
 參考資料來自:ETS TOEFL  TPO43-2


Petroleum is defined as a gaseous, liquid, and semisolid naturally occurring substance that consists chiefly of hydrocarbons (chemical compounds of carbon and hydrogen). Petroleum is therefore a term that includes both oil and natural gas. Petroleum is nearly always found in marine sedimentary rocks. In the ocean, microscopicphytoplankton (tiny floating plants) and bacteria (simple, single-celled organisms) are the principal sources of organic matter that is trapped and buried in sediment. Most of the organic matter is buried in clay that is slowly converted to a fine-grained sedimentary rock known as shale. During this conversion, organic compounds are transformed to oil and natural gas.

1.According to paragraph 1, petroleum is formed in which of the following ways?
A. Bacteria and tiny plants undergo a change while they are buried in clay
B. Carbon and hydrogen combine to form shale
C. Ocean rocks are converted into organic compounds
D. Oil and gas rise to the surface of sediment and are trapped in rocks
定位詞:petroleum(標題都叫石油起源了,所以找P等於沒找一直出現在文章中)在找到題目 formed對應文章sources of organic matter
主幹: In the ocean, microscopicphytoplankton (tiny floating plants) and bacteria (simple, single-celled organisms) are the principal sources of organic matter that is trapped and buried in sediment.所以答案(A)

2.The word "trapped " in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. hidden
C. caught
D. found
destory / devastate / annihilate / crumble / demolish / ruin / raze / ravage / sabotage / wreck 
trapped 過去分詞當形容詞:被抓住,
但是trappings 就不一樣了多了S變成名詞用當作裝飾:trappings / decoration / adornment / ornamentation / garnishment / embellishment 

Sampling on the continental shelves and along the base of the continental slopes has shown that fine muds beneath the seafloor contain up to 8 percent organic matter. Two additional kinds of evidence support the hypothesis that petroleum is a product of the decomposition of organic matter: oil possesses optical properties known only in hydrocarbons derived from organic matter, and oil contains nitrogen and certain compounds believed to originate only in living matter. A complex sequence of chemical reactions is involved in converting the original solid organic matter to oil and gas, and additional chemical changes may occur in the oil and gas evenafter they have formed. 
3.All of the following are cited in paragraph 2 as evidence that petroleum is a product of the decomposition of organic matter EXCEPT
(D)N/ 其他
⌾這裡題目很好心他說evidence,這就表示等等找證據之類的就好了,他提醒的是我們只要找論據不要找論點, 所以結構上答案範圍只會在
Sampling on the continental shelves and along the base of the continental slopes has shown that fine muds beneath the seafloor contain up to 8 percent organic matter. Two additional kinds of evidence support the hypothesis that petroleum is a product of the decomposition of organic matter: oil possesses optical properties known only in hydrocarbons derived from organic matter, and oil contains nitrogen and certain compounds believed to originate only in living matter. 只會在這裡面,因為additional,這個字表示前面有說過這篇才會講額外,表示上一句已經有一個證據被提出,因此答案區就這麼多而已,而 (B)跑出答案區必錯,
⌾如果用另一個解法的話因為題目問evidence所以(B)對應回去是additional chemical changes may occur in the oil and gas even after they have formed. 這個哪是論據的口氣,都不確定怎麼可以當證

4.According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true of the change of solid organic material into oil and gas?
定位詞:solid organic material into oil and gas,所以對應到文章的A complex sequence of chemical reactions is involved in converting the original solid organic matter to oil and gas,這裏and後面出現additional就別看了他在講另外一件事了
主幹:complex sequence所以選(D)

