
 Currently, the paramount problem in the field of biomaterials, the science of replacing diseased tissue with human-made implants, is control over the interface, or surface, between implanted biomaterials and living tissues. The physical properties of most tissues can be matched by careful selection of raw materials: metals, ceramics, or several varieties of polymer materials. Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reactions of tissue cultures to biomaterials or from short-term implants. But achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and non-living matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other — an area that we have not yet explored thoroughly. Although recent research has allowed us to stabilize the tissue-biomaterial interface by controlling either the chemical reactions or the microstructure of the biomaterials, our fundamental understanding of how implant devices adhere to tissues remains woefully incomplete. 


1. According to the passage, the major problem currently facing scientists in the field of biomaterials is

(A) assessing and regulating the bonding between host tissue and implants

(B) controlling the transfer of potentially toxic materials across the interface of tissue and implant

(C) discovering new materials from which to construct implant devices

(D) deciding in what situations implants are needed

(E) determining the importance of short-term implants to long-term stability of tissue implant interfaces


2. The passage suggests which of the following about the recent research mentioned in the last sentence ?

(A) It has solved one set of problems but has created another.

(B) It has concentrated on secondary concerns but has ignored primary concerns.

(C) It has improved practical applications of biomaterial technology without providing a complete theoretical explanation of that improvement.

(D) It has thoroughly investigated properties of biomaterials but has paid little attention to relevant characteristics of human tissue.

(E) It has provided considerable information on short-term implant technology but little on long-term implant technology.




Currently, the paramount problem in the field of biomaterials, the science of replacing diseased tissue with human-made implants,(插入句忽略不看) is control over the interface, or surface,(or表並列跟前方interface做二選一,所以知道一個就行了) between implanted biomaterials and living tissues. 



The physical properties of most tissues can be matched by careful selection of raw materials: metals, ceramics, or several varieties of polymer materials. (分號後方的邏輯跟前句同向,表示補充說明,所以節省時間,請視而不見)



Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reactions of tissue cultures to biomaterials or from short-term implants.



But achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and non-living matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other — an area that we have not yet explored thoroughly.

總算是看到轉折了,這個but楚河漢界,用來分個文章上下『兩種不同』甚至是『反向』邏輯,可以知道的是,BUT之前都沒有轉折字眼,所以邏輯會依照開頭的problem一直延續,直到被BUT分割,它前面都是問題,所以會期待BUT出現後,問題已經不再了,來看看是不是如此,看到了requires knowledge,不對喔~需要知識,也就是說缺知識,嚴格來說應該算是負向字去呼應Houston we've got a problem.在邏輯上來說是同向的啊,那怎麼需要but的存在呢??登~登~game over了嗎?沒有!!這又講到另一個技巧了叫做:『BUT的封裝』,為了要讓文章讀得透徹,所以岔開來討論一下BUT:



他其實是一個邏輯上句子和句子間的邏輯封裝詞,以下我們來建立模型,以下有五句話分別是A,B,C,D,E,各句邏輯分別假設A是正的,B是正的,C. D. E.也是負的

第一:最常見的就是 A(+) , but C(-)


第二:A(+). But C(-) 

這個句間的But 就是體現上一個的相反承述,相當於yet, However, Nevertheless,所以可以感覺到but後面一定和前面邏輯是不同的,這是整個討論區只有兩句的情況

第三:A(+). But C(-). D(-). E(-).


第四:A(+). But C(-). However,B(+)


第五:A(+). C(-). D(-). E(-). But B(+),

假設看到A. C.之間並沒有轉折,那麼必定會出現此結構D,E,和C一樣也是負面邏輯排排站,最後在用一個But後面連接一個正面的邏輯句B,去和最剛開始的句子A作文法的吻合,這樣就會變成but將前面C,D,E三個負向的句子綁在一起,去和But後面的B作強行對比,在強對比這狀況下可以知道C(-). D(-). E(-)這綁在一串的三兄弟就因為和句子B牴觸,就因為but的關係,C(-). D(-). E(-)就變得沒意義了,因而就掰掰刪除了,所以總邏輯詞就是A(+).B(+),這就是所謂的『but的封裝』。解決原本A. C.之間沒有出現轉折的疑惑,因為他不是A和C去做對比,而是A和B去做關係對比,然而兩者都是正的所以自然沒轉折的必要。另外,我們也可以得到一個結論就是, C(-). D(-). E(-)這三句話是讓步,所以你可以試想成這樣的結構: Although C(-), and D(-), and E(-), B(+),前三者並列,後者轉折前們的讓步句,比較值得注意的是,這裡變成一句話而已,因為although的關係。

