Heinrich Feyermahn, in insisting that Galileo did not fully uphold the tenets of scientific rationalism, does not exclusively implicate the Italian astronomer, but rather the very edifice of Western thought. For if Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking, and yet is found wanting, then the history of science cannot be understood as an endless succession of scientists carrying out their work free of all-too-human biases. Thus, Feyermahn admonishes, in faithfully chronicling the sweep of science in the last 300 years, historiographers would be remiss to not include the human foibles that were part of even the most ostensibly Apollonian endeavors.
Heinrich Feyermahn, in insisting that Galileo did not fully uphold the tenets of scientific rationalism, does not (i)_____ the Italian astronomer, but rather the very edifice of Western thought. For if Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking, and yet is (ii)_____, then the history of science cannot be understood as an endless succession of scientists carrying out their work free of all-too-human biases. Thus, Feyermahn admonishes, in faithfully chronicling the sweep of science in the last 300 years, historiographers would be (iii)_____ to not include the human foibles that were part of even the most ostensibly Apollonian endeavors.
Blank(i) |
Blank(ii) |
Blank(iii) |
(A)exclusively implicate
(D)found wanting
(B)partially repudiate
(E)considered enlightened
(C)fully espouse |
(F)dismissed as inconsequential
整個段落三句話,首先來判斷每句邏輯的預判,Heinrich Feyermahn, in insisting that Galileo did not fully uphold the tenets of scientific rationalism, does not (i)_____ the Italian astronomer, but rather the very edifice of Western thought.這句話當中有個同位語in insisting that Galileo did not fully uphold the tenets of scientific rationalism去說明HF是怎樣的一個人,既然同為語在文法當中做補充的所以邏輯不會變,所以同位語裡面的內容先抓主幹:G不是R(伽利略不理性),好的接下來往下走,那第二句開頭也沒有轉折,第三句也是,所以整段話句子間沒有轉換邏輯,所以都在講G不是R
第一句開始,看到有個結起來很順的段句does not ...but rather看文法結構but rather the very edifice of Western thought.這句話沒主詞也沒動詞,所以他的動詞一定是(i)_____,主詞HF,既然兩者是連動的中間有個but出現按邏輯來說連動的東西沒辦法取反邏輯,也只能靠前後名詞去做取反邏輯的動作the very edifice of Western thought,very=whole的意思回推答案也只剩下exclusively= only可以去跟very對比了,所以按照人物對比不同的關係選 (A)exclusively implicate
PS:定慣詞『THE』Italian astronomer,別小看『THE』她的出現表是前面這個人被提過,所以往前找人找到Galileo
第二句開頭和主要子句沒有轉折,所以要跟著第一句的邏輯順下來,For if Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking, and yet is (ii)_____, then the history of science cannot be understood as an endless succession of scientists carrying out their work free of all-too-human biases. 整理是考句間關係取反。if Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking, and yet is (ii)_____。前方又省略 Galileo,and yet取反所以空格二要和Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking取反,可是取反指是句間取反不能表示她就是最終的G不是R的含意,所以還要用後面的主要子句做判斷(E)有啟發性的,語意不同還是很正面的詞,刪除。(F)dismissed as inconsequential認為不合理而不考慮,負負得正又是正向的了,所以刪除,因此選(D)found wanting
最後一句話Thus開頭表是因果前後句子邏輯同向,這邊要往前去對應因為找到時間關鍵點,as an endless succession of scientists VS. the sweep of science in the last 300 years他們兩句所帶給我們的主幹cannot be understood as an endless succession of scientists carrying out their work free of all-too-human biases.這樣合起來就是人類不理性,下一句從thus,包含(iii)_____,整體應該也要表示人類不理性,所以historiographers would be (iii)_____ to not include the human foibles that were part of even the most ostensibly Apollonian endeavors.(這個是關係代名詞限定用法修飾前方的foibles,所以直接不理會) not 取負,the human foibles = all-too-human biases所以(iii)_____要取一個負的邏輯去跟not負負得正,才能使整句話邏輯保持,因此(G)prudent刪除,(I)contrary,雖然是負面字,但這樣會發現自己的臉超腫的,因為帶入之後整句話是Feyermahn admonishes, in faithfully chronicling the sweep of science in the last 300 years, historiographers would be contrary to not include the human foibles,整個翻譯會是綜觀近代科學300年史,HF譴責這些歷史學者反對不把人類不理性的層面納入考量,白話一點就是HF反對歷史學家說人類不理性,這跟開頭第一句的那個同位語完全相反阿,這不就啪啪啪打的臉皮青臉腫了,所以選(H)remiss
For if Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking, and yet is found wanting, then the history of science cannot be understood as an endless succession of scientists carrying out their work free of all-too-human biases.
這裡先拆分,if Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking, and yet is found wanting,if如果事當如果的話,那麼這兩個句子是要邏輯同向的,表示條件關係,可是中間卻塞一個and yet,這就表示邏輯有取反,所以IF一定是被動了手腳,後面省略了even,因此這句話就變成讓步句了,If even....,即使....
然後For....then...,這裡作者也算好心,幫忙多寫一個then讓讀者可以聯想到因果關係,因為是因果關係,所以For if Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking, and yet is found wanting, then the history of science cannot be understood as an endless succession of scientists carrying out their work free of all-too-human biases.兩句子邏輯同向,當中黃色區塊被刪掉的部分就不要看了,他是用來賺稿費的讓步句,真正的邏輯表達是她後面的and yet is found wanting,然後這裡and yet是跟剛剛讓步句做對應的,既然已經刪掉讓步句,他的存在也沒意義了,所以最終簡化的句子會是
Although Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking,because Galileo is found wanting,the history of science cannot be understood as an endless succession of scientists carrying out their work free of all-too-human biases.
exclusively (adv)= only
implicate (v) 暗示,牽拖
partially (adv) 部分地
repudiate (v) 否認
espouse (v) 支持
wanting (adj) 缺少的
enlightened (adj) 開明的,有啟發的
inconsequential (adj) 不合理的
dismiss (v) 撤離,不考慮
prudent (adj) 仔細的
remiss (adj) 大意,不小心的
tenets (n) 教條,原則
edifice (n) 大廈
purported (adj) 傳說中的,可能是真的
succession (n) 繼承,傳承
carrying out (v) 實施,實行,就是等於do(做)
admonishes (v) 告誡,責備 =reprimand
ostensibly (adv) 表面地,假地
foible (n) 缺點
faithfully (adv) 真誠地
chronicling (adj) 年代紀錄的,chronicle (n) 編年體,chronic(adj) 慢性的
endeavors (n) 努力
- ostensibly Apollonian endeavors" means the most apparently rational endeavors.
- "the sweep of science in the last 300 years" means that the entirety of science over 300 years is being referred to.