
Islamic law is a particularly instructive example of "sacred law." Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law — notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactment are concerned — that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena. Even the two other representatives of sacred law that are historically and geographically nearest to it, Jewish law and Roman Catholic canon law, are perceptibly different.


Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law. Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora ( the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel ) , the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora. Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it; Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories. All this was unified by being subjected to the same kind of religious scrutiny, the impact of which varied greatly, being almost nonexistent in some fields, and in others originating novel institutions. This central duality of legal subject matter and religious norm is additional to the variety of legal, ethical, and ritual rules that is typical of sacred law.


In its relation to the secular state, Islamic law differed from both Jewish and canon law. Jewish law was buttressed by the cohesion of the community, reinforced by pressure from outside; its rules are the direct expression of this feeling of cohesion, tending toward the accommodation of dissent. Canon and Islamic law, on the contrary, were dominated by the dualism of religion and state, where the state was not, in contrast with Judaism, an alien power but the political expression of the same religion. But the conflict between state and religion took different forms; in Christianity it appeared as the struggle for political power on the part of a tightly organized ecclesiastical hierarchy, and canon law was one of its political weapons. Islamic law, on the other hand, was never supported by an organized institution; consequently, there never developed an overt trial of strength. There merely existed discordance between application of the sacred law and many of the regulations framed by Islamic states; this antagonism varied according to place and time.


本篇只針對考試怎們看題目來解析,如果想知道整篇文章的結構請點:GRE閱讀|Islamic law is a particularly instructive example of "sacred law ( 1 )



Islamic law is a particularly instructive example of "sacred law." Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law — notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactment are concerned — that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena. Even the two other representatives of sacred law that are historically and geographically nearest to it, Jewish law and Roman Catholic canon law, are perceptibly different.

這裡要看的部分只有兩句話,第一句話點出ISM=sacred law,但是這感覺上內容不太夠,往下看,看到繼續Islamic law,這裡用的跟第一句一樣主詞,表示他一樣重要並沒有被代名詞代替,所以這個必看無疑,就因為相同主詞竟然沒有用代名詞代替,所以看到點出另一個重點了different,看到這裡就結束吧,破折號裡面的東西表示必要存在但是不重要,既然不重要,所以不是主幹,就別讀了,然後往後看到這裡結合了so...that的因果關係,跟我們說等等要以不同領域範圍去比較說明三者的不同,full range of possible legal phenomena。在後面的EVEN請別看了,這是強調句,強調那個different,所以也不看。


Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law. Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora ( the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel ) , the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora. Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it; Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories. All this was unified by being subjected to the same kind of religious scrutiny, the impact of which varied greatly, being almost nonexistent in some fields, and in others originating novel institutions. This central duality of legal subject matter and religious norm is additional to the variety of legal, ethical, and ritual rules that is typical of sacred law.

這段來說,開頭點出ISM有多麽不一樣,所以找其他對手出來做捉對評比,首先剛剛對應的full range of possible legal phenomena,先由uniform來切入,聖法本質的一致性,這裡又先插出去探討JW了,所以就別看了,因為我的主幹是ISM所以讀了介紹JW的部分意義不大,我直接開頭的主題句之後,直接讀到這裡Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it,這裡也是分號後方別看,這是補充說明,題目有考再讀。這裡就說ISM跳脫出阿拉伯的異教,接著往下all this....老樣子看到代名詞先跟他說謝謝再聯絡。最後一句話看一下,因為出現新名詞duality,This central duality of legal subject matter and religious norm is additional to the variety of legal, ethical, and ritual rules that is typical of sacred law.還是在講跟一般的sacred law的不一樣。


In its relation to the secular state, Islamic law differed from both Jewish and canon law. Jewish law was buttressed by the cohesion of the community, reinforced by pressure from outside; its rules are the direct expression of this feeling of cohesion, tending toward the accommodation of dissent. Canon and Islamic law, on the contrary, were dominated by the dualism of religion and state, where the state was not, in contrast with Judaism, an alien power but the political expression of the same religion. But the conflict between state and religion took different forms; in Christianity it appeared as the struggle for political power on the part of a tightly organized ecclesiastical hierarchy, and canon law was one of its political weapons. Islamic law, on the other hand, was never supported by an organized institution; consequently, there never developed an overt trial of strength. There merely existed discordance between application of the sacred law and many of the regulations framed by Islamic states; this antagonism varied according to place and time.

