Most psychologists, perplexed by the feelings they acknowledge are aroused by aesthetic experience, have claimed that these emotions are genuine, but different in kind from nonaesthetic emotions. This, however, is a descriptive dsitinction rather than an empirical observation and consequently lacks explanatory value. On the other hand, Gombrich argues that emotional responses to art are ersatz; art triggers remembrances of previously experienced emotions. These debates have prompted the psychologist Radford to argue that people do experience real melancholy or joy in responding to art, but that these areirrational responses precisely because people know they are reacting to illusory stimuli.

Most psychologists, perplexed by the feelings they acknowledge are aroused by aesthetic experience, have claimed that these emotions are genuine, but different in kind from nonaesthetic emotions. This, however, is (i)_____rather than an empirical observation and consequently lacks explanatory value. On the other hand, Gombrich argues that emotional responses to art are (ii)_____; art triggers remembrances of previously experienced emotions. These debates have prompted the psychologist Radford to argue that people do experience real melancholy or joy in responding to art, but that these are (iii)_____responses precisely because people know they are reacting to illusory stimuli.
Blank(i) Blank(ii) Blank(iii)

(A)a body of profound knowledge

(D)synonymous (G)irrational
(B)a descriptive dsitinction (E)vivacious


(C)a valid evidence (F)ersatz






  • 快速掃完之後有發現幾個轉折,其中最能夠反映答案的就是(i)_____後面rather than,所以前後名詞相反,empirical不認識沒關係,observation是觀察,可以觀察到的東西代表具體,所以取反向邏輯,選(B)a descriptive dsitinction,當中descriptive描述的,(C)a valid evidence中evidence已經完全等於observation了所以排除,(A)a body of profound knowledge中的body具體的東西,另一個方法可以從aesthetic experience VS.nonaesthetic emotions兩個不一樣的東西放在一起,下一句用this開頭表示要最兩者之間的總結,所以dsitinction很合理,別小看代名詞
  • 接著,On the other hand,所以前後兩句話相反,前面一句話 art→emotion  是真的(genuine),所以後面選假的,因此(F)ersatz,人造的,假的,代用的,如果要驗算的話,(ii)_____; art triggers,其中『;』是關鍵,起了因果的作用,那中間沒轉哲關係所以『;』前後邏輯同向,接著看art =aesthetic experience, triggers是觸發的意思,所以『;』art triggers remembrances 就是 art→emotion,但是 『;』分號前面的描述是emotion→art,所以兩者邏輯要同向的話只能選(F)ersatz去讓他負負得正。
  • 最後一句話中有but,所以又一格轉折,(iii)_____responses會去對應到real melancholy or joy,因為這篇文章的responses已經設定成emotion,所以自然對應憂愁和歡樂,然後形容詞real 自然去取反對應(G)irrational,而且後面because還說illusory stimuli.因果關係邏輯同向那就更確定了,文法果然還是很重要低~~~
ersatz (adj.)人造的,假的,代用的
synonymous (adj.)同意的
vivacious (adj.)活力的
aesthetic(adj.) 美學的,多半指藝術
Most psychologists, perplexed by the feelings they acknowledge are aroused by aesthetic experience, have claimed that these emotions are genuine
當中這個are我糾結了很久,因為, perplexed by the feelings they acknowledge are aroused by aesthetic experience,算是關係代名詞的非限定用法去做Most psychologists的補充,可是呢the feelings they acknowledge are aroused by aesthetic experience出現就變成完整子句了,這樣很奇怪或是那個are只是單純打錯字,應該是『and』兩個形容詞子句(不完整句)並列。第二:照理說,其中they acknowledge這個可以想成前面省略that,可是perplexed byby後面只能放名詞/名詞片語,如果要放一句話是必要加上N+that+Ncl,是不是那個by後面省略『something that』,這我就不明白了再請幫忙指點迷經@@



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