
Volcanic rock that forms as fluid lava chills rapidly is called pillow lava. This rapid chilling occurs when lava erupts directly into water (or beneath ice) or when it flows across a shoreline and into a body of water. While the term "pillow lava" suggests a definite shape, in fact geologists disagree. Some geologists argue that pillow lava is characterized by discrete, ellipsoidal masses. Others describe pillow lava as a tangled mass of cylindrical, interconnected flow lobes. Much of this controversy probably results from unwarranted extrapolations of the original configuration of pillow flows from two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows in land outcroppings. Virtually any cross section cut through a tangled mass of interconnected flow lobes would give the appearance of a pile of discrete ellipsoidal masses. Adequate three-dimensional images of intact pillows are essential for defining the true geometry of pillowed flows and thus ascertaining their mode of origin. Indeed, the term “pillow,” itself suggestive of discrete masses, is probably a misnomer. 


1. In the passage, the author is primarily interested in

(A) analyzing the source of a scientific controversy

(B) criticizing some geologists‘ methodology

(C) pointing out the flaws in a geological study

(D) proposing a new theory to explain existing scientific evidence

(E) describing a physical phenomenon


For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply

2. The author of the passage would most probably agree that the geologists mentioned in the fourth sentence have made which of the following errors in reasoning?

(A) Generalized unjustifiably from available evidence.

(B) Deliberately ignored existing counterevidence.

(C) Repeatedly failed to take new evidence into account.


3. The author implies that the “controversy” might be resolved if

(A) geologists did not persist in using the term “pillow”

(B) geologists did not rely on potentially misleading information

(C) geologists were more willing to confer directly with one another

(D) two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows were available

(E) existing pillows in land outcroppings were not so badly eroded



Volcanic rock that forms as fluid lava chills rapidly is called pillow lava. 開頭就是師父開示眾生的方向,本篇在探討一個叫PL的東西,他不是枕頭,這東西是火成岩,裡面的關係代名詞如果不難就順便看吧,原來是快速冷卻的火成岩。這就是主軸了,皆下來就是看看這文章的寫作形式了,以及是否有轉折字眼。


This rapid chilling occurs....這句跳過,出現代名詞,在補充說明這個高速冷凍技術如何如何,不是主軸,他只是上一句話的關係代名詞而已,記得主軸是『PL=火岩』,看到pillow突然想到沈玉琳唱雙人枕頭:『double pillow without you, I feel lonely. Bedquilt heavy without you, I feel so cold. you are me, you are me, you are my SPA of life , also my half of soul 』


While the term "pillow lava" suggests a definite shape, in fact geologists disagree. 這句話其實就是however的作用拉,先說這個PL是『明確的形狀』,但是地理學家不同意,所以我先替換成地理學家覺得沒有『特定形狀』。這感覺好熟悉啊,Do you agree or disagree the following statement that "pillow lava" suggests a definite shape. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.接下去看感覺又好像文章會變成那種托福獨立寫作的模板:有人認為怎樣怎樣,其他人認為怎樣怎樣,然後我覺得怎樣怎樣。


Some geologists argue that pillow lava is characterized by discrete, ellipsoidal masses. Others describe pillow lava as a tangled mass of cylindrical, interconnected flow lobes. 媽的這個套路果然被抓包了。轉折之前說PL有明確的形狀,然後這句話說有人認為是分散的塊狀,接下一句話,有人認為是圓柱體之類的,所以這裡只是在補充那個disagree的,所以不看也罷,這裡不小心耍憨先看了,所以再跳過,反正這兩句話可以變成一個字『disagree』,文章接著走下去


Much of this controversy probably results from unwarranted extrapolations of the original configuration of pillow flows from two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows in land outcroppings.


看到那個controversy這個也是disagree的代理人,重點不在這裡,重點在這個 results from這個表原因的東西,找到之後我終於知道文章寫講啥屁話了,他想說的是,PL這東西有這麼多不一致的定義,就是因為 unwarranted extrapolations,沒有根據的推論,因為那個因果關係的邏輯詞出現,使得本篇的文體由本來我以為是觀點對立文,結果現在變成解釋型的因果關係文了,那既然這樣,後面沒有再出現轉折字眼了,還出現強調字Indeed,就是要去支持那個 unwarranted extrapolations,我也沒必要繼續看了,來做題囉。




主要關心的就是result from前面的東西了,那個『矛盾』,選(A)

PS:(C)不能選是因為他沒說誰對誰錯,不能把矛盾延伸成錯誤,而且不放心就往句尾去看有沒有結論,我們看到is probably a misnomer. 他還是語帶保留,這坑我差點跳下去。



作者覺得第四句可能犯什麼傻,然後後面來了個,in reasoning哇!!!這是苦海中的明燈啊。找理由,阿不就是結構圖的最後面了unwarranted extrapolations選(A)

因為是複選題,保險起見我還是看一下好了,其實不用,因為result from後面只接了一個東西就劃句點了,往下的東西沒有因果邏輯詞,所以都是在幫助講解unwarranted extrapolations用的,像是

1. Virtually any cross section cut through a tangled mass of interconnected flow lobes would give the appearance of a pile of discrete ellipsoidal masses. 這句話就是幫忙說明橫切面會出錯的關係

2. Adequate three-dimensional images of intact pillows are essential for defining the true geometry of pillowed flows and thus ascertaining their mode of origin,這句就是說明2D不好可能要改3D才OK,以上這兩句都是在幫忙說明of the original configuration of pillow flows from two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows in land outcroppings



這題推理說那個矛盾可以解決的最好方法,就是不要有那個原因出現,去掉unwarranted extrapolations選(B)

PS:推理題在ETS那些老賊眼裡就是去做『正反』對立的比較而已,所以此題關鍵就是be resolved,言下之意就是矛盾消失了,對矛盾取『非』,因此得到的結果就是『沒有』unwarranted extrapolations,建立個數學模型就容易懂了『若P則Q→ ~Q則~P』,Modus tollens: If P then Q, not Q therefore not P. 令P=沒根據的推論,Q=矛盾。










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