
Writing of the Iroquois nation, Smith has argued that through the chiefs' council, tribal chiefs traditionally maintained complete control over the political affairs of both the Iroquois tribal league and the individual tribes belonging to the league, whereas the sole jurisdiction over religious affairs resided with the shamans. He contended that this division was maintained until the late nineteenth century. However, Smith fails to recognize that this division of power between the tribal chiefs and shamans was not actually rooted in Iroquois tradition; rather, it resulted from the Iroquois' resettlement on reservations early in the nineteenth century. Prior to resettlement, the chiefs' council controlled only the broad policy of the tribal league; individual tribes had institutions― most important, the longhouse― to govern their own affairs. In the longhouse, the tribe's chief influenced both political and religious affairs.


1.It can be inferred that the author of the passage regards Smith's argument as

(A)provocative and potentially useful, but flawed by poor organization

(B)eloquently presented, but needlessly inflammatory

(C)accurate in some of its particulars, but inaccurate with regard to an important point.

(D)historically sound, but overly detailed and redundant

(E)persuasive in its time, but now largely outdated


2.The author of the passage implies that which of the following occurred after the Iroquois were resettled on reservations early in the nineteenth century?

(A)Chiefs became more involved in their tribes' religious affairs.

(B)The authority of the chiefs' council over the affairs of individual tribes increased.

(C)The political influence of the Iroquois shamans was diminished.

(D)individual tribes coalesced into the Iroquois tribal league.

(E)The longhouse became a political rather than a religious institution.


Writing of the Iroquois nation, Smith has argued that through the chiefs' council, tribal chiefs traditionally maintained complete control over the political affairs of both the Iroquois tribal league and the individual tribes belonging to the league, whereas the sole jurisdiction over religious affairs resided with the shamans.

Smith has argued作者用某人的講話來當自己的論點,表示很有能等等會有反駁這個史密斯的論點出現,因為如果作者覺得他是對的他就直接講說他覺得怎樣怎樣,接著史密斯的論點才會出來當他的佐證資料,所以看來是想打槍史密斯先生所做的佈局,那接下來寫作方式可能性先預想出來後,抓主幹拉,主幹還沒出來啊,『自古以來』長老的政治控制力涵蓋了,整個部落聯盟,這好像是一款遊戲,還有散戶,後方的轉折是說不同權責的劃分,司法權給SM管,不管知道知道shamans叫做憎人,由轉折詞的出現,就要去對等到司法權不是『長老』的管轄範圍。


He contended that this division was maintained until the late nineteenth century. (這句話我就直接跳過了,因為He代名詞不是重點)


However, Smith fails to recognize that this division of power between the tribal chiefs and shamans was not actually rooted in Iroquois tradition; rather, it resulted from the Iroquois' resettlement on reservations early in the nineteenth century.



Prior to resettlement, the chiefs' council controlled only the broad policy of the tribal league; individual tribes had institutions― most important, the longhouse― to govern their own affairs. In the longhouse, the tribe's chief influenced both political and religious affairs.



1.It can be inferred that the author of the passage regards Smith's argument as

(A)provocative and potentially useful, but flawed by poor organization

(B)eloquently presented, but needlessly inflammatory

(C)accurate in some of its particulars, but inaccurate with regard to an important point.

(D)historically sound, but overly detailed and redundant

(E)persuasive in its time, but now largely outdated




However, Smith fails  to recognize that this division of power between the tribal chiefs and shamans was not actually rooted in Iroquois tradition



2.The author of the passage implies that which of the following occurred after the Iroquois were resettled on reservations early in the nineteenth century?

(A)Chiefs became more involved in their tribes' religious affairs.

(B)The authority of the chiefs' council over the affairs of individual tribes increased.

(C)The political influence of the Iroquois shamans was diminished.

(D)individual tribes coalesced into the Iroquois tribal league.

(E)The longhouse became a political rather than a religious institution.

解題:這裡有implies表示推理題,然後關鍵找到 early in the nineteenth century他是時間表述,所以文章的位置大概是rather, it resulted from the Iroquois' resettlement on reservations early in the nineteenth century.這樣找就不對了,因為題目還有個重點after,而推理題的精髓莫過於找尋對比對象,這裡題目說到在『十九世紀之後』,而文章出現

Prior to resettlement, the chiefs' council controlled only the broad policy of the tribal league; individual tribes had institutions― most important, the longhouse― to govern their own affairs. 

這是十九世紀之前的事,兩者出現明顯對比,所以把『十九世紀之前』的內容取反,就是答案了,individual tribes had institutions― most important, the longhouse― to govern their own affairs,散戶自己管自己,所以取反,被人管,阿是誰管,配合主題句,被長老管,所以(B)就不小心被挑到了,選(B)







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