
Researchers are finding that in many ways an individual bacterium is more analogous to a component cell of a multicellular organism than it is to a free-living, autonomous organism. Anabaena, a freshwater bacteria is a case in point. Among photosynthetic bacteria, Anabaena is unusual: it is capable of both photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. Within a single cell, these two biochemical processes are incompatible: oxygen produced during photosynthesis, inactivates the nitrogenase required for nitrogen fixation. In Anabaena communities, however, these processes can coexist. When fixed nitrogen compounds are abundant, Anabaena is strictly photosynthetic and its cells are all alike. When nitrogen levels are low, however, specialized cells called heterocysts are produced which lack chlorophyll ( necessary for photosynthesis ) but which can fix nitrogen by converting nitrogen gas into a usable form. Submicroscopic channels develop which connect the heterocyst cells with the photosynthetic ones and which are used for transferring cellular products between the two kinds of Anabaena cells. 


1.It can be inferred from the passage that cell differentiation within Anabaena is regulated by the

(A) amount of oxygen Anabaena cells produce

(B) season of the year

(C) amount of fixed nitrogen compounds available

(D) number of microscopic channels uniting Anabaena cells

(E) amount of chlorophyll in Anabaena cells


2.The author uses the example of Anabaena to illustrate the

(A) uniqueness of bacteria among unicellular organisms

(B) inadequacy of an existing view of bacteria

(C) ability of unicellular organisms to engage in photosynthesis

(D) variability of a freshwater bacteria

(E) difficulty of investigating even the simplest unicellular organisms




Researchers are finding that in many ways an individual bacterium is more analogous to a component cell of a multicellular organism than it is to a free-living, autonomous organism.

這當中其實有個部分是可以讓你省事的邏輯關係詞,那就是:more....than.....因為這是比較詞啊,比較詞邏輯上粗糙的分化來講就是取反,因此看到文章的multicellular organism VS. autonomous organism. 這如果不是文章比較重點的話,我懶趴給你掐,再來主角是誰呢?就是那個貝克提瑞亞了,而比較詞裡頭的單字別去糾結正確翻譯,直接把他數學化,看成『=』等號,所以我們做個筆記:B=多,多B多健康拉~~難怪社會新聞常常出現偷吃事件,沒關係趕快把門關上,假的~眼睛業障重,好了唸完啊彌陀之後跳下一句,因為開頭給出一個觀點,就是細菌是多細胞生物,但是他是一群研究人員給的觀點,不是作者講的,所以如果要借他人之口來表態一己之看法,我們當然期待文章要怎麼證明,因此當觀點出來之後最後還是看一下下一句會更保險,同時這裡只給出一組訊息B=多,然後這觀點是某研究生給的,所以文章也有可能發展成吵架形式的辯論文,就是有人認為細菌是單細胞,然後給原因怎樣怎樣,或是有人認為多細胞才對,然後給理由屁回去,因此在這情況如何判斷你在GRE考試的時間的停損點呢?我認為是主題句看完之後,立馬看下一句,如果下一句能夠讓你判斷出寫作文體的話,並且同時注意轉折詞,找到後立即閃身跳下一頁


Anabaena, a freshwater bacteria is a case in point.

給一個專有名詞,也不用糾結了,直接記A,這句話炸看之下很短,感覺沒啥重要的樣子,其實啊暗藏玄機啊,a case in point這不就表示很重要的意思嗎,然後bacteria這表示承上啟下,延續上面一句話,然後整句話沒有負面詞彙,或是轉折詞,因此整句話化簡其實就是Take Anabaena for example.這就親民許多了。那看到for example.這更是不能忽略,因為他是訊號字,看到他就表示在做正面支持的觀點舉例,呼應上面的關點,所以基本上本句可看可不看,屬於具體舉例細節部分,既然他開始講細節所以主幹方向可能就是要講細菌就是多細胞的這件事情,如果我往下沒有看到轉折字眼的話,就可以斷定他是『順子』文章(B=多=A),從頭到尾一氣呵成都在支持主題句,所以看看有沒有轉折吧。


Among photosynthetic bacteria, Anabaena is unusual: it is capable of both photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation.

