背景知識只是幫助你了解不會成為大綱
- (E) 對應第十一題,建立畫作不是照片
- (F) 最後一段 而且都已經選出三個錯的了 (F)一定對,對應十一,十二題