開頭還在講不同,這次是針對『世俗』relation來陳述,直接跳有ISM的部分即可,我不關心其他不同之處的解釋,只要專注在ISM是怎麼跟別人有不同即可,所以第三句話講到ISM同時被國家跟宗教控制,後面說明不是alien power,這邊就暗指Judaism適用alien power,然後not...but的結構點出真正的主題是the political expression of the same religion國家就是宗教的表示工具,所以還是在講政,教,國三合一。接著,轉折出來囉,必看。But the conflict between state and religion took different forms,但是國家跟宗教又不一樣了,哇拷,哪來那麼多的不同啊,頭都暈了,老樣子跳到ISM看哪裡不同,專注在ISM上,never supported by an organized institution; consequently, there never developed an overt trial of strength.一般來說分號後面不看,但是他有個表結論的副詞,所以要看,總結:ISM他的國家和宗教關係是,ISM不對機關負責,結果ISM就沒有明顯的審判力。這裡也可以推出言下之意就是:對基督教來說CR的這是跟機關有相互抗衡的,所以很有審判力。



For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

1. The passage provides information to answer which of the following questions EXCEPT?

(A) Does Islamic law depend on sources other than Arab legal principles?

(B) What secular practices of Islamic states conflicted with Islamic law?

(C) Is Jewish law more uniform than canon law?



一個一個看,看到(A)選項,可以對應到結構圖上面的,breakaway Arb,所以這個有提到,謹慎起見,對應回去看看的句子發現是剛剛我們忽略後方的分號內容,所以喵一下對應到comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories.結案。他是有的,所以不選。

來看(B)secular practices直接對到結構讀的第三段部分,第三段的用意是說明彼此不同,並沒有舉到哪裡不同,而且整個文章一直在貫徹三個字different, different, different!!!! discordance between application of the sacred law and many of the regulations,最後一句話這樣只能表示兩者確實有衝突,但是無法說明是怎樣的衝突。遇到what總要說一個例子出來,所以那個What是錯誤的點。




2. It can be inferred from the passage that the application of Islamic law in Islamic states has

(A) systematically been opposed by groups who believe it is contrary to their interests

(B) suffered irreparably from the lack of firm institutional backing

(C) frequently been at odds with the legal activity of government institutions

(D) remained unaffected by the political forces operating alongside it

(E) benefited from the fact that it never experienced a direct confrontation with the state



趕快找對應的句子,在最後一句There merely existed discordance between application of the sacred law and many of the regulations framed by Islamic states; this antagonism varied according to place and time.這要問推理出啥東西,所以看到跟他比較的對象是application of the sacred law and many of the regulations,文章的角色the sacred law但是題目問的是Islamic law,所以我們的第一步是確認到底sacred law,Islamic law,之間的關係是什麼,所以這句看完之後還要再看到Islamic law is a particularly instructive example of "sacred law."因為這句話是在限定SL跟ISM的關係,現在有答案了,ISM是SL的其中之一,依照集合性來說,SL包含了ISM,所以ISM只是SL的其中一個小部份而已,那既然所有的大部分sacred law會跟regulations不一致,那這樣就是說ISM是SL的一部分那ISM也要分享到SL的屬性,所以ISM也會跟regulations不一致,APP VS. REG,這個也是經典推理題的模式,這叫做『集合』推理,

Syllogism: All Fs are G, a is an F, therefore a is a G


因此選項上兩者關係是discordance不一致,regulations對應到the legal activity,at odds with對應到discordance。選(C)


3. Which of the following most accurately describes the organization of the passage?

(A) A universal principle is advanced and then discussed in relation to a particular historical phenomenon.

(B) A methodological innovation is suggested and then examples of its efficacy are provided.

(C) A traditional interpretation is questioned and then modified to include new data.

(D) A general opinion is expressed and then supportive illustrations are advanced.

(E) A controversial viewpoint is presented and then both supportive evidence and contradictory evidence are cited.





