Islamic law is a particularly instructive example of "sacred law." Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law — notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactment are concerned — that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena. Even the two other representatives of sacred law that are historically and geographically nearest to it, Jewish law and Roman Catholic canon law, are perceptibly different.
Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law. Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora ( the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel ) , the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora. Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it; Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories. All this was unified by being subjected to the same kind of religious scrutiny, the impact of which varied greatly, being almost nonexistent in some fields, and in others originating novel institutions. This central duality of legal subject matter and religious norm is additional to the variety of legal, ethical, and ritual rules that is typical of sacred law.
In its relation to the secular state, Islamic law differed from both Jewish and canon law. Jewish law was buttressed by the cohesion of the community, reinforced by pressure from outside; its rules are the direct expression of this feeling of cohesion, tending toward the accommodation of dissent. Canon and Islamic law, on the contrary, were dominated by the dualism of religion and state, where the state was not, in contrast with Judaism, an alien power but the political expression of the same religion. But the conflict between state and religion took different forms; in Christianity it appeared as the struggle for political power on the part of a tightly organized ecclesiastical hierarchy, and canon law was one of its political weapons. Islamic law, on the other hand, was never supported by an organized institution; consequently, there never developed an overt trial of strength. There merely existed discordance between application of the sacred law and many of the regulations framed by Islamic states; this antagonism varied according to place and time.
ㄅ句:Islamic law is a particularly instructive example of “sacred law.”
算是個暖身句,不算難懂,抓主幹,就是關鍵性的名詞,論文很好玩,要讓文章很有內容的話,很多作者都會把很多東西『名詞化,nominalization』就這個邏輯上,東西轉化成名詞之後才能有利做定義及延伸,所以主幹絕對是以名詞為主,本句主幹即是黃色部分,我們立即做筆記就是:『 ISM= SL 』,然後這個開頭也扮演了指南針的角色,開頭的主題句扮演著文章等等的發展方向的定位,換言之就是我今天要寫這篇文章主要是因為.....,所以這篇文章討論『 ISM= SL 』的主題確定之後,方向找到,接下來的關係就是要看怎麼走了,看是往南還是往北,看是要走路流浪到淡水,還是花民眾的捐款坐飛機到花蓮,開車到墾丁吃剝皮滷味,這個vehicle,就是我接下來要關心的(不好意思,因為是分析英文考試文章的關係出現晶晶體敬請原諒),對文章來說文章的陳述方式就是這個載具,因此必須注意到這裡討論所運用的文體,到底是對立辯論,還是因果關係,等等。這些都還只是準備動作,才看完這一段第一句而已,而且連結果(目的地)都不知道,所以還是要回頭先來找我的終點,之後再來看看是用哪種交通工具到達的。
ㄆ: Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law—notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactments are concerned—that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena.
Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law(介系詞帶領的片語,屬於修飾用,有影響到語意我們在看)—notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactments are concerned—(差入句)that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena.
所以這句話的主幹就是Islamic law is a phenomenon,他從剛剛第上句話的對他定義他是聖法,轉換成討論現象了,然後現象後面說很不同,這裡面還出現個因果邏輯關係詞so...that(前因後果),因此我先再這裡打住做筆記:『IS=Phe, diff』,然後再往後看結果,他說了要對他做研究,哈哈媽的這我覺得根本不用看,對IS研究不可或缺,阿這不就是廢話嗎,都已經寫這麼長的文章,你如果跟我說IS不重要,那你寫心酸的啊,所以托福寫作不要寫這樣,不要寫說:『對於題目的這件事大家都很有興趣已經被廣泛討論了,而我也不例外,接下來我要對這個題目做出解釋』,幹你這模板不就是廢話嗎,浪費你的字數,還會惹怒評分老師(ETS那些老賊),好的拉回來,後面又來個因果邏輯詞in order to...這後面接原因,所以就是幫助說明研究不可或缺的原因是, full range of possible legal phenomena.喔喔~他想要全盤了解啊,好拉,後面算是還有點小貢獻,這樣你會得到結論就是,雖然這個也是接近廢話,但是他的 full range of possible legal phenomena卻是帶出伏筆喔,等等可以期待的文章發展就是,我的ISM是聖法當中的一隻,而且非常特別就是跟其他的聖法『不一樣』,以下會針對『幾項領域』去說明,所以這邊兩句話,整個主角,目的,及方向已經有底了,就是因為那個full range,所以等等我想文章會以針對某些領域來去跟別的聖法『比較』,去證明他的『不一樣』,接下來往下看,看他們怎麼比。
ㄇ:Even the two other representatives of sacred law that are historically and geographically nearest to it, Jewish law and Roman Catholic canon law , are perceptibly different.