這裡不需要看了,我用結構來說服各位,首先Anabaena is unusual這叫做廢話,你不特別幹媽讓費時間舉例,充其量就是呼應上句話繼續把邏輯維持『同向』罷了,再來第二,開頭的Among photosynthetic bacteria這說明已經開始限定範圍了,老兄老姐們就別再沉下去找內容了,既然在限定範圍,表示在講特例,作者特別想講的東西,這也說明是在作強調了,然而強調就是加強觀點的扎實性,那也會是邏輯同向,既然邏輯同向看第一句就好拉~這都是補充的細節,再來最後雖然冒號後方都出了看似兩個特別重要的重點,可惜的是他位置在冒號後方,既然是後方就表示補充說明用,也是屬於相同邏輯的延伸,基於以上理由,庵決定不看這句話,繼續找看看有沒有轉折詞。


Within a single cell, these two biochemical processes are incompatible: oxygen produced during photosynthesis, inactivates the nitrogenase required for nitrogen fixation.

In Anabaena communities, however, these processes can coexist.

這兩句一起看,找到轉折however,還記得剛剛的打賭嗎?就是文章一定會提到『單細胞VS.多細胞』的對決,這兩句就說明到了,剛剛A是多細胞的舉例,所以他代表多細胞,然後他們對抗的結果是『不兼容VS.共存』,至於啥共存啥不相容,不重要,我只要知道結果即可,但是等等一定要注意these processes到底是指什麼,因為這兩句話表達差異,GRE必考無疑。


When fixed nitrogen compounds are abundant, Anabaena is strictly photosynthetic and its cells are all alike.

When nitrogen levels are low, however, specialized cells called heterocysts are produced which lack chlorophyll ( necessary for photosynthesis ) but which can fix nitrogen by converting nitrogen gas into a usable form.



Submicroscopic channels develop which connect the heterocyst cells with the photosynthetic ones and which are used for transferring cellular products between the two kinds of Anabaena cells. 




Within a single cell, these two biochemical processes are incompatible: oxygen produced during photosynthesis, inactivates the nitrogenase required for nitrogen fixation.

In Anabaena communities, however, these processes can coexist.

這個事先描述a single cell,接著才描述Anabaena就來連貫性來說,這兩句順序應該顛倒才對,這樣邏輯經過however轉折才會正確,很奇怪,我們重新檢視這篇文章:

@:Researchers are finding that in many ways an individual bacterium is more analogous to a component cell of a multicellular organism than it is to a free-living, autonomous organism.



@:Anabaena, a freshwater bacteria is a case in point.



@:Among photosynthetic bacteria, Anabaena is unusual: it is capable of both photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation.



@:Within a single cell, these two biochemical processes are incompatible: oxygen produced during photosynthesis, inactivates the nitrogenase required for nitrogen fixation.

@:In Anabaena communities, however, these processes can coexist.


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所以我們再仔細一看其實Within a single cell,...這句話根本不需要存在,但只是為了創造對仗用的而已,我認為拉~~但實際用意還是要問ETS那幫出題老賊。


@:When fixed nitrogen compounds are abundant, Anabaena is strictly photosynthetic and its cells are all alike.

@:When nitrogen levels are low, however, specialized cells called heterocysts are produced which lack chlorophyll ( necessary for photosynthesis ) but which can fix nitrogen by converting nitrogen gas into a usable form.


情況一(多對多函數):A句(+)B句(+)C句(+). However,(D)句(-)(E)句(-)。

情況二(一對多):A句(+). However,(D)句(-)(E)句(-)。

情況三(多對一):A句(+)B句(+)C句(+). However,(D)句(-)。

However就這三招,可問題來了,這兩句很明顯就只有兩句的對比而已,照理說兩句之間的立場對比範圍(一對一)只能用『Yet』,可作者卻用了大型轉折詞,所以找來找去其實也是跟前面內容有關的,因為藍色部分的fixed nitrogen以及Anabaena有對應到上面,所以才接著用However,算是大範圍的相關轉折



1.It can be inferred from the passage that cell differentiation within Anabaena is regulated by the

