
The question of when, if ever, history can be considered apolitical is contentious,to say the least. One could argue, for example,that any evaluation of the 180-year-old presidency of Andrew Jackson would likely be free from the controversies that define evaluations of more contemporaneous political leaders, and yet a plethora of passionately held views continues to polarize. The subjectivity of any one judgment is perhaps the one certainty surrounding the issue.




The question of when, if ever, history can be considered (i)_____ is contentious, to say the least. One could argue, for example, that any evaluation of the 180-year-old presidency of Andrew Jackson would likely be (ii)_____ the controversies that define evaluations of more contemporaneous political leaders, and yet a plethora of passionately held views continues to polarize. The (iii)_____ of any one judgment is perhaps the one certainty surrounding the issue.


Blank(i) Blank(ii) Blank(iii)


(D)charateristic of (G)objectivity
(B)tendentious (E)mired in


(C)unexpurgated (F)free from




  • 先找yet,這表轉折,前後兩句話邏輯相反,所以yet後面沒空格先看,有個邏輯關鍵字polarize極化,那就是分開的意思啦~~,所以表示前面一句的整個邏輯應該是『合』,接這前面一句後面有controversies,是矛盾也就是分開的意思,所以(ii)_____ 為了符合『合』邏輯,所以(F)free from
  • 然後往回看有個for example這表示該句是舉例,而前面一句是概念承述,因為外國人邏輯思維的寫作方式是以先抽象再具體的方式寫作。所以for example 前後兩句的東西是互相支持的,前面講history然後再(i)_____ ,後面那一句話是180-year-old,presidency,political,不管怎麼看都是要選(A)apolitical。(B)tendentious偏見選下去的話就不會有雙方各站一邊各自擁護了,所以相反。(C)unexpurgated,這更妙了,沒被刪除這個不是描述歷史,是用在描述"我的D槽"
  • 最後看到最後一句前方有個passionately held views,所持有觀點都是主觀的,主觀是觀點,客觀是證據,所以(H)subjectivity



tendentious:(adj) 偏見的

unexpurgated:(adj) 原汁原味的,完整的,不當之處未刪除的 

mired in:(v) 陷入

mellifluousness:(adj) 流暢的

plethora :(N)多到炸掉的東西

to say the least: used to show that what you are describing is in fact much more serious or important than you have sugerted,至少可以這麼說,或是避重就輕,簡單來說

1.The question of when, if ever, history can be considered apolitical is contentious,to say the least.這句還原看可能比較清楚,The question of when history can be considered apolitical is contentious, if(如果) ever there is(有) the question of when history can be considered apolitical.如果有...的話

2.One could argue, for example, that any evaluation of the 180-year-old presidency of Andrew Jackson would likely be free from  the controversies that define evaluations of more contemporaneous political leaders

  • 當中咖啡色,就是插入的用法而已,把它埋起來
  • 粉紅色是整個名詞子句,是由argue帶出來的,作為後方的argue受詞,所以用that+S+V的完整句形式呈現
  • that define evaluations of more contemporaneous political leaders而這個部分就是the controversies所帶出來的關係代名詞子句,注意他是不完整子句(少了一個N,主詞或受詞,因為VI後方沒受詞,所以我統一講少一個N會比較好),這用意就是當形容詞片語去修是前面的controversies,翻譯:評定很多同期政治領袖的』爭議 
3.and yet a plethora of passionately held views continues to polarize. 中 passionately held views,adv+adj+N,翻譯:強烈支持的觀點,這是副形名連環修飾語,別再說什麼用very good girl當例子去呼嚨說這個是慣用語法,假賽!!!!,應該要解釋的是這裡的副詞指的是形容詞的程度的展現如何,然後形容詞再去修飾名詞,然後continues才是真動詞




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