For women feminist literary critic, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special political significance, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors. If she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific, the definition precludes the critic-as-artist approach and may impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment. If she defines feminist criticism as creative and intuitive, privileged as art, then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas about the ways in which women think, and will be dismissed by much of the academic establishment.
These questions are political in the sense that the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle in which the careers and professional fortunes of many women scholars -- only now entering the academic profession in substantial numbers -- will be at stake, and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding, a contribution that might be an important influence against sexism in our society.
For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply
1. The author specifically mentions all of the following as difficulties that particularly affect women who are theoreticians of feminist literary criticism
(A) tendency of a predominantly male academic establishment to form preconceptions about women
(B) limitations that are imposed when criticism is defined as objective and scientific
(C) likelihood that the work of a woman theoretician who claims the privilege of art will be viewed with prejudice by some academics
2.Which of the following is presented by the author in support of the suggestion that there is stereotypic thinking among members of the academic establishment?
(A) A distinctively feminist contribution to humanistic understanding could work against the influence of sexism among members of the academic establishment.
(B) Women who define criticism as artistic may be seen by the academic establishment as being incapable of critical thinking.
(C) The debate over the role of the literary critic is often seen as a political one.
(D) Women scholars are only now entering academia in substantial numbers.
(E) The woman who is a critic is forced to construct a theory of literary criticism.
3 .It can be inferred that the author would define as " political " questions (in the second paragraph) that
(A) are contested largely through contentions over power
(B) are primarily academic in nature and open to abstract analysis
(C) are not in themselves important
(D) cannot be resolved without extensive debate
(E) will be debated by both men and women
For women feminist literary critic, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special political significance, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors.
主角是debate,前方介系詞帶頭的那位女性主義文學評論家不是主幹,因為介系詞帶領出來的會當成修飾詞用,那這個爭論是有政治重要性的,後方來的並列,表示本文的雙重點,管他喜好哪一個都很危險,所以這文章由risk會散發出一個負面結果的氣息,發展結果應該是朝向糟糕的一面,這只是猜測方便我接下來做題而已,再來我們少了一個重點,到底whichever side of the issue it favors.這是在說什麼,既然提到side所以是選邊站,有選擇,所以表示同屬性的東西選擇其一,所以往前,找看看同屬性的單字,然後有side表示兩個屬性邏輯上是不同的,因此可以找到 subjectivity versus objectivity,artist-or-scientist。
These questions are political in the sense that the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle
in the sense that這個在google翻譯上是就某種意義而言,這樣其實太籠統,直接把它想成等號即可,that後面加上完整子句,去說明那個sense是怎樣的sense.
political questions=sense=the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle
至於後半部那個這麼多的內容怎麼刪減勒,沒關係出現了比較級的結構,也就是可以看一半內容去推出主幹,上面的比較即是 be less than,表示前方內容不叫不重要,後方內容才是重點,所以這句話在更精簡的看法就成了
the debate will inevitably be more over an academic power struggle
1. The author specifically mentions all of the following as difficulties that particularly affect women who are theoreticians of feminist literary criticism
(A) tendency of a predominantly male academic establishment to form preconceptions about women
(B) limitations that are imposed when criticism is defined as objective and scientific
(C) likelihood that the work of a woman theoretician who claims the privilege of art will be viewed with prejudice by some academics
If she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific, the definition precludes the critic-as-artist approach and may impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment. 當初不看是因我在抓主幹,因為if表示條件句,既然在下條件了,表示在某個範圍內的舉例說明,這已經是整個文章框架上的分支,屬於細節,所以才略過不讀,只要知道這句話下的條件是針對objective and scientific即可,這樣趕快看到後方內容,有並列我們拆開分項好了
ㄅ:precludes the critic-as-artist approach
ㄆ: impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment.
(A) tendency of a predominantly male academic establishment to form preconceptions about women
兄弟,別陷到修飾詞的陷阱啊of a predominantly male academic establishment介系詞片語修飾用的我就不多說了跳過,抓主幹啊,所以就是會形成preconceptions,先入為主不就是偏激嗎,所以就會反對某一方看法,這樣對對應到impede objectivity
(B) limitations that are imposed when criticism is defined as objective and scientific
(C) likelihood that the work of a woman theoretician who claims the privilege of art will be viewed with prejudice by some academics
這裡的主幹沒啥屁用,一個概念名詞而已,沒辦法,所以只能接著往修飾詞的內容挖終點,對於woman theoretician來說,親藝術派是種偏激行為,這個也是在講反藝術的含義precludes the critic-as-artist approach,你也不用看下一句話privilege of art也可以推出來,因為題目打從一開始就定義好科學就是客觀,藝術就是主觀,而主觀跟客觀兩者邏輯關係相反,因此藝術和科學邏輯上也要取反,在換句話說,以這句話來講讀完之後,取反,就可以知道下一句話再說什麼了。
2.Which of the following is presented by the author in support of the suggestion that there is stereotypic thinking among members of the academic establishment?
(A) A distinctively feminist contribution to humanistic understanding could work against the influence of sexism among members of the academic establishment.
(B) Women who define criticism as artistic may be seen by the academic establishment as being incapable of critical thinking.
(C) The debate over the role of the literary critic is often seen as a political one.
(D) Women scholars are only now entering academia in substantial numbers.
(E) The woman who is a critic is forced to construct a theory of literary criticism.
由stereotypic thinking定位到,
If she defines feminist criticism as creative and intuitive, privileged as art, then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas about the ways in which women think, and will be dismissed by much of the academic establishment.
剛剛由上一句話已經推出來大概結果就是,客觀派肚爛主觀派,科學藝術間水火不容,所以找個有藝術跟科學,主觀跟客觀之間的對立描述就是答案了,(B)incapable就是be dismissed by much of the academic establishment.被唾棄,選(B)
(A)的話假設剛剛抓主幹把開頭的那組介系詞For women feminist literary critic當做主幹的話你就會中招了
3 .It can be inferred that the author would define as " political " questions (in the second paragraph) that
(A) are contested largely through contentions over power
(B) are primarily academic in nature and open to abstract analysis
(C) are not in themselves important
(D) cannot be resolved without extensive debate
(E) will be debated by both men and women
這個開頭分析過了,the debate will inevitably be more over an academic power struggle,無可避免的爭論是進而形成文學上的權力鬥爭。有爭論contested=debate,有力量