(A) amount of oxygen Anabaena cells produce

(B) season of the year

(C) amount of fixed nitrogen compounds available

(D) number of microscopic channels uniting Anabaena cells

(E) amount of chlorophyll in Anabaena cells



推理題又來囉~但是看到is regulated by the這裡表示利用啥方法,所以他不是對象內容的對比,反而是要找他們的座標系的座標原點,白話一點就是找對應的依據,例如說有兩個對象一個熱水,一個冷水,然後內容是,熱水的細菌比較多,冷水的細菌比較少,那他們之間是如何判斷冷熱水的,答案就是細菌了拉,就是座標系,那既然知道他想裝啥神弄啥鬼,事情就好辦了,結構圖有記載差異的部分就是剛剛『單細胞VS.多細胞』,回推剛剛有埋個伏筆就是要注意these processes,他是代名詞逼得我們只能往上看,所以看到:

Among photosynthetic bacteria, Anabaena is unusual: it is capable of both photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation.

唯一比較像是製成類別的名詞就是photosynthesisnitrogen fixation.了,再來冒號後方的主詞不是他們倆喔,是那個叫做capable的東西,而他要剛好對應到(C)的available,假設你不放心,本文提到差異的部分其實還有剛剛故意忽略的那個氮氣的一高一低,那句看完也能夠很直觀的把(C)選到


When fixed nitrogen compounds are abundant, Anabaena is strictly(謹守) photosynthetic and its cells are all alike.

When nitrogen levels are low, however, specialized cells called heterocysts are produced which lack chlorophyll ( necessary for photosynthesis ) but which can fix nitrogen by converting nitrogen gas into a usable form.



2.The author uses the example of Anabaena to illustrate the

(A) uniqueness of bacteria among unicellular organisms

(B) inadequacy of an existing view of bacteria

(C) ability of unicellular organisms to engage in photosynthesis

(D) variability of a freshwater bacteria

(E) difficulty of investigating even the simplest unicellular organisms



看到作者,看到example可以很直觀的往修辭目的題去想,也就是他在考句子間的邏輯關係,為什麼呢?因為所有的舉例就是要去證明觀點,而這裡明確用example所以可以限定是邏輯同向的舉例,所以是支持態度,剛剛我們再看第二句的時候不小心把一句話改的很親名,是的就是Anabaena, a freshwater bacteria is a case in point.他就是我們的舉例,而這邊又牽涉到一點,論文寫作通常會用先概念再舉例,先抽象再具體,先概論再細節,基於這原則,答案區已經很明顯在第一句了,因此把第一句主幹對應到個選項,(A)陷阱啊,你看那個unicellular是單細胞啊,可是Anabaena是多細胞的例子喔,所以看到(C)跟(E)unicellular也不合理,答案剩下(B)(D)可選,不過看到(D)freshwater這是再講Anabaena的細節,跟變化性variability毫無關係,而且freshwater位置是在Anabaena那句話裡面,那結構上也不會是用來連接句子和句子之間的關鍵子,因此排除,剩下(B),這題我選錯了的,因為我跳到陷阱(A)去,以上是排除法推出的答案。


那(B)的直接找法是這樣的,(B)選項的主幹inadequacy在GRE考試裡不糾結正確翻譯,只要知道他是『否定』的就好了,而存在中的觀點existing view of bacteria,就是Researchers are finding that.....,那我怎麼知道不適用inadequacy呢?

 an individual bacterium is more analogous to a component cell of a multicellular organism than it is to a free-living, autonomous organism.

Researchers are finding這有表示與時俱進的含義,不然他用過去式就好了啊,幹嗎用現在進行式,既然是現在進行式,表示還在發展過程,因此這比較級more...than....前後的東西會更像是『以往認為VS.現在更正』,這造成前後比較絕不是空穴來風,隨便做個強調句型而已,反而是有新舊對比之用意,所以可能表達本來觀點從單細胞慢慢隨證據的發現改變觀點越來越像是multicellular organism,但是但是!!!這是我在知道答案之後的回推純屬事後諸葛,直覺反應我還是會用『排除法』,在知道A是屬於多細胞的內容之後,(A)(C)(E)基本上利用膝蓋想就可以直接幹掉了,那(D)freshwater是目標句的東西他是用來說=A的跟變化也沒關係,所以,選(B)







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