One of the questions of interest in the study of the evolution of spiders is whether the weaving of orb webs evolved only once or several times. About half the 35,000 known kinds of spiders make webs; a third of the web weavers make orb webs. Since most orb weavers belong either to the Araneidae or the Uloboridae families, the origin of the orb web can be determined only by ascertaining whether the families are related.
Recent taxonomic analysis of individuals from both families indicates that the families evolved from different ancestors, thereby contradicting Wiehle’s theory. This theory postulates that the families must be related, based on the assumption that complex behavior, such as web building, could evolve only once. According to Kullman, web structure is the only characteristic that suggests a relationship between families. The families differ in appearance, structure of body hair, and arrangement of eyes. Only Uloborids lack venom glands. Further identification and study of characteristic features will undoubtedly answer the question of the evolution of the orb web.
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) settle the question of whether orb webs evolved once or more than once
(B) describe scientific speculation concerning an issue related to the evolution of orb webs
(C) analyze the differences between the characteristic features of spiders in the Araneidae and Uloboridae families
(D) question the methods used by earlier investigators of the habits of spiders
(E) demonstrate that Araneidae spiders are not related to Uloboridae spiders
2. It can be inferred from the passage that all orb-weaving spiders belong to types of spiders that
(A) lack venom glands
(B) are included either in the Uloboridae or Araneidae families
(C) share few characteristic features with other spider types
(D) comprise less than a third of all known types of spiders
(E) are more recently evolved than other types of spiders
3. According to the passage, members of the Araneidae family can be distinguished from members of the Uloboridae family by all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) the presence of venom glands
(B) the type of web they spin
(C) the structure of their body hair
(D) the arrangement of their eyes
(E) their appearance
4. Which of the following statements, if true, most weakens Wiehle’s theory that complex behavior could evolve only once?
(A) Horses, introduced to the New World by the Spaniards, thrived under diverse climatic conditions.
(B) Plants of the Palmaceae family, descendants of a common ancestor, evolved unique seed forms even though the plants occupy similar habitats throughout the world.
(C) All mammals are descended from a small, rodentlike animal whose physical characteristics in some form are found in all its descendants.
(D) Plants in the Cactaceae and Euphorbiaceae families, although they often look alike and have developed similar mechanisms to meet the rigors of the desert, evolved independently.
(E) The Cuban anole, which was recently introduced in the Florida wilds, is quickly replacing the native Florida chameleon because the anole has no competitors.
ㄅ :One of the questions of interest in the study of the evolution of spiders is whether the weaving of orb webs evolved only once or several times.
ㄆ :Since most orb weavers belong either to the Araneidae or the Uloboridae families, the origin of the orb web can be determined only by ascertaining whether the families are related.
ㄇ :Recent taxonomic analysis of individuals from both families indicates that the families evolved from different ancestors, thereby contradicting Wiehle’s theory.
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) settle the question of whether orb webs evolved once or more than once
(B) describe scientific speculation concerning an issue related to the evolution of orb webs
(C) analyze the differences between the characteristic features of spiders in the Araneidae and Uloboridae families
(D) question the methods used by earlier investigators of the habits of spiders
(E) demonstrate that Araneidae spiders are not related to Uloboridae spiders
問主要,所以一定會藏在主題句上,因此往第一句找,再來注意到整篇文章是否有轉折,而那個轉著的用意是啥,由結構圖看,我可以知道這個轉折是細節裡面的兩東西對比,他不是主要內容,所以這文章基本上並沒有打槍要探討的whether the weaving of orb webs evolved only once or several times這件事,再加上開頭的question這個字表示不知道,所以等等答案一定會有那種含糊不清的動詞出現,像是猜啊,推啊,臆測啊,可能啊等等。
(A) settle the question of whether orb webs evolved once or more than once
太可惜了,有疑問的question,又有主幹evolved once or more than once,可是動詞露餡,settle表示已經確定了,但是我的細節裡面出現兩個論點打架現象(contradicting....),所以還沒下定論,問題依舊,備註一下:這裡的錯誤點絕不是因為orb webs前面沒有weaving而錯誤的。
(B) describe scientific speculation concerning an issue related to the evolution of orb webs
(C) analyze the differences between the characteristic features of spiders in the Araneidae and Uloboridae families
A&U我是沒在主題句看到拉,他是細節當中的舉例,主題句已經很明顯給了一個進化一次VS.進化多次的開頭,那這兩個動物一定是一個只進化一次,一個進化多次,所以還是要有evo字眼出現,我們才能做A&U舉例,邏輯上是接某概念(evolution)後面出現的東西,絕不是primary。再講簡單一點,電腦找檔案怎麼找,一定是先打開C:槽→ 我的電腦→ 文件夾→ 某資料夾→ 你要的檔案,你要找到檔案你的最最開始的第一個動作一定是打開C:槽啊,不打開它後面根本沒得玩,所以primary purpose就是問第一層
(D) question the methods used by earlier investigators of the habits of spiders。沒有方法
(E) demonstrate that Araneidae spiders are not related to Uloboridae spiders,對這內容對,但是順序問題,evo先來的啊兄弟。
2. It can be inferred from the passage that all orb-weaving spiders belong to types of spiders that
(A) lack venom glands
(B) are included either in the Uloboridae or Araneidae families
(C) share few characteristic features with other spider types
(D) comprise less than a third of all known types of spiders
(E) are more recently evolved than other types of spiders
About half the 35,000 known kinds of spiders make webs; a third of the web weavers make orb webs.