來到了第一段的最後一句了,由even開頭老司機都知道這是強調句型,也就是說呼應上一句話的宗旨,對他做加強,上一句宗旨是『不一樣』,往下看,that are historically and geographically nearest to it這是關係代名詞的限定用法去修飾representatives,而這關係代名詞為何修飾representatives呢,因為後面的are表示複數,你不能去修飾單數的sacred law,不過主要一切要看語意,你說修飾of sacred law也說不過去,因為of sacred law這已經變成介系詞片語了,介系詞片語(prep+N)已經當形容詞修飾representatives了,所以這個已經轉成形容詞去修飾representatives,然而我們知道關係代名詞是修飾名詞用的,所以囉,文法上說不通,但是總歸一句話,如果在考試請忽略這個關係代名詞的存在,修飾者非主軸。然後這個representatives=Jewish law and Roman Catholic canon law ,就是就歷史跟地理的指標角度來看跟Islamic law很不一樣,nearest to it中『it』代名詞代替Islamic law,回到剛剛的強調語氣even是強調JL跟RC彼此也很不同,哇拷這裡面又抓出另外兩個主角來了,這讓我心裏OS的問號越來越多了,概括整個第一段,我的結論就是聖法彼此都有不同之處,然後文章將針對三個聖法,ISM,JL,RC三者間都不同來討論,聖法有三,ISM,JL,RC,他們都『不太一樣』,在更簡單講一句話,就是嘿嘿~~見鬼拉~~聖法不一樣喔,不信我證明給你看。這一大串只講了一個重點就是 Islamic law is different,這完全是在騙稿費的,寫一大串來混淆視聽
ㄈ:Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law.
ㄉ:Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora.
首先那個括號裡面的東西就忽略吧,只是補充Diaspora用的,這句話來個讓步的句內轉折,看到前面可以猜出後面再幹嗎,抓住 break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora 這就說明前面讓步句是在交代兩個時期的JL有不同,本以為文章整個是在討論聖法三雄的不同之處,現在可好了,單獨拉出JL裡面說明他自己還有內部的不同之處,不過好險他在讓步的子句裡面出現,所以接下來要說的是一定會往『相同』的方向走,這也就點出相同處是那個法律精神的相同,而接下來的, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora.這個同位語只是在補充我的相同之處的那個具體代表是誰了,總結這句話就是這句話『JL在精神上是一樣的』,舉例,ancient Israel(Old Testament)=Diaspora( Talmud)這也逐漸帶入主題了,下面內容很可能就是從精神層面來說明,Islam有多麽的不一樣,有多麽的跟Jewish law不一樣,因為JL在精神上是一樣的,然後猜測:ISM在本質精神上的不一致的。
ㄊ:Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it; Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories.
