

Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of — and so was crucial in sustaining — the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.







argues that +完整子句,也屬名詞子句,後面引出的子句當賓語從句來使用,而argue本身字面無任何正負面的含義,存粹就是認為而已,除非加上against之類,才能將整體文意表達成負面。



that子句裡頭的東西the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of — and so was crucial in sustaining — the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another

這當中雙破折號將主要內容隔開,裏頭提到的crucial in sustaining the Black heritage維持傳承,作者把它視為次要內容,所以用插入句形式把它埋葬起來,躲在列子裡。所以正常還原語序應為:stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of  the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another and the stability so was crucial in sustaining the Black heritage.事件一:穩定幫助傳承傳統,事件二:穩定幫助維持傳統


The 』的延伸

ㄅ:一般很多學英文初期時會莫名的把the當口頭禪,放在名詞前面當作可數名詞的冠詞用,但是隨著英文能力的提升這個 The 』的用法勢必要做一些澄清,他是定冠詞,所以他的出現表示文章前方一定有類似的名詞也出現過,所以你才能在此寫上一個『 The 』字句代替前方一大串名詞,本題為例,the stability of the Black family出現之後我後面要陳述我只要寫the stability就夠了,同理the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another,這個直接寫the heritage就可以了,Black也可以不用寫,表示這個傳承,然後這個傳承就是前面講的傳承,因此可以想像『 the 』可以代替當下你要講的這個名詞的修飾語。

PS:the stability of the Black family那最初的這個the又是怎麼回事呢,這是因為這個THE是用來跟of the Black family搭配的,介系詞當作後製修飾詞,所以這個穩定性『專指』有關黑人家庭的穩定性,接著the Black family這裡面的THE就要去看文章內容了,但是通常都是在指非裔美國人的部分,畢竟ETS總部在美國


ㄆ:但奇怪得事情the stability of the Black family,為什麼the stability前面會有『 the 』的出現,在本文當中他是第一次出現啊,這是因為後方介系詞的關係,介係詞+名詞被視為後置定語的修飾詞當形容詞用,而這個 the 』就是限定在有這個of the Black family修飾語情況之下的stability,因此這個『 the 』就是專門指黑人家庭的穩定性,所以才會有『 the 』,這好像是剛剛PS的內容,算了寫了就寫了,同理the transmission 修飾the Black heritage,後面的the Black heritage 也是異曲同工之妙,修飾詞為of folklore, music, and religious expression。





a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.

這東西精彩了,『逗點』後面一直到尾巴句點本身是個同位語的形式,皆是修飾前方的the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another,其實同位語的形式就是對前面的名詞做補充說明用,所以邏輯上被視為同向,而在想法上如何讓同位語在文意上表達比較適合台灣人胃口,我們可以假裝他是關係代名詞省略過來的,(which is a heritage,這樣翻譯就順多了,那個有關於代代相傳的民俗,音樂,宗教的黑人傳統,而這是一個(which is)傳承(a heritage),那至於怎樣的傳承後面再用that的名詞子句講完


“ 概念名詞+that 名詞子句 ”

這裡常出現的論文寫作方式,概念名詞+that 名詞子句,這個子句的用意句是在說概念名詞的屬性及內容,我們可以假設概念名詞就好像是百貨公司的福袋,買回來你只看到外觀,然後that就是你的雙手,試著想把福袋打開來看,最後名詞子句就是你看到裡面有化妝品啊,香水啊,彩妝盒啊,因此在整個流程走完之後你會得到一個結論,庵買了個福袋裡面有化妝品,香水,彩妝盒,所以可以更進一步地用數學是表達福袋=化妝品+香水+彩妝盒,因此這個that被視為等號『=』了,他不是關係代名詞形容詞子句當作修飾與限定範圍用的喔,所以直接要翻譯成:『這個概念就是.....的概念啊』,所以本題就是a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.這是一個傳承,而這就是奴隸們持續構建出他們的非洲及美洲經驗的這種傳承啊。A heritage= slaves were continually fashioning out of their experiences



Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of — and so was crucial in sustaining — the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.




Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of — and so was crucial in sustaining — the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.(這個名詞子句有空再看)





Fashion out of = made up of = form out of  (V) 構成

Crucial (adj.) 重要的= critical / essential / decisive / pivotal / vital / momentous 

Trivial (adj.) 不怎樣的 incidental / inconsequential / trifling / negligible 

Heritage (n.) 遺產 legacy / inheritance / bequest 

stability (n) 穩定性,stabilization (n) 穩定,stabilize (v) 使...穩定

Stable (adj.) 穩定的=balanced / changeless / constant / stationary / steady / static 








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