It is now well established that petroleum migrates through aquifers and can become trapped in reservoirs. Petroleum migration is analogous to groundwater migration. When oil and gas are squeezed out of the shale in which they originated and enter a body of sandstone or limestone somewhere above, they migrate readily because sandstones (consisting of quartz grains) and limestones (consisting of carbonate minerals) are much more permeable than any shale. The force of molecular attraction between oil and quartz or carbonate minerals is weaker than that between water and quartz or carbonate minerals. Hence, because oil and water do not mix, water remains fastened to the quartz or carbonate grains, while oil occupies the central parts of the larger openings in the poroussandstone or limestone. Because oil is lighter than water, it tends to glide upward past the carbonate- and quartz-held water. In this way, oil becomes segregated from the water; when it encounters a trap, it can form a pool.
When oil and gas are squeezed out of the shale in which they originated and enter a body of sandstone or limestone somewhere above, they migrate readily because sandstones consisting of quartz grains and limestones consisting of carbonate minerals are much more permeable than any shale.
5.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
句子改寫:句子改寫的KEY就是他的邏輯不會變,因果句永遠是因果句,句內轉折絕不會變成遞進順成(however不會變成and, furthermore)。第二:主幹不會變,如何挑主幹他其實就是找名詞(主詞S或是受詞O)
  1. 所謂真正的名詞前面完全是乾淨的沒有東西除了冠詞或被你刪到最後這個句尾後面的名詞他前面剩下動詞,所以主幹即是保持S+V+O的結構
  2. 如何刪掉不營養的東西,介詞+N他已經是形容詞了,which關係代名詞系列它的定義就是用來修飾解釋用的所以充其量只是輔助前方的先行詞,再來就是常見的分詞結構他可能是分詞構句或是關係代名詞的省略所構成的Ving/Ved +O, S+V+O,這個無頭的句子就是用後面S當主詞,老大都沒有了所以不重要。最後還有個S+V+O, N/adj~~~,完整句子後面莫名其妙還來個N/adj小樓樓跟班,其實說穿了他也是從(which is, who are)省略過來的,在此專家給他一個叫做同位語的術語,不用懷疑他也是修飾詞,當作前方的解釋說明,一般都是跟前方主幹劃上等號。所以綜觀以上有看到~1.介詞+N。2.關代。3. 分詞構句。4.同位語,除非每一個選項都把主幹寫得很完整使得你還要做另外的判斷,或是當2.關代。3. 分詞構句。4.同位語這三個放在句尾時表示一個結論時,不然,基本上其他情況請對他們視而不見,敬鬼神而遠之
When oil and gas are squeezed out of the shale in which they originated and enter a body of sandstone or limestone somewhere above, they migrate readily because sandstones consisting of quartz grains and limestones consisting of carbonate minerals are much more permeable than anyshale.

所以答案就是來了啊,第一:先邏輯定位好有個because,第二:然後主角是oil and gas squeezed, and migrated quickly,還有 sandstones and limestones are permeable

(A)是陷阱他有because,但是沒有quickly,雖然(C)沒有because,他是屬於順向邏輯很常被省略不寫例如分詞構句往往會把一些副詞給省略了,再說有more permeable 這個比較邏輯,而他也被放在主要子句上面,主幹是最完整的


6.Why does the author include the information that "The force of molecular attraction between oil and quartz or carbonate minerals is weaker than that between water and quartz or carbonate minerals "?
1.判斷題目給的東西是什麼,因先判斷題目的反白是因果關係還是論點論據關係,因果關係我們就用細節提的做法即可,從本句反白不能說他是論點或論據,雖然is weaker than這個很有被視為論點的空間,因為整個句子沒有完全說明兩者是落差多少,所以大致上可以先暫時認為是論點處理,所以要往下找論據,會先做判斷是因為要確定我文章是要往哪邊看,是往前看還是往後看
2.找邏輯詞:一下子就看到Hence, 表示因果關係,那太好了剛剛的顧慮都消除了,根據前因後果原則,所以我們要找的句子就是hence所帶出的這句
3.主幹:because oil and water do not mix, water remains fastened to the quartz or carbonate grains, while oil occupies the central parts of the larger openings in the poroussandstone or limestone,中間還有while插花,兩者明顯差異才會用這個當連接詞,不用看了就是(A),如果剛剛論點論據沒判斷就會跳進(D)的陷阱了,會直接把題目中的上一句當作答案區,sandstones (consisting of quartz grains) and limestones (consisting of carbonate minerals),這在考試的情況下很容易中招,題目問水和油,句子是石頭和石頭,可是考試一不小心主詞不同還是會給他選下去

