Viruses, infectious particles consisting of nucleic acid packaged in a protein coat (the capsid), are difficult to resist. Unable to reproduce outside a living cell, viruses reproduce only by subverting the genetic mechanisms of a host cell. In one kind of viral life cycle, the virus first binds to the cell's surface, then penetrates the cell and sheds its capsid. The exposed viral nucleic acid produces new viruses from the contents of the cell. Finally, the cell releases the viral progeny, and a new cell cycle of infection begins. The human body responds to a viral infection by producing antibodies: complex, highly specific proteins that selectively bind to foreign molecules such as viruses. An antibody can either interfere with a virus's ability to bind to a cell, or can prevent it from releasing its nucleic acid.
Unfortunately, the common cold, produced most often by rhinoviruses, is intractable to antiviral defense. Humans have difficulty resisting colds because rhinoviruses are so diverse, including at least 100 strains. The strains differ most in the molecular structure of the proteins in their capsids. Since disease-fighting antibodies bind to the capsid, an antibody developed to protect against one rhinovirus strain is useless against other strains. Different antibodies must be produced for each strain.
A defense against rhinoviruses might nonetheless succeed by exploiting hidden similarities among the rhinovirus strains. For example, most rhinovirus strains bind to the same kind of molecule (delta-receptors) on a cell's surface when they attack human cells. Colonno, taking advantage of these common receptors, devised a strategy for blocking the attachment of rhinoviruses to their appropriate receptors. Rather than fruitlessly searching for an antibody that would bind to all rhinoviruses, Colonno realized that an antibody binding to the common receptors of a human cell would prevent rhinoviruses, Colonno realized that an antibody binding to the common receptors of a human cell would prevent rhinoviruses from initiating an infection. Because human cells normally do not develop antibodies to components of their own cells, Colonno injected human cells into mice, which did produce an antibody to the common receptor. In isolated human cells, this antibody proved to be extraordinarily effective at thwarting the rhinovirus. Moreover, when the antibody was given to chimpanzees, it inhibited rhinoviral growth, and in humans it lessened both the severity and duration of cold symptoms.
Another possible defense against rhinoviruses was proposed by Rossman, who described rhinovirus' Detailed molecular structure. Rossman showed that protein sequences common to all rhinovirus strains lie at the base of a deep "canyon" scoring each face of the capsid. The narrow opening of this canyon possibly prevents the relativly large antibody molecules from binding to the common sequence, but smaller molecules might reach it. Among these smaller, nonantibody molecules, some might bind to the common sequence, lock the nucleic acid in its coat, and thereby prevent the virus from reproducing.
Viruses, infectious particles consisting of nucleic acid packaged in a protein coat (the capsid),(差入語修飾viruses就別看了)are difficult to resist. Unable to reproduce outside a living cell,(分詞構句,在結構上面也是附屬作用而已,並非主幹,真的的主幹是一個完整呈現的句子,滿足所謂的S+Vt+O的六大句型,這才是真正的完整子句) viruses reproduce only by subverting the genetic mechanisms of a host cell. In one kind of viral life cycle, the virus first binds to the cell's surface, then penetrates the cell and sheds its capsid. The exposed viral nucleic acid produces new viruses from the contents of the cell. Finally, the cell releases the viral progeny, and a new cell cycle of infection begins. The human body responds to a viral infection by producing antibodies: complex, highly specific proteins that selectively bind to foreign molecules such as viruses.(冒號的句子也是修飾前句而已,請跳過) An antibody can either interfere with a virus's ability to bind to a cell, or can prevent it from releasing its nucleic acid.