on the other hand,相當於轉折,所以接下來應該是要討論IS是不同的了,然後裡面還藏了一組分號,分號表示補充說明,邏輯上是同向的,所以我們理當認為內容應該是要講IS是不同的,大致上的預測思考完之後就來摳這句話了
Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it,IS跳脫了,『跳脫就證明不同』,所以主幹也抓到了,後面from the Arab paganism我這也不理他了,從阿拉伯的異教當中跳脫出來,這個也沒意義,更不用說that preceded it(=Islam)這個了,這個都只是服務一件事:IS很不一樣。
Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, 看到這邊即可,後面那個分詞構句等等在看,還原:Islam represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism and the Arab paganism preceded Islam; from a religious angle, Islamic law is the result of an examination of legal subject matter and was far from uniform. 這裡點出內容有『依宗教的角度來說,伊斯蘭法由阿拉伯的異端份子分支出,其源自於無既定格式之法律檢試。』最後來解決最後一趴,那個我本來以為是分詞構句的comprising as it did the....他其就是分詞構句,不是關係代名詞非限定用法修飾前面的個整句話,當作『而這件事構成....』翻譯(which comprise.... )。所以這段的主詞還是Islamic law繼續說明他異於常法之處處。然後這裡還搞一個倒裝句,真是有夠變態,原本是Vt的comprise後面卻有as,而不是加上名詞,所以這裡就是把他後面本來要用的名詞擺到後面了,依照華人比較熟悉的語序應該是:comprising the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories as it did. 好拉~~這下我覺得怪怪的東西就不見了,大致上這個角色就是說,伊斯蘭法獨特不同之處『源於』前伊斯蘭時期的阿拉伯半島各式各樣的法律元素,以及從那些非阿拉伯世界引進的各種法律元素,最後那個不起眼的as it did我認為可以不用去管他,因為他兩個東西都是代名詞基本上名詞跟動詞都是代名詞的話都表示在做加強而已,如果硬要翻譯我覺得:『誠如剛剛所提到』感覺會滿不錯的。不過講這麼多其實都多餘,把紅色的部分記到筆記上即可Islamic law was far from uniform:『某宗教解釋導致伊斯蘭法鶴立雞群』。
經過二十個小時之後可以聽得懂,而且一字不漏知道Gavin Phipps在報啥新聞。
再來台語是方言,不是語言,把兩個不同的東西比在一起造成faulty comparison,
第一:depression ,失望沮喪,心情感到失落。
ㄋ:All this was unified by being subjected to the same kind of religious scrutiny,the impact of which varied greatly, being almost nonexistent in some fields, and in others originating novel institutions.
這裡有來個複雜的文法,不過江湖一點絕,搓破不值錢,就只是一組四合一的並列而已。因此看這一句話,先找那個all this的代名詞是誰,這又要把上一句話抓出來了Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it,可是這一句話又有出現on the other hand這表示他只一部分的內容而已,他的對立面也要參考到,這樣才能表達all的概念,因此再看上一句話,因此這裡就可以猜出來這個all應該是指Islam,Jewish law and Roman Catholic canon law,這樣才能把all表達出來,並且還要滿足this的這個代名詞,他是單數的啊,所以他們三個的共同點就是『聖法』了,所以this=sacred law,這是我的推理,如果錯在煩請糾正,
第一:being subjected to the same kind of religious scrutiny,因為同樣一套審查方式,我們簡稱『同查』好了,節省大腦內存
第二:the impact of which varied greatly,因為巨大改變的衝擊,『大改』
第三:being almost nonexistent in some fields,因為有些領域沒有這概念,『不存在』
第四:in others originating novel institutions.因為來自新的東西,『新進』
第一:being subjected to the same kind of religious scrutiny, the impact of which varied greatly。後句當同位語用,這些所有的聖法被統合是取決於是否有相同的宗教檢視,而這個相同的宗教檢視的衝擊變化很大。
第二:being almost nonexistent in some fields,and in others originating novel institutions.這個是分詞構句直接去對應到前方的the impact ,然後那個and只是連接兩個領域而以,這衝擊有些幾乎不存在於某些領域,也不再其他新創制度的領域中,這樣似乎就合理了。
ㄌ:This central duality of legal subject matter and religious norm is additional to the variety of legal, ethical, and ritual rules that is typical of sacred law.
點出法律和宗教合一的雙向性是『有別於』法律道德以及儀式的多樣性,言下之意作者又岔開主軸討論這個duality和以往的聖法多樣性是不同的,所以還是強調不同,這裡只要抓到duality is additional to the variety 這樣就夠了,其他都是多餘的,如果主詞想This central duality of legal subject matter and religious norm對應的話,就是上一句unified,religious scrutiny用宗教方式檢視並統合法律
第二段首先開始講三雄之間的差異,這也其實就是在強調ISM的不一樣,然後往下作者卻岔開話題先講到了JW他自己也有點不同,但是『法律』本質精神是相同的,往下轉折之後帶出主角ISM,並說重宗教角度上說他是很不同的,可是ISM是跟著法律腳步走喔(duality),言下之意作者似乎是要把『法宗』混為一談,的確,往下看到All this was unified.....same kind of religious scrutiny,所以這些聖法在宗教的檢視下可以被統整一致的。這時候作者又把ISM晾一邊不談了,跑回來談 sacred law.所以最後再下一個總結說道,和典型的聖法比起來,這又是另外一個具有duality對偶,這裡指的是聖法具有法律元素及宗教元素,這個文章討論的聖法三雄和其他典型的聖法法律多樣性啊,道德多樣性啊,或是習俗儀式多樣性啊,又是另外的規範了。所以講那麼一大串,又那麼難的句子裏還是說:我的主角ISM很不一樣,比JW和CR更加的不一樣。
ㄍ:In its relation to the secular state, Islamic law differed from both Jewish and canon law.