7.The word "encounters " in the passage is closest in meaning to

Most of the petroleum that forms in sediments does not find a suitable trap and eventually makes its way, along with groundwater, to the surface of the sea. It is estimated that no more than 0.1 percent of all the organic matter originally buried in a sediment is eventually trapped in an oil pool. It is not surprising, therefore, that the highest ratio of oil and gas pools to volume of sediment is found in rock no older than 2.5 million years - young enough so that little of the petroleum has leaked away - and that nearly 60 percent of all oil and gas discovered so far has been found in strata that formed in the last 65 million years. This does not mean that older rocks produced less petroleum; it simply means that oil in older rocks has had a longer time in which to leak away.
8.The word "suitable " in the passage is closest in meaning to
permanent / constant / consistent / abiding / enduring / everlasting / eternal / perpetual / perennial / persistent / imperishable / immortal 永久的

9.According to paragraph 4, what happens to most of the petroleum that forms in sediments?
定位詞:sediments找定位句,Most of the petroleum that forms in sediments does not find a suitable trap and eventually makes its way, along with groundwater, to the surface of the sea.
主幹:not find a suitable trap還有to the surface of the sea.二選一對應的答案是(C)

10.Paragraph 4 supports which of the following statements about future petroleum discoveries?

1.找目標物:題目明顯的強詞是future petroleum discoveries,所以要找相關的詞that nearly 60 percent of all oil and gas discovered so far has been found in strata that formed in the last 65 million years,找到了so far時間對應future,60 percent of all oil and gas discovered對應物件petroleum discoveries

2.目標物的內容:found in strata that formed in the last 65 million years(近期65)

3.兩者關係:題目中的並沒有寫到比例,但是文章中有60 percent of all oil and gas,所以可能考察集合概念題(比例上的分配)或是時間對比,現在的石油60趴 VS.未來的石油幾趴,所以題目可能會問一個是趴數的變化,另一個可能會問來源的年份,但是目標物的內容只有formed in the last 65 million years,可以排除題目問趴數改變的可能性,所以題目再問有關年份的事情,找個概念有<65的答案就是了,因為has been found的關係,這個現在完成式表是從過去到現在還是如此的意思,過去到現在都是the last 65 million years,文中大致上說從過去到現在有60%的石油都是在小於六千五百萬年的地層中被發現,別小看時時態了,白話一點就是從6500百萬到今天至少是60%石油含量,這是參考點一,然後在找參考點二,從剛剛這個65百萬年的that找他的並列子句that the highest ratio of oil and gas pools to volume of sediment is found in rock no older than 2.5 million years - young enough so that little of the petroleum has leaked away,當中提到,no older than 2.5 million years,最年輕兩百五十萬,因為年輕沒有漏,所以時間點可以看到是最多的話兩百五,然後60%時候是6500,規律是越老油越少,這是考古證據所以恆定,未來跟現在都是一樣的,因此斷定(B)這答案。我們在做推理題時找關係是最麻煩的,有時候聽到廣告說學英文是二十小時的事情,不用背英文單字,因為台語也沒在被單字,他媽的這根本吃大便,他媽的台語是方言,不是外語,不會有文法上差異,只會有單字讀音上的差別。

(A)目標句下面一句(This does not mean that older rocks produced less petroleum)結果反了
(C)跑到最後一句(it simply means that oil in older rocks has had a longer time in which to leak away.)
 leak away才對,講反了

How much oil is there in the world? This is an extremelycontroversial question Many billions of barrels of oil have already been pumped out of the ground. A lot of additional oil has been located by drilling but is still waiting to be pumped out. Possibly a great deal more oil remains to be found by drilling. Unlike coal, the volume of which can be accurately estimated, the volume of undiscovered oil can only be guessed at. Guesses involve the use of accumulated experience from a century of drilling. Knowing how much oil has been found in an intensively drilled area, such as eastern Texas, experts make estimates of probable volumes in other regions where rock types and structures are similar to those in eastern Texas. Using this approach and considering all the sedimentary basins of the world, experts estimate that somewhere between 1,500 and 3,000 billion barrels of oil will eventually be discovered.
11.The phrase "is an extremely controversial question " in the passage is closest in meaning to