開頭的主題句扣掉插入語,可以確認本文章的主題是 Viruses are difficult to resist,病毒難防,所以等等文章必然圍繞在為何她難防,或是病毒真的如文章所說的難防嗎之類的文章發展,等等可能會提出反駁或是舉例證實支持觀點,務必以病毒為中心去思考,往下看到第二句,前方的分詞構句就不理會了,viruses reproduce only by subverting the genetic mechanisms of a host cell.這才是重點,一般來說這句話主詞又是viruses跟主題句一樣,照理說是補充可以不用看,可是他並沒有用代名詞把viruses給代替掉,這表示這句話重要地位等同於第一句,所以一樣要做分析,簡單筆記一下:病毒只會在寄主細胞的基因機制下生成,V lives with HC,接著繼續披巾斬棘,看到訊號字finally,不看對不起自己啊,這有結論的意義,表示該段準備封裝起來進入尾聲了,不過呢,開頭the cell releases,代名詞再度出現,而且是在講cell那跟我的病毒其實已經岔開了,所以這句晃過有印象即可,理當跳過,不讓費時間,隨後看到橘色句部分,我們主詞再也不是『病毒』那就且跳過吧,回顧整段,從那個the genetic mechanisms of a host cell.往下沒有轉折詞,所以是一路的順向邏輯,而且之後都是圍繞the cell如何如何的,又有看到releases,new cell,所以就是在支持第二句話的the genetic mechanisms of a host cell.可以見得這些跳過的部分都是在說明整個機制的運作過程。
Unfortunately, the common cold, produced most often by rhinoviruses, is intractable to antiviral defense. Humans have difficulty resisting colds because rhinoviruses are so diverse(解釋原因沒必要再抓結構的時候讀), including at least 100 strains(關係代名詞非限定用法既然是關代修飾詞,何必看). The strains differ most in the molecular structure of the proteins in their capsids.(代名詞別看) Since disease-fighting antibodies bind to the capsid, an antibody developed to protect against one rhinovirus strain is useless against other strains(since使得這句話是原因解釋沒必要先看) Different antibodies must be produced for each strain.
來看到第一句,開頭副詞不幸的,實在很難知道他想幹嗎,因為通常會跟前句做轉折,不過是在同樣主詞的情況下,因此看到這句主詞是the common cold那就表示跟上面的內容無關了,然後他前方有個代名詞,所以使得我們必須去找尋到底代替誰,所以不得已這裡的差入句要注意一下,喔喔by rhinoviruses看到病毒了,而且是RV,因此證明這是在做舉例了,句呼應第一段的第一句話,不信看接下來的內容有個 intractable to antiviral defense.這不就完全呼應 Viruses are difficult to resist,因此本句是做舉例解釋用的,先跳過,有考再來看,綠色部分就看個人了,因為通常一個段落總要看個兩句話會比較保險,總要有頭有尾,不過我還是跳過先,因為他沒提到病毒。
A defense against rhinoviruses might nonetheless succeed by exploiting hidden similarities among the rhinovirus strains. For example, most rhinovirus strains bind to the same kind of molecule (delta-receptors) on a cell's surface when they attack human cells. Colonno, taking advantage of these common receptors, devised a strategy for blocking the attachment of rhinoviruses to their appropriate receptors. Rather than fruitlessly searching for an antibody that would bind to all rhinoviruses, Colonno realized that an antibody binding to the common receptors of a human cell would prevent rhinoviruses from initiating an infection. Because human cells normally do not develop antibodies to components of their own cells, Colonno injected human cells into mice, which did produce an antibody to the common receptor. In isolated human cells, this antibody proved to be extraordinarily effective at thwarting the rhinovirus. Moreover, when the antibody was given to chimpanzees, it inhibited rhinoviral growth, and in humans it lessened both the severity and duration of cold symptoms.
