The highest motorable road in Taiwan, Wuling, Taroko National Park, Taiwan
Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
這題有很多類似題型在考古題中,不是出Basic needs VS. Space exploration 不然就是,Basic needs VS. Transportation, Basic needs VS. Technology,所以一題多吃的形況之下還是寫 Basic needs比較好,而且較生活化
TOEFL【Independent Writing】搞定托福獨立寫作的戰略分析
The way of mainstream of modern society to run a government is capitalism. Basic needs should be handled by people individually and freely. For most people, such needs as food, cloths, residence, and traffic are affordable, compared with the astronomically expensive space exploration. The existence of governments is to seek benefits for community, making sure sustainable development from the impact of human activities, and also the technology used in space programs can improve our life-- compelling reasons that governments should invest space exploration.
Governments need to solve the problem of sustainable development. The exponentially increasing human population, worldwide air pollution, and resource shortage cause Nature disorder. The rescue should be started before the Earth is terminated. Benefiting from government subsidies, astronauts can set on a journey to the Moon, extracting helium-3, an element present with a large quantity on Moon while almost untraceable on Earth, as component of nuclear fusion reaction to produce power replacing energy from nuclear fission, creating environmentally friendly energy. The ice they mine in lunar carter or comets, moreover, can be broken down to oxygen and hydrogen, non-Earth fuel to support spaceships for long-distance missions like space migration for continuance of creature's life.
Technological decentralization happens. With huge government subsidies, scientists design various advanced technology to overcome obstacles in space exploration. The outcome improves technology used in daily life, including tools, skills, materials,and techniques. NASA set on artificial satellites for the function of observation and communication between Earth and Moon to support Neil Armstrong to step into the Moon. Today, many successful application come from the tasks. GPS fixes the typhoon coming up to threaten the place we live, serving as weather forecast. Google maps prevent us from getting lost, directing us to the right places and showing suggested routes-- achievements from scientific efforts to make human have better lives.
The Earth becomes worse. In early times, we spent money on basic needs, but still fail in issues of over-exploiting and over-crowding. we need to change. Recommending governments to spend money on exploring space is good to continue lives lining in the Earth and also to use the technology in the future.
Word: 357
托福文章大部分分四類題型,1.同意不同意。2.二選一。 3.三選一。4. a>b,尤其3.和4.近期頻率增高
- The way of mainstream of modern society to run a government is capitalism. (背景句掀出來,然後我的立場是Space exploration所以就不客氣的準備打Basic needs ,所以現在的趨勢就是資本主義,以利下一句政府不該插手發展)
- Basic needs should be handled by people individually and freely. (自由市場經濟,先講反方的狀態)
- For most people, such needs as food, cloths, residence, and traffic are affordable, compared with the astronomically expensive space exploration. (兩者用金錢比較Basic needs相對負擔得起暗示不需補助,順便做轉折)
- The existence of governments is to seek benefits for community, making sure sustainable development from the impact of human activities, and also the technology used in space programs can improve our life-- compelling reasons that governments should invest space exploration.(然後把正方理由一跟理由二寫下,並用同位語重申我的立場,省得多寫一句So i think governments should invest space exploration.)
- The Earth becomes worse. (小背景,其實是湊字數用的~~YA!!)
- In early times, we spent money on basic needs, but still fail in issues of over-exploiting and over-crowding. (比較之前努力過但無效)
- we need to change. (轉折)
- Recommending governments to spend money on exploring space is good to continue lives lining in the Earth and also to use the technology in the future.(立場+理由一+理由二,收功罵髒話)
那第二段和第三段就要完整表現為何我會選擇Space exploration比較重要的立場,因為在主要段落,也就是第二段和第三段去做比較會使得整個文章比較亂,所以這裡不需要把自己搞得跟徐自摩一樣把文章寫得詞藻華麗,眉飛色舞,所以main body 的部分盡量井然有序,讓人好讀就好,除非要用對比去加強文章重點,不然還是不要Basic needs VS. Space exploration,兩邊比來比去,比得滿頭大汗。
main body內容發展大概推薦如下目標門檻300字絕對沒問題:
- 法一:主題句1句+概念2句+舉例2句+結論1句
- 法二:主題句1句+舉例(題目現象出現之前)2句+舉例(題目現象出現之後)2句+結論1句,用時間去做對比,或者用人物,事物去做對比
第二段邏輯線是:政府要解決永續發展→人口多過度利用 →災難→投入資金(轉折)→月球挖礦,礦物內容,替代能源(三層洋蔥)→月球挖水,長距離任務的用料,移民(三層洋蔥)
- Governments need to solve the problem of sustainable development. (主題句,理由一,要來解決永續發展問題)
- The exponentially increasing human population, worldwide air pollution, and resource shortage cause Nature disorder. (概念:前半部現況的說明,人口過多,汙染,資源不足)
- The rescue should be started before the Earth is terminated. (概念:後面產生的問題,所以我把上一句和本句當因果關係寫,因為有上面的因果,所以才會有接下來政府的布局,那至於佈局是什麼就是接下來要寫的舉例)
- Benefiting from government subsidies, astronauts can set on a journey to the Moon, extracting helium-3, an element present with a large quantity on Moon while almost untraceable on Earth, as component of nuclear fusion reaction to produce power replacing energy from nuclear fission, creating environmentally friendly energy.(資金進入(轉折),舉例一:月亮,He3,替代燃料,對環境友好)
- The ice they mine in lunar carter or comets, moreover, can be broken down to oxygen and hydrogen, non-Earth fuel to support spaceships for long-distance missions like space migration for continuance of creature's life. (舉例二:月亮挖水,能源,長距離探索,然後continuance of creature's life.剛好對回去主題句的sustainable development,剛好就不用再寫結論句了,時間能省就省,字數能少就少)
第三段邏輯線是:科技下放→ 高科技產品出現→改善生活→過去NASA登月→現在GPS天氣 →MAP迷路
- Technological decentralization happens. (主題句,超短~~爽,這是理由二:科技下放)
- With huge government subsidies, scientists design various advanced technology to overcome obstacles in space exploration. (概念的產生:政府資金近來,供研究高科技,克服太空探索)
- The outcome improves technology used in daily life, including tools, skills, materials,and techniques.(概念的結果:廣泛應用於日常生活)
- NASA set on artificial satellites for the function of observation and communication between Earth and Moon to support Neil Armstrong to step into the Moon. (舉例:因為decentralization這個字有點像是過程,所以可能要加入一點過去和現在的差別會比較完整,然而會用NASA是因為他是政府機關,這樣才不會離題,這個"我的一小步就是人類一大步"的故事大家耳熟能詳,老樣子的三層洋蔥結構(某人事物的舉動+得到了什麼+造成什麼結果)NASA的衛星,通訊,幫阿姆登月)
- Today, many successful application come from the tasks.(轉折入正題:有了成功地運用)
- GPS fixes typhoon coming up to threaten the place we live, serving as weather forecast. (舉例:GPS,颱風監控,氣象報告)
- Google maps prevent us from getting lost, directing us to the right places and showing suggested routes-- achievements from scientific efforts to make human have better lives.(舉例:GOOGLE MAP(這裡寫google就是想表達從政府專用的科技下放民間),苦海中明燈,使人類生活更好,這裡我又偷懶了,最後尾巴剛好用achievements from scientific efforts to make human have better lives去對應我開頭段的理由二and also the technology used in space programs can improve our life,剛好形成一個迴圈,不須再寫結論)