12.According to paragraph 5, eastern Texas is an example of a geologic region where
第一招:定位Knowing how much oil has been found in an intensively drilled area, such as eastern Texas, experts make estimates of probable volumes in other regions where rock types and structures are similar to those in eastern Texas.黃字部分完全是題目改寫
第二招:找邏輯,such as 舉例就是支持,並且告訴你他such as是前方的舉例,所以要往前找答案,另位邏輯同向,連第三招的判斷邏輯正負也一起搞定了,舉例就是支持,不可能去說金城武很帥,然後舉例舉個金城武在伯朗大道騎腳踏車當自耕農(犁田,又或是摔車)的照片出來舉例吧
第四招:定位句主幹intensively drilled area答案選擇(D)確定?確定!標準答案

A[■] Sampling on the continental shelves and along the base of the continental slopes has shown that fine muds beneath the seafloor contain up to 8 percent organic matter. B [■] Two additional kinds of evidence support the hypothesis that petroleum is a product of the decomposition of organic matter: oil possesses optical properties known only in hydrocarbons derived from organicmatter, and oil contains nitrogen and certain compounds believed to originate only in living matter. C[■] A complex sequence of chemical reactions is involved in converting the original solid organic matter to oil and gas, and additional chemical changes may occur in the oil and gas even after they have formed. D[■]
It is now well established that petroleum migrates through aquifers and can become trapped in reservoirs. 
13.Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to the passage
Because such muds are a major source of petroleum, scientists believe that petroleum originated as living organisms.
找關鍵詞:有because, such muds
第二:such muds,such的出現跟代名詞一樣表示前方有提過,因此往前看可以靠到fine muds beneath the seafloor做對應,既然B空格很合適然後在看他後面的句子有沒有符合對應,所以在後面看到Two additional kinds of evidence support the hypothesis這剛好就對應題目中的scientists believe that

Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage This question is worth 2 points. Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. Petroleum, which includes both oil and natural gas, can be a gaseous, liquid, or semisolid substance
A.Petroleum comes from organic matter that has undergone a complex series of chemical changes under the seafloor
B.Although most of the petroleum formed leaks away into the ocean, some migrates from shale to sandstone or limestone, and is caught in pools
C.Porous rocks made of quartz or carbonate minerals are particularly likely to house oil pools because of their strong molecular attraction with oil
D.Petroleum forms best when organic matter is evenly distributed over a large area and does not exceed 8 percent of the material in the clay
E.More than 60 percent of the petroleum discovered so far has been found in rocks that are less than two-and-a-half million years old
F.It is difficult to estimate the total amount of petroleum in the world, but experts believe that 1,500-3,000 billion barrels will eventually be discovered

@六選三,一定看引導句 Petroleum, which includes both oil and natural gas, can be a gaseous, liquid, or semisolid substance

@解剖後 P(oil/gas)=固,液,氣,然後本題離不開5W1H(when,where,who,what,why,how),所以抓完主幹之後再自己試問,假設可以解結你假設的問題他就是答案了1.P何時=固,液,氣 2.哪個地方有P(oil/gas) 3.誰有發現P(oil/gas) 4.什麼讓情況 P(oil/gas)=固,液,氣 5.為什麼P可形成 6. 如何使用P




  • A.對應第三題chemical changes,還有第四題complex series,剛好跟預想的為什麼P可形成有關
  • B.對應第五題shale to sandstone or limestone,第九題leak away
  • C.because of their strong molecular attraction with oil這個不是第六題的答案直接跟bodies才對,然後題目也沒做過Porous
  • D.原本講第一題的東西,但是這個8 percent 是第二段的數據拿來濫竽充數,對應第二題就知道這個錯了
  • E.對應第十題年份錯誤65million才對,小於250萬年搞不好石油都還不是石油,還是一堆動物有機體勒
  • F.剩下他不選也不行,對應最後一段最後一句,這個最後一段的最後一句是剛開始還沒開始做題本來就要看的前置動作,一般開始做提之前會先用一分半鐘以內的時間先將各段的第一句讀一遍還有特別加上坐後一段最後一句也要讀,並做上筆記才進行做題



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