




  • 雖然:although, though.....
  • 但是:but....
  • 事實上:in fact,......
  • 然而:however, while, whereas......


  • 時間對比:until, recently....
  • 一般對比:unlike, on the contrary, different......
  • 優缺點:advantage,disadvantage.........


  • 結果:result, conclude, finally, thus
  • 因為:becuase, by, factor
  • 前因後果:led to, attribute to, cause


  • 正面:agree, emphasize, believe,...
  • 負面:question, cast the doubt on.....
  • 中立:present, pose, phenomena...


  • first, second,another, moreover, furthermore,last.....


  • not A, but B
  • more A than B
  • A, rather than B
  • A, instead of B


  • 動詞:be, remain, stand, fail to, talk something shit ....當作評價用的
  • 助動詞:have to, can, cannot, must, have PP(時態可以想像成時間對比的考點)
  • 形容詞:good, bad. .... 是喜歡還是不喜歡


increaes/ decrease, up/ down......


1. 否定:
明顯:no / not / none / never / neither / deny.....
隱晦:fail to / absent from / lack / refuse / few / little / hardly....

2. 因果:
明顯:because / since / for / as / due to / owing / in that / so / so that / as a result / therefore / thereby / hence / consequently / accordingly

  • 表導致之意:lead to / cause / result / give rise to / render / produce / make / support / stimulate / trigger / spur / spark / fuel / motivate / prompt 
  • 由...而來:come from / reselt from / originate / derive from  / initiate from / stem from / be responsive to
  • 反應,體現:reflect / present / suggest / show / imply / demonstrate
  • 考慮到,有鑒於:given / considering / on account of / in view of / thanks to / according to / rely on / depend on / resort to 
  • 條件:if / when / while / as / as soon as  / as long as 

​​​​​​3. ​比較:
明顯:同級 / 比較級

  • 變化:change / vary / alter / modify / revise / increase / decrease / correct / destroy / develop / improve / progress / advance / grow / degenerate
  • 差異:same / different 
  • 超越:surpass / exceed / transcend / excel 

4. 最高級 / 絕對詞

  • 本身有最高含義:maximum / minimum / zenith / nadir / extreme / supreme 
  • 程度副詞:surprisingly / amazingly / prohibitively 




In some cases, the physical division within the first cities reflected the strict hierarchical character of the society as a whole, with a royal palace surrounded by an imposing wall and separate from the remainder of the urban population.

文法分析可以知道真正的主要名詞前方是乾淨的(除了表示數量的東西A,variety of , a lot of),所以一切明詞前方有個介系詞接著,那表示血統不純,這個名詞被介系詞抓去當形容詞用了,好的那第一步先刪掉 prep+N的結構

In some cases, the physical division within the first cities reflected the strict hierarchical character of the society as a whole, with a royal palace surrounded by an imposing wall and separate from the remainder of the urban population.

好的可以很明顯的看到我的主詞(S)出來了the physical division,動詞出來了reflected,受詞也有了the strict hierarchical character




所謂真正的名詞前面完全是乾淨的沒有東西,還有!,這個名詞也包括分詞片語轉名詞片語用的名詞,所以除了冠詞或被你刪到最後這個句尾後面的名詞他前面只剩下動詞,其他留下的『名詞就是主幹了』,因此主幹即是保持+V+O的結構,當然還有其他結構等(S+Vi, S+Vt+O+OC),但怕亂掉所以以他代表完整句+V+O


如何刪掉不營養的東西,介詞+N他已經是形容詞了,which關係代名詞系列它的定義就是用來修飾解釋用的所以充其量只是輔助前方的先行詞,再來就是常見的分詞結構他可能是分詞構句或是關係代名詞的省略所構成的Ving/Ved +O, S+V+O,這個無頭的句子就是用後面S當主詞,老大都沒有了所以不重要。最後還有個+V+O, /adj~~~,完整句子後面莫名其妙還來個N/adj小樓樓跟班,其實說穿了他也是從(which is, who are)省略過來的,在此專家給他一個叫做同位語的術語,不用懷疑他也是修飾詞,當作前方的解釋說明,一般都是跟前方主幹劃上等號。所以綜觀以上有看到~1.介詞+N2.關代。3. 分詞構句。4.同位語,除非每一個選項都把主幹寫得很完整使得你還要做另外的判斷,或是2.關代。3. 分詞構句。4.同位語這三個放在句尾時表示一個結論時不然,基本上其他情況請對他們視而不見,敬鬼神而遠之


主幹判定大概就是如此 !!以下介紹個實例操作

Pioneer species - those that occur only in the earliest stages of colonization - tend to have high rates of invasion because they produce very large numbers of reproductive propagules seeds, spores, and so on and because they have an efficient means of dispersal normally, wind. 


