Public officials recently announced plans to condone noise pollution in parts of the downtown. Aside from citing the usual costs of enforcing ordinances, the city also referenced reports indicating that residents had become inured to the hubbub, a finding that, for the most part, is not incompatible with the dearth of media coverage on the issue—when a municipality is responsible for disgruntled citizens, the newspapers are sure to follow up with a flurry of coverage.
inure to : used to 習慣於
hubbub:bustle 吵鬧
dearth:lack,shortage 缺乏


  • Public officials recently announced plans to condone noise pollution in parts of the downtown.(政府官員近期宣布在城市一些區域放寬噪音汙染的計畫。此句大概就是查一下單字而已,文法上沒有變化)


  • Aside from citing the usual costs of enforcing ordinances, the city also referenced reports indicating that residents had become inured to the hubbub,(Aside from 介係詞,所以後面的東西是名詞,那面動詞就改成動名詞變成事件的描述,文法上citing就是跟著主要子句當中的主詞the city去作動,然後reports indicating that residents had become inured to the hubbub,關西代名詞限定用法,當形容詞用修飾前方的reports而且這個形容詞子句一定是不完整子句翻譯:這類隱射居民對喧鬧無感『的』報導,其中『的』就是關代帶出來的形容詞子句的翻譯)
  • , a finding that, for the most part,(不要理他,沒什麼意義) is not incompatible with the dearth of media coverage on the issue(『逗點』的存在就是當作前面那句話或是前方名詞的同位語,邏輯上就是『=』等於的意思,同時也可以想成...residents had become inured to the hubbub, which is a finding that...的省略,那翻譯上就會比較直觀了,後面又來了一個關西代名詞限定用法,當形容詞用修飾前方的a finding,翻譯:而這(居民對喧鬧無感的報導),對大部分而言,是一個和媒體在噪音議題上缺乏關注度不是相抵觸『的』調查結果,白話一點就是:對大部分而言,居民對喧鬧無感的報導反映了媒體在噪音議題上不加以著墨的現象
  • when a municipality is responsible for disgruntled citizens, the newspapers are sure to follow up with a flurry of coverage. ,看到』也是想成『=』等於的意思,所以又是另一個同位語了翻譯:當市政擾名時,新聞傳媒一定窮追事件所涵蓋的騷動

整個邏輯線就是,condone noise pollutionresidents had become inured to the hubbubnot incompatible with the dearth of media coverage disgruntled citizensnewspapers are sure to follow

Public officials recently announced plans to (i) _____ noise pollution in parts of the downtown. Aside from citing the usual costs of enforcing ordinances, the city also referenced reports indicating that residents had become (ii) _____ the hubbub, a finding that, for the most part, is not (iii)_____ the dearth of media coverage on the issue—when a municipality is responsible for disgruntled citizens, the newspapers are sure to follow up with a flurry of coverage.
Blank(i) Blank(ii) Blank(iii)

(A) scrap

(D) enraged by (G) incompatible with
(B) curb (E) flustered by

(H) reconciled with 

(C) condone (F) inured to 

(I) mitigated by


這裡必須知道 , a finding... —when..是同位語,所以整個句子不是遞進就是對等,完全沒轉折

因此,從句尾到回去—when a municipality is responsible for disgruntled citizens, the newspapers are sure to follow up with a flurry of coverage. 人怒(-),新聞會報(+),利用四則運算』是『=』,也就是等號前面有個新聞 dearth(-),所以推論人不怒(+),帶入(ii) _____ 應該是(F)inured to 才表示人不會怒的狀態,然後 (iii)_____ 因為前方有not,所以選擇(G) incompatible with,讓a finding that, for the most part, is not (iii)_____ the dearth of media coverage on the issue這句話變成新聞 dearth(-)的邏輯,最後在推回開頭首句,既然居民對喧鬧無感,所以政府就放寬,因此(i) _____ 取正邏輯(C) condone





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