繼續點出ISM的不同之處,但是可以想像等等是針對 relation to the secular state這個方面去做ISM有多麽的跟別人不一樣
ㄎ:Jewish law was buttressed by the cohesion of the community, reinforced by pressure from outside; its rules are the direct expression of this feeling of cohesion, tending toward the accommodation of dissent.
第ㄧ:Jewish law was buttressed by the cohesion of the community, reinforced by pressure from outside天阿,又差出去講JW了,講到他具有cohesion的特色,後面分詞構句補充說明是用外力強化的。JW=cohesion=pressure from outside。
第二:its rules are the direct expression of this feeling of cohesion, tending toward the accommodation of dissent. 補充而已,簡單一句話就是找調解委員會,這個動作完之後的一致性,accommodation of dissent=pressure from outside,講這麼含蓄,這基本上就是在打擊異己,叫那些反對的人閉嘴
ㄏ:Canon and Islamic law, on the contrary, were dominated by the dualism of religion and state, wherethe state was not, in contrast with Judaism, an alien power but the political expression of the same religion.
這裡又和上面的JW唱反調了,JW是外力介入才會一致,差別是CR換邊站了,剛剛CR跟JW一國的,現在CR跟ISM是dualism of religion and state兩者合一沒有外力。這裡真的比得很亂,一下子JW和CR一組,現在CR和ISM是一組的。比得好亂。
ㄐ:But the conflict between state and religion took different forms; in Christianity it appeared as the struggle for political power on the part of a tightly organized ecclesiastical hierarchy, and canon law was one of its political weapons.
ㄑ:Islamic law, on the other hand, was never supported by an organized institution; consequently, there never developed an overt trial of strength.
ISM不一樣,沒有直接跟組織相互支持,所以也就沒有明顯的審判力了。所以言下之意,ISM不是政治武器。因此CR跟ISM他們的相同是建立在沒有外力介入,而在這個內部國家和宗教之間的相互作用,他們的目的性不同,CR是當作政治武器,而ISM反倒是跟政治扯不上邊,然後在接上結論就變成ISM因為沒跟有organized institution牽扯所以當然都沒有干涉力了。
ㄒ:There merely existed discordance between application of the sacred law and many of the regulations framed by Islamic states; this antagonism varied according to place and time.
這段是總結,那他要跟誰比呢?首先要抓到主幹discordance這裡會說到不一致所以要嗎就是跟一致去配對,不然就是從剛剛的cohesion一直延伸下來的內容,可是這樣還是不知道他是接著哪裡講下去的,但是我們看到Islamic states伊斯蘭國家的規範是和聖法的應用非常不吻合,這當中有出現國家,所以他應該是從But the conflict between state and religion took different forms下來的,以state去連接內容,那這樣的話,用國家的概念去探討衝突性,所以這裡應該是接著講到Islamic law的補充,因為剛剛上一句話只有提到否定他跟政府機關沒瓜葛,可是BUT後面帶出的主題是有宗教跟國家衝突的,所以首先分析到的CR是被當作武器,所以有衝突競爭的含義,可是轉往下一句提到Islamic law,卻只說沒關係,那這樣無法表達那個conflict between state and religion。因此這裡只是補充ISM他跟國家管理的衝突性,然後這衝突性就是跟聖法的應用『不一樣』,整個轉來轉去就是說ISM本身很『不一樣』沒有一致性可言,不管是時間,還是地點,還是使用的國家,亦或是應用跟管理都不一樣。
GRE閱讀|Islamic law is a particularly instructive example of "sacred law ( 2 )