PS:(C)questioned和(E)controversial都有反駁含義,對於本文章是補充說明的文題來說邏輯詞完全相反,整個文章看到每一段的開頭都傳達一件事,那就是ISM is different,這中間的任何文章到最後都沒有轉成ISM is the same as someone,這跟電影『冰與火之歌』一樣,整部影集都貫徹一件事,the winter is coming,當然不會有反駁的字眼當成你的摘要,所以最先踢除了。至於(A)advanced更新是指提出更新的解釋,所以會有自身新舊比較,但是這裡只是『三者』不同聖法之間的比較,我們就不考慮了。(B)methodological innovation這個連提出方法都沒說就直接講ISM不一樣了,更不能說是方法創新了


4. The passage suggests that canon law differs from Islamic law in that only canon law

(A) contains prescriptions that nonsacred legal systems might regard as  properly legal

(B) concerns itself with the duties of a person in regard to the community as a whole

(C) was affected by the tension of the conflict between religion and state

(D) developed in a political environment that did not challenge its fundamental existence

(E) played a role in the direct confrontation between institutions vying for power




這個因為後面that only canon law的關係,因為有了Islamic law VS canon law,所以就看到剛剛筆記上直接講到ISM跟機構無關,再對『機構無關』取即可,這也是經典推理的一環,叫做『對比推理』,說明一下:當兩個同屬性的東西被選定之後,接下來看到他們倆之間的關係,即同向或是反向,之後文章只會針對某一個角色做描述而已,接著答案要問的另一個角色就是靠剛剛的內容取反或是取同即可完成,回到本題可以知道 canon law對於機構是密切相關的,然後剛剛筆記看到的『not overt trial of strength』取就是很有審判力,所以回去看選項找到跟『力量』並且跟『機構』有關的字就選了,假設不放心可以藉由on the other hand看看他對立面的內容如何,就是剛剛我們先忽略不看的部分:in Christianity it appeared as the struggle for political power on the part of a tightly organized ecclesiastical hierarchy, and canon law was one of its political weapons.這個武器對應到confrontation,選(E)


5. The author’s purpose in comparing Islamic law to Jewish law and canon law is most probably to

(A) contend that traditional legal subject matter does not play a large role in Islamic law

(B) support his argument that Islamic law is a unique kind of legal phenomenon

(C) emphasize the variety of forms that can all be considered sacred law

(D) provide an example of how he believes comparative institutional study should be undertaken

(E) argue that geographical and historical proximity does not necessarily lead to parallel institutional development



修辭目的題,因此必須找句子和句子之間的關係,由第二段主題句看起Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law.這裡有比較的字眼,那怎麼辦,要往上看還是往下看,應該是要往上看,因為Islamic law出現在上面一段當主角,所以上面一段也就是第一段的部分文章會跟你講到Islamic law的屬性,所以往第一段的最後一個字找,有different,並且這個字也是主旨,所以就是(B)了,另外往下看不是回答『目的』的原因是,因為第二段的開頭主題句說到more uniform than Islamic law,也就是接下來文章要去申論兩者之間的個別差異,進入到個別差異之後,文章發展變成對more uniform than Islamic law當中的more uniform解釋,接下來的句子變成因為提到uniform才會有以下的各類解釋,這時會發現『原本』題目要問的邏輯先後順序是找uniform前面的邏輯,不過現在,如果你往後找,那主題句後面的內容都是第二段主題句的『果』,那這樣就變成跟題目問的東西相反了。因此是往前看才對,選(B)


6. The passage provides information to answer which of the following questions?

(A) Does Islamic law depend on sources other than Arab legal principles?

(B) What secular practices of Islamic states conflicted with Islamic law?

(C) Are Jewish law and canon law the most typical examples of sacred law?

(D) Is Jewish law more uniform than canon law?

(E) What characterized Arab law of the pre-Islamic era?



類似第一題的考法,偷懶的排除法,本文主題是Islamic laws這個字貫串全文,所以(C),(D),(E)都沒有出現當然優先處除,選(A)


7. According to the passage, which of the following statements about sacred law is correct?

(A) The various systems of sacred law originated in a limited geographical area.

(B) The various systems of sacred law have had marked influence on one another.

(C) Systems of sacred law usually rely on a wide variety of precedents.

(D) Systems of sacred law generally contain prescriptions governing diverse aspects of human activity.

(E) Systems of sacred law function most effectively in communities with relatively small populations.