A. The seeds of pioneer species are usually carried by the wind to fertile sites, where they reproduce very efficiently.


Pioneer species - those that occur only in the earliest stages of colonization - tend to have high rates of invasion because they produce very large numbers of reproductive propagules seeds, spores, and so on and because they have an efficient means of dispersal normally, wind. 

TPO很多題目邏輯看完就可以找答案了,但是這樣其實不太好,還是要有主幹成分分析才行,一樣我們先找邏輯,知道這是因果句,並且是三個因果(A)carried by隱性因果先保留,(B)有because保留,(C)沒因果先刪除(D)

接下來抓主幹所以開始刪Pioneer species - those that occur only in the earliest stages of colonization - tend to have high rates of invasion because they(這個指代先鋒物種) produce very large numbers of reproductive propagules seeds, spores, and so on and because they(這個指帶前方名詞seeds那群) have an efficient means of dispersal normally, wind.(介詞後方的名詞先不理會,等到答案沒有符合架構在看需不需要把補充的事物納入考量) 英文其實很像電腦程式一樣是一層一層的,所以我建議可以學著用分層的方式來搞的這題,所以我們主幹有了,就是素材就是程式碼,然後邏輯詞,就是接口,參考下圖

pioneer species和high 都在第一層,然後因為because帶出的副詞子句本來就是當主要子句的補充,所以他的份量是次級的所以來看選項

(A)The seeds of pioneer species are usually carried by the wind to fertile sites, where they reproduce very efficiently. 已經把先驅物種都修飾詞了,然後種子應該是第二階才出現結果本句把它升級了,所以錯誤



Papermaking spread quickly to Egypt – and eventually to Sicily and Spain – but it was several centuries before paper supplanted parchment for copies of the Koran, probably because of the conservative nature of religious art and its practitioners. 


抓邏輯和主幹,Papermaking spread quickly to Egypt – and eventually to Sicily and Spain – but it was several centuries(前方it開頭這叫需主詞魁儡結構所以主詞就是before這串) before paper supplanted parchment for copies of the Koran, probably because of the conservative nature of religious art and its practitioners. 
這裡but很明顯就是要做轉折,轉折很難被省略,因為要表達前後語意是相反的所以必須換口氣講,所以這裡用邏輯詞把(A),(D)刪除問題不大,再來這裡有一個文法概念要補充:冰與火之歌第一季第一集的臨冬城老大Ned Stark所講的叫做Everything before the word "but" is bullshit. 所以but後面所帶出來的子句才是重點

C.but 後面探討完全走鐘了,原文是探討紙很久才用,但是選項是探討紙使用的廣度


That we now have an abundance of the proof that was called for was established when Barbara Bentley reviewed the relevant evidence in 1977, and since then many more observations and experiments have provided still further proof that ants benefit plants. 

That we now have an abundance of the proof(這個可看可不看,因為後面可以推出來什麼很多) that was called for (關代就別理他了)was established when Barbara Bentley reviewed the relevant evidence in 1977, and since then many more observations and experiments have provided still further proof that ants benefit plants. (關代就別理)
大至上意思就是多上加多,就(A)合適,now有很多proof,以後then, further 更多proof

This recent increase in fires has resulted partly from climate change the recent trend toward hot, dry summers and partly from human activities, for complicated reasons that foresters came increasingly to understand about 30 years ago but whose relative importance is still debated.


This recent increase in fires has resulted partly from climate change the recent trend toward hot, dry summers and partly from human activities, for complicated reasons that foresters came increasingly to understand(understand翻譯為推論) about 30 years ago but whose relative importance is still debated.

By now, their numbers have undoubtedly grown even more, as they have continued to expand into new habitats where they were once either rare or absent



By now, their numbers have undoubtedly grown even more, as they have continued to expand into new habitats where they were once either rare or absent





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