我們看到的東西在分號後方,這裡暗示了我們前後兩句的邏輯同向,用來當補充解釋,所以第一句來看看他說有一半的蜘蛛會補網,然後其中三分之一是補『圓』網,我們逆推,所以對於所有的補圓網蜘蛛來說他們都會補網。然後再推回去跟所有蜘蛛相比,1/6 蜘蛛=補圓網蜘蛛,他怎麼不是考在Quantum部分啊,所以選(D)
3. According to the passage, members of the Araneidae family can be distinguished from members of the Uloboridae family by all of the following EXCEPT:
(A) the presence of venom glands
(B) the type of web they spin
(C) the structure of their body hair
(D) the arrangement of their eyes
(E) their appearance
The families differ in appearance, structure of body hair, and arrangement of eyes. Only Uloborids lack venom glands. 對一對答案就出來了,後面那一句only....之所以會被納入,因為他是強調句only帶頭,那強調句的作用是啥,就是對他上一句話做補充啊,選(B)
4. Which of the following statements, if true, most weakens Wiehle’s theory that complex behavior could evolve only once?
(A) Horses, introduced to the New World by the Spaniards, thrived under diverse climatic conditions.
(B) Plants of the Palmaceae family, descendants of a common ancestor, evolved unique seed forms even though the plants occupy similar habitats throughout the world.
(C) All mammals are descended from a small, rodentlike animal whose physical characteristics in some form are found in all its descendants.
(D) Plants in the Cactaceae and Euphorbiaceae families, although they often look alike and have developed similar mechanisms to meet the rigors of the desert, evolved independently.
(E) The Cuban anole, which was recently introduced in the Florida wilds, is quickly replacing the native Florida chameleon because the anole has no competitors.
Recent taxonomic analysis of individuals from both families indicates that the families evolved from different ancestors, thereby contradicting Wiehle’s theory. This theory postulates that the families must be related, based on the assumption that complex behavior, such as web building, could evolve only once.
還好就兩句話,再來轉乘logic book style
Premise1 : Recent taxonomic analysis of individuals from both families indicates that the families evolved from different ancestors, thereby contradicting Wiehle’s theory.
Premise2 : based on the assumption that complex behavior, such as web building, could evolve only once.
conclusion : This theory postulates that the families must be related
別懷疑,基於就是因為的意思,直接放在前提。再來對他們做適度的刪減,把一些irrelevant twaddle刪掉
Premise1 : the families evolved from different ancestors, contradicting Wiehle’s theory.
Premise2 : based on the assumption that complex behavior could evolve only once.
conclusion : Wiehle’s theory postulates that the families must be related
好的接下來處理weaken弱化,所謂弱化就是使得整個argument看起來怪怪的,怎麼的怪法呢,就是讓他可能變成錯誤的敘述,讓整個argument from valid to invalid,因此argument =premises + conclusion,只要選項能夠使得前提或是結論其中一個有問題,那任務就成功了,那我就不廢話了,看到(D)
(D) Plants in the Cactaceae and Euphorbiaceae families, although they often look alike and have developed similar mechanisms to meet the rigors of the desert, evolved independently.
跟結論的families must be related有衝突啊,選(D)