The government has no choice but to heed the incessant demands for land reform, and yet any governmental action that initiated land reform without requisite attention to agrarian reform would compromise the overall goal of economic modernization. 
heed :to  pay attention 注意
incessant :continuting 持續不斷的(這字跟insistent同字根源,incessantinsistent,ant/ent是形容詞尾墜,in前墜,剩下的cess的c其實就是sist的s,e就是i,既然insistent是"堅持的"的意思,那就不難聯想了)
agrarian :farming 農業的
compromise :危及,危害(一般都是當妥協翻譯但這裡是負面字)


1.The government has no choice but to heed the incessant demands for land reform

  • no choice but to 把but當轉折就好,意味著BUT前後的語意相反,前面沒有選擇,後面有土地改革的選擇。這裡就不要去背什麼"沒有..不..",搞得自己一頭霧水,然後BUT是連接詞,所以to heed the incessant demands...前方省略S+V,
  • 還原:The government is to heed the incessant demands.. BUT前後主詞相同去掉,Be動詞無意義去掉,is +to 有三種表示: 1.命中注定 2.理所當然 3. 預定計畫(這句話取此意) ,所以小段翻譯:政府沒別的辦法選了,只能不斷的把重心放在土地重劃的需求上
  • 然後BUT轉折其實會把重點放在BUT後面,所以前方對我來說只是湊字數用,冰與火之歌的第一季,第一集,臨冬城老大Ned Stark 說過:「Anything beford the ward "BUT" is bullshit.」

2., and yet any governmental action that initiated land reform without requisite attention to agrarian reform would compromise the overall goal of economic modernization.

  • , and yet 的文法上YET這裡當副詞用表示前後轉折,再用『逗點』and(連接詞)將『逗點』前後句子連起來
  • governmental action that initiated land reform without requisite attention to agrarian reform (已經出現到爛掉的關西代名詞限定用法,當形容詞用修飾前方的action而且這個形容詞子句一定是不完整子句,翻譯:那些沒把必要的關注放在農業重劃上就著手土改『的』政府行動,其中『的』就是關代帶出來的形容詞子句之翻譯)
  • the overall goal of economic modernization,of翻譯成about(有關於)會比較恰當
把所有修飾的東西去掉,整個邏輯線就是 The government→ land reform→yet→without agrarian reform → compromise


The government has no choice but to (i)_____ the incessant demands for land reform, and yet any governmental action that initiated land reform without requisite attention to agrarian reform would (ii)_____ the overall goal of economic modernization. 
Blank (i) Blank (ii)

(A) anticipate      

 (D) delineate

(B) heed 

 (E) condone

(C) silence 

(F) compromise


這裡必須要看得懂incessant 和 選項(F)compromise
incessant (土地) 對應到 without requisite (農業) 所以回推政府是贊成土地的,所以  (i)_____ ,傾向去注意(B) heed 
然後yet 表示『逗點』前後邏輯相反,前面顯然是"正"邏輯,所以後面就要變成"負"邏輯,所以 (ii)_____   取(F) compromise

(A) anticipate (阿都已經有initiated land reform,政府還期待麼)       

(C) silence(邏輯相反了) 

(D) delineate (描述??沒什麼特別的邏輯取向,記憶方式:de就字根來說有"下"的意思,然後ate是動詞的後贅根,所以實質意義剩下line,在底下畫線的動作就是描述拉~~~)

(E) condone(寬恕,這個太多正能量了,感恩吸附,讚嘆吸附)

(F) compromise(超級負面字)




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