接下來看到彩色字部分,要帶大家飛囉~~~,首先看到一樣第一句絕不能跳,A defense against rhinoviruses might nonetheless succeed by exploiting hidden similarities among the rhinovirus strains.這裡得到訊息是A defense against rhinoviruses,不過關心他的訊息前,我們更應該注意到nonetheless這個轉折字,然後結合起來,這轉折跟提出一個『防禦』,表示在為上一段作出反駁,我本來病毒無尖不吹,現在轉折出現說到,不對喔~~一個防禦是成功的,所以吹彈可破,那接下來by exploiting....這個藉由啥方法,只是表因果原因,抓結構只重結果,這些有考再說,好了,所以第三段在幹嗎?他在說,嘿嘿~~病毒還是『可破解』的。然後往下For example,這個連看都不用看因為正面舉例詞,給具體例證呼應概念,那我現在處於抓概念的時刻,我不應理會,跳過,接下看到Colonno, 這又是一個專有名詞,那專有名詞出現後後面又喵到devised a strategy,再加上前後沒轉折詞,這證明是在對上一句話做解釋,邏輯繼續同向延伸,我更是不需要看,然後Colonno,這應該是一個人,一個科學家,因為他搞出一個戰略,C不能是病毒名稱或是抗體名稱啊,這兩位奈米級的東西,怎麼可能弄出一套戰略,又不是卡通節目,C病毒:『誒,老大我跟你說喔~我剛剛發現一個可以搞定抗體的方法,耳朵靠過來~bellow,bellow,bellow,ho!! banana!! 』抗體:『他們在考搞啥鬼啊~病毒平常沒事就裝死,現在看到個妹子來我家就在那淒淒出出,把妹要自己找啊,幹媽搶庵的 』C病毒:『橫刀奪愛才是愛~~banana!! 衝啊~~banana!! banana!!』回來現實,C應該是一位科學家,而這裡又牽涉到論文的一個用法,使本文章變成歸納法,因為他運用了專家的引言,一個在該領域很有權威的人講了一件事,大家都會認為他是對的,也就是專家說怎樣怎樣,他的正確性很高,但名嘴就不一定了~~這也說明一件事,歸納法是單向的,立足點很薄弱,假設前面事件是對的,然後一直往後推理都是對的,所以結論也是對的(A→B→C→D→E....),但是只要其中出現一個差錯,專家的理論被推翻了,整個文章就沒意義了,所以歸納法其實是一個可以大作文章挑毛病的文體。
All Inductive arguments rely on the assumption of 『 the uniformity of nature 』. This one stands for 『 Argument from authority 』
接著繼續看到Because,this antibody proved,Moreover,『因為』表示解釋啊,順向邏輯,不用看,往下有代名詞又有證明,這又來一個補充說明,Moreover,啊這也是再次加強補充,所以跳過,飛過去吧~~
Another possible defense against rhinoviruses was proposed by Rossman, who described rhinovirus' Detailed molecular structure. Rossman showed that protein sequences common to all rhinovirus strains lie at the base of a deep "canyon" scoring each face of the capsid. The narrow opening of this canyon possibly prevents the relativly large antibody molecules from binding to the common sequence, but smaller molecules might reach it. Among these smaller, nonantibody molecules, some might bind to the common sequence, lock the nucleic acid in its coat, and thereby prevent the virus from reproducing.
看到Another請歡呼,想必是接著剛剛的防禦機制第二集,主演:Rossman,一樣屬於歸納法,然後直接到結論thereby prevent the virus from reproducing.表示防禦成功,好的影片殺青,這個基本上就看到Another就可以知道下一步動作是,掰掰~~請點下一頁看題目選項。
1.The primary purpose of the passage is to
關鍵在:a given antibody to bind to a given rhinoviral capsid,一個給定的抗體連結一個給定的RC,感覺像是一對一的函數一樣,那就找看看文章的內容在哪,完了,我在畫結構圖時好像沒有抓到這概念,可能在細節當中,所以先將不可能的段落剔除,首先是第一段,因為RC第二段之後才有的內容,再來第三段和第四段,是在講防禦機制,所以這裡應該是表示抗體已經確定可以連結RC了,連結之後防禦的過程,不是在講連結方式,相反的已經在講『連結後』的邏輯,因為三四段已經提出防禦機制,表示那個抗體應該已經是在作用了,總結一下,在首段講到病毒難防,跟三四段講到防禦機制,中間應該是少一個邏輯鍊,怎麼產生防禦機制,那『怎麼做』的這個概念會比較像是題目再問的東西,所以應該是看第二段,那第二段怎麼找呢?現在剩下一個關鍵字沒有用到,那就是bind,好拉,真相永遠值有一個,兇手就是:
Since disease-fighting antibodies bind to the capsid, an antibody developed to protect against one rhinovirus strain is useless against other strains.