
Throughout human history there have been many stringent taboos concerning watching other people eat or eating in the presence of others. There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need, or between those already satiated and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging. Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos, but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance. In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on-lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life.


1. If the argument in the passage is valid, taboos against eating in the presence of others who are not also eating would be LEAST likely in a society that

(A) had always had a plentiful supply of food

(B) emphasized the need to share worldly goods

(C) had a nomadic rather than an agricultural way of life

(D) emphasized the value of privacy

(E) discouraged overindulgence


2. The author‘s hypothesis concerning the origin of taboos against watching other people eat emphasizes the

(A) general palatability of food

(B) religious significance of food

(C) limited availability of food

(D) various sources of food

(E) nutritional value of food


3. Select the sentence in the passage in which the author suggests that past attempts to explain some taboos concerning eating are incomplete.



Throughout human history there have been many stringent taboos concerning watching other people eat or eating in the presence of others. 本文主要討論看別人吃東西跟在別人面前吃東西的禁忌,恩恩主旨抓到了往下看看文體是如何,不過這文章的論點還真有點無聊,這感覺有點像是再討論大便後要用衛生紙,還是用免治馬桶沖一樣,我好像記得烏龍派出所有一集兩津勘吉餓到要抓狂,炸蝦飯被狗吃掉,然後去追狗,回來看到一個老阿罵在派出所煮火鍋,然後看到阿兩就說,你想吃嗎?沒關係我可以讓你看我吃。不知道那是哪一集來的


There have been attempts to explain these taboos in...看到這就可以了,因為有代名詞,然後又有explain表示接下來必然後給一些理由,所以本文章就是以叫人『為什麼不要在別人面前吃飯或是看別人吃飯』,然後下面可能就是理由的發展看看轉折之類的字眼就趕快結束了,因為我已經抓到文章的脈絡,基本上不用去找理由一,理由二,...是什麼,因為沒有考的話不就虧大了嗎時間都沒了。


Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos, but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance. 這裡講到such elements 可能是我剛剛忽略不看的部分,不過沒關係,重點在這裡but there is an additional element所以除了這些要素存在之後還有其他要素更為重要,那既然這樣additional element更為重要,那我就更有理由不看such elements


因為剛剛提到額外的因素很重要,但是沒有看到到底重要在哪所以要往下看,In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on-lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life.歹勞啊~~大家都是混口飯滴嘛求生存啊,糧食短缺,賞點臉吧,別趕盡殺絕啊,原來是不分給別人會被肉搜。


在別人面前吃東西最不會發生在哪,那就是剛剛最後一句了啊,不用分享給別人的地方,所以找個食物不是問題的選項即可,而且像是(B) worldly goods(C) nomadic (D) privacy (E)  overindulgence這類文章找不到的字就別選了,這會違反文章的連貫性。選(A)



這也是考同一句話,題目看到強調字(emphasizes),文章就找強調字(importance)發現內容沒了,這屁沒放完就著往下看就有答案了,In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on-lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life.選(C)



關鍵在題目的最後一個字,那個不完整,既然是可以『暗示』不完整,表示文章幫你加料,所以就是那個additional element的那句話了。

Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos, but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance





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