這個細節題直接對聖法sacred law做探討,可是聖法不是主軸,這裡主軸是聖法當中的ISM,然後文章有討論到的只有ISM,JW,CR所以只能一個一個用排除去比對了,(A)不是主要內容是因為geographical這個概念出現是在說明聖法三雄就算地點相近但是也有不同,只是做分類區隔而已,那這樣就跟(A)講的起源說(originated in)是兩碼子的事情了。(B)marked influence這個完全跟文章主旨相反,如果都有明顯影響的話文章就不會說ISM很與眾不同了。(C)precedents這個也有違背文章的different,都說不同了就不會rely on 先例。(D)prescriptions,human activity.這兩組關鍵字,文章有提過rule和regulations這大概就是描述第二段的尾巴,This central duality of legal subject matter and religious norm is additional to the variety of legal, ethical, and ritual rules that is typical of sacred law.分別由那三個legal, ethical, and ritual 做代表human activity,然後variety對上了diverse aspects。(E)most effectively in communities,small populations,人數少效果好,這三段主軸都沒講到人口的問題,第一段先定義ISM很不同,再來第二段,岔開提到LW/CR去細說他們倆跟ISM哪裡不同,最後第三段,用國家角度看他們不同之處,所以都沒有提到人口。


如果有比較好的解題方式煩請提供參考,非常感恩,因為我一直覺得排除法是最爛的方法,假設考試恍神prescriptions governing diverse aspects of human activity.這句話也可能看不出來有啥關鍵之處,而且這樣五個選項全看淨效益超級差,GRE的考試選項期望值大概是看了三個選項就會選出答案。選(D)


8. The passage implies that the relationship of Islamic, Jewish, and canon law is correctly described by which of the following statements?

I. Because each constitutes an example of sacred law, they necessarily share some features.

II. They each developed in reaction to the interference of secular political institutions.

III. The differences among them result partly from their differing emphasis on purely ethical rules.

(A) I only

(B) III only

(C) I and II only

(D) II and III only

(E) I, II, and III



implies推理題如果難以抓到他要考的考點的話,可以針對文章的主旨,文章的三個段落都在強調different,(I.)Because是副詞子句附加條件用的,這個條件句是對的,畢竟文章也就是針對聖法三雄在做比較,主幹是後段的部分they necessarily share some features.這個彼此圍繞者兩兩相同去對應某樣的不同,像是就宗教而言,ISM跟其他兩者很不同,然後就國家關係而言JW又跟其他兩個不同,這文章充分的展現C3取2的精髓,他們三個彼此糾纏,既是相同也有不同,搞得一副在講薛丁格的貓的樣子,第一句對的留著。然後看到登記第二號,這個看到了each,interference而且of後面是secular political,這叫告訴我們要去喵第三段了,這看到就直接秒殺了,剛剛筆記上面的結構圖看到最後一行BUT後面表示ISM並沒有。最後看第三:The differences among them result partly from their differing emphasis on purely ethical rules.這個直接看到ethical他沒有因果關係,他只是在跟那個The differences among最到底跟誰不一樣而已。他們分別出不一樣的方式就是宗教角度,跟國家關係,沒有說不一樣是因為ethical選(A)


9. All of the following statements about the development of Islamic law are implied in the passage EXCEPT:

(A) Pre-Islamic legal principles were incorporated into Islamic law with widely differing degrees of change.

(B) Diverse legal elements were joined together through the application of a purely religious criterion.

(C) Although some of the sources of Islamic law were pagan, its integrity as a sacred law was not compromised by their incorporation.

(D) There was a fundamental shared characteristic in all pre-Islamic legal matter taken over by Islamic law.

(E) Although Islam emerged among the Arabs, Islamic law was influenced by ethnically diverse elements.



目光焦點直接對著有ISM的就好了,而且推理題如果沒有比較對象的話都是考要去呼應文章的主旨,然後題目又多一個development,因此她的發展就是要繼續的different下去才有戲。那這樣方向有了就可以秒選(D)了,如果要硬抓每個選項的話(A)對應uniform,break Arb G。(B)Diverse legal elements were joined togetherpurely religious criterion對應到All this was unified by being subjected to the same kind of religious scrutiny。(C)雖然是從異教來的,但是完整性沒被破壞。沒被破壞才有結果,在這句Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter 。(D)這跟本文宗旨相反,shared characteristic in all這是表相同,就跟文章相反了。(E)跟(A)的考點一樣。選(D)








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