

Like most other coastal towns in Norway, the town of Stavanger was quiet and peaceful until the early 1960's, when it became Norway's center for offshore oil exploration. Between then and now, violent crime and vandalism in Stavanger have greatly increased. Stavanager's social problems probably resulted from the oil boom, since violent crime and vandalism have remained low in coastal towns in Norway that have had no oil boom.


Which of the following most accurately describes the method of reasoning employed in the argument?

(A) Arguing that a circumstance is not a precondition for a phenomenon on the grounds that the phenomenon sometimes occurs where the circumstance is not present

(B) Arguing that a circumstance is a cause of a phenomenon on the grounds that the phenomenon has not occurred where the circumstance is not present

(C) Arguing that a particular thing cannot have caused a phenomenon because that thing was not present before the phenomenon occurred

(D) Attempting to establish a claim by arguing that the denial of the claim is inconsistent with the observed facts

(E) Attempting to establish that certain circumstances that would have had to occur for a particular explanation to be correct could not have occurred




logical book style:

premise1: Like most other coastal towns in Norway, the town of Stavanger was quiet and peaceful until the early 1960's, when it became Norway's center for offshore oil exploration.

premise2: Between then and now, violent crime and vandalism in Stavanger have greatly increased.

premise3: since violent crime and vandalism have remained low in coastal towns in Norway that have had no oil boom.

conclusion: Stavanager's social problems probably resulted from the oil boom,



circumstance : a condition, fact, or event accompanying, conditioning, or determining another 
一個事實牽扯到另一件事,所以會有附屬關係,所以P1滿適合的,因為裡面有三個條件,第一: most other coastal towns in Norway, 第二: until the early 1960's, 第三:when it became Norway's center for offshore oil exploration,蠻像定義的condition或是fact就是主幹:the town of Stavanger was quiet and peaceful。好分析完畢,P1是circumstance,不是一台車

precondition : to put in a proper or desired condition or frame of mind especially in preparation,

phenomenon : an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition,

establish : to put into a favorable position,

explanation:to give the reason for or cause of



(A) Arguing that a circumstance is not a precondition for a phenomenon on the grounds that the phenomenon sometimes occurs where the circumstance is not present

爭論到S鎮發現了石油的情況不是S鎮暴力增量的先決條件,因為S鎮暴力增量有時候會是在一個S鎮本來很安靜跟其他沒有產油的小鎮一樣安靜但是『油沒有被發現』,我覺得這樣看還是有點像是鬼話,抓主幹化簡,那個on the ground後面的東西就算了,然後 for a phenomenon 是介係詞引導的修飾詞不理會,主幹就是:a circumstance is not a precondition,S鎮發現了石油不是S鎮暴力增量的先決條件,是啊是先決條件啊,不然為何他是前提呢,就是:有油→ 有暴力犯罪,恩~~~下面一位。

(B) Arguing that a circumstance is a cause of a phenomenon on the grounds that the phenomenon has not occurred where the circumstance is not present

a circumstance is a cause of a phenomenon因為有一個S鎮發現油情況,所以S鎮發現暴力增量,剛好對耶~~那繼續往下看,on the grounds直接就是等於based on,也表示因為,S鎮發現暴力增量沒有出現在一個沒有油的情況,哇好合啊~~剛好在講『有油VS.沒油』,就選(B)


(C) Arguing that a particular thing cannot have caused a phenomenon because that thing was not present before the phenomenon occurred



(D) Attempting to establish a claim by arguing that the denial of the claim is inconsistent with the observed facts

the claim就是個人結論了,否認這個結論本身就不能發生,在一個argument裡面不能對前提或結論質疑,如果質疑的話這叫做『弱化』,根本題問的是不一樣的事情,不要理會。


(E) Attempting to establish that certain circumstances that would have had to occur for a particular explanation to be correct could not have occurred

這題爭議在這裡,網上就是(B)跟(E)再選,但用定義去看的話,主幹:certain circumstances我們可以表示成S鎮有油,後面是修飾詞,that would have had to occur for a particular explanation to be correct,為了一個特別的原因必須正確(因為S鎮暴力增量)而必須發生的S鎮有油的情況(前面描述已經因果相反了),後面動詞,not have occurred是不會發生的,修飾詞別理他,這個也不小心去反駁前提P1了,這樣這個argument就變成跟(D)一樣在討論弱化weaken,



我猜這裡(B)跟(E)會有衝突是因為定義關係吧,如果我的定義circumstances和phenomenon剛好相反的話,也就是phenomenon=p1,circumstances=P2,P3,誒~~反而(E)是對的了,那如果假設(E)是對的(A)也可能會是對的,爭議這麼大應該是不會出,太有趣了,考太隱晦了,以上是我的認知,有意分享的大大們,Comment below!!!! Thank you~~~






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