PS:C(-). D(-). E(-)不一定是三個,他的角色可以從1~~無限多 EX:C(-). D(-). E(-). F(-). G(-). H(-).But B(+)


The physical properties of most tissues can be matched by careful selection of raw materials: metals, ceramics, or several varieties of polymer materials. 看來就是這句話了,因為他的主詞,physical properties of most tissues can be matched對到achieving necessary matches in physical properties。你做特徵描述必定是肯定的不會有問題啊,這跟公的有睪丸,母的有子宮一樣道理,我是講的比較含蓄拉,總比老二跟奶子好,哈哈還是講出來了,突然想到熊麻吉2的那隻泰迪熊說:世界上只有長咪咪的漢子,沒有長機機的馬子。這裡沒有做任何影射別誤會,阿反正~特徵表示既定事實,沒理由有問題,所以此句的邏輯跟那個problem邏輯取『反』


The problem(-). The physical proberties(+). Even(+). But,achieving necessary(-),繞來繞去總邏輯還是: problem



Although recent research has allowed us to stabilize the tissue-biomaterial interface by controlling either the chemical reactions or the microstructure of the biomaterials, our fundamental understanding of how implant devices adhere to tissues remains woefully incomplete

although 出現的字眼相較於轉折來說沒有那麼重要,因為它屬於句內轉折,他帶出來的只是副詞子句,真正的主幹還是會保留在後面:our fundamental understanding of how implant devices adhere to tissues remains woefully incomplete. 這個才是主幹。

讓步句型相當於作者在心裡演小劇場,他覺得化學反應這理論好像說得過去,微觀結構感覺也不錯足以把問題解決,但是他們好像又不知道這項機制怎麼來,不知道怎麼解釋才好,心裡在糾結,然後糾結完之後還是不知道怎麼發生incomplete = problem。這是讓步的基本用意。但是我們再仔細看一下為何這裡用讓步巨型呢,要知道這件事情之前,我來個前情提要,論文的寫作方式有一招叫做先抽象概念,在具體細節。回看到but,和文章的第一句話,我覺得ETS這幫老賊真不得了,這文章真是超工整的對仗。



Currently, the paramount problem in the field of biomaterials, the science of replacing diseased tissue with human-made implants, is control over the interface, or surface, between implanted biomaterials and living tissues. 



BUT achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and non-living matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other — an area that we have not yet explored thoroughly. 

between living and non-living matter這對應到第一句話between implanted biomaterials and living tissues. 

然後achieving necessary matches 就是剛剛第一句話的 over the interface

接著,requires knowledge,not yet explored thoroughly對應到problem,剛剛也解釋過了這個but是跟上一句封裝,並非真正邏輯架構的正負轉換。




正面概念(第一句):Currently, the paramount problem (概念)in the field of biomaterials, the science of replacing diseased tissue with human-made implants, is control over the interface, or surface, between implanted biomaterials and living tissues. 

正面細節(讓步前段):Although recent research has allowed us to stabilize the tissue-biomaterial interface by controlling either the chemical reactions or the microstructure of the biomaterials(具體細節)


負面概念(轉折句):achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and non-living matter requires knowledge (抽象概念)of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other — an area that we have not yet explored(概念)thoroughly. 

負面細節(讓步後段): our fundamental understanding of how implant devices adhere to tissues(具體細節) remains woefully incomplete. 

一個文章的完美對仗就出現了。嘿嘿~~不過講那麼多屁話其實客官們Although recent....這句話,請忽略不用看,哈哈~因為他是具體細節啊,不是文章架構啊。




According to the passage, (細節題訊號字)

the major problem currently =Currently, the paramount problem




問到最後一句可以推出捨麼東西,這裡沒有對象可以讓你比較,因為題目已經指名要看最後一句話了,因此這類推理題就會被要求句找呼應這句話所要表達的概念是啥,意味著剛剛討論過Although recent....這句話是具體細節(題目要求的最後一句話),那他的概念就是but的那句話,找到之後看看哪個選項是同意改寫就是答案了,而更快速找法就是去選項中找一句話裡面邏輯既有正向也有負向,選(C)



But achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and non-living matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other — an area that we have not yet explored thoroughly

(C) It has improved practical applications of biomaterial technology without providing a complete theoretical explanation of that improvement.









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