

1800 Thomas Dilworth’s New Guide to the English Dialogue was being widely used to teach reading in the United States. Dilworth's primer, unlike earlier ones, stressed the importance of children’s understanding what they read. While it is in fact unlikely that children would have recognized all the vocabulary Dilworth used, that was at least his stated goal. Dilworth recognized that primers should enable children to decode words from print with the form of language they already knew: speech. In contrast, many earlier authors assumed that, just as introductory Latin texts taught children an unknown language, introductory English texts should teach English as if it, too, were an unknown language --such their esoteric choice of vocabulary, it in effect became unknown.


1. According to the passage, the “earlier authors” adopted a model for English instruction that

A. mirrored the practice used in Latin instruction
B. was originally formulated by Dilworth  
C. was less esoteric than that adopted by Dilworth
D. stressed familiarity with the peculiarities of English spelling
E. emphasized the importance of fluent and articulate speech


2. The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following criticisms of English primers predating Dilworth’s?

A. Their Latinate grammatical terms poorly described the structures of English.
B. They failed to make effective use of the knowledge of language a child already possessed.
C. Their texts typically focused on subject matter that held little intrinsic interest for their readers.
D. They neglected to teach the language in a sufficiently systematic way.
E. They required a pedagogical method that few American teachers of the era possessed.



首先一定要對In contrast,有敏感度,他的出現表示文章極有可能在考點設定上都是以對比方式出題,而回過頭第一句要先讀懂,這就好像是人在森林裡面必須要有個指南針,第一句話就是扮演指南針的角色,幫你指出一個方向,看是要去東邊還是南邊,如果是喇叭詹或是保羅喬治可能就是往洛杉磯走,卡哇伊李納德可能也跟去洛杉磯,這就是第一句話會有扮演指定方向性的作用,然後第二句到第三句可能就是森林裡面的道路,可能彎彎曲曲高高低低,一下寬一下窄,這就講說指南針給你方向之後,再告訴你有哪些路可以讓你選並到達終點,再來第三句或是第四句之後就已經會探討到在這個道路上會不會有獅子老虎,還是大象,蛇,或是要涉水踩鱷魚等等的細節,所以通常在進入第三句或第四句之後已經跟文章的『方向性無關了』,取而代之的往往都是在做更深入的舉證或是分析,然後去支持剛開始你『選擇的道路』,去證明文章第二句或第三句話,是正確的。那轉折又是怎麼回事呢?因為可能一開始選擇的道路發現自己不喜歡,所以轉往別的道路走了,換句話說,當你在文章第一句話明確告訴你要向『南』走,然後第二句話提供一條道路可是感覺好像一直往北,所以『轉折』,然後走回頭路轉往另一條試試看,看能不能夠到達南邊。這大概就是對比型文章的結構走勢。


1800 Thomas Dilworth’s New Guide to the English Dialogue was being widely used to teach reading in the United States開頭找主幹會發現是TD這個人在教英文,然後受歡迎,看到這樣就夠了,往下再看第二句,就要預判說那為什麼受歡迎呢?Dilworth's primer, unlike earlier ones, stressed the importance of children’s understanding what they read.看完之後找是因為TD是重視理解力(understanding)的,然後跟前人做法不同,這樣其實已經掌握著大部分觀點了,那其實之後就是路況細節了就請跳過不要讀,但是句尾有個In contrast,轉折詞,表示方向改變囉,所以必看。


. In contrast, many earlier authors assumed that, just as introductory Latin texts taught children an unknown language...看到這裡就夠了,GRE是大部分是給理工科考的,之前也說過插入法可以略過不看因為只是補充說明,不影響邏輯變化,但是, just as這字就不一樣了,這字在數學上叫做『=』等於,所以他是一個重點,所以有時候還是要把GRE當數學考,好了轉折的內容裡有出現『早期=introductory Latin』。之後開始畫結構圖。


結構圖如果出來其實解題真的很容易,題目問到earlier authors,所以就定位到最後一句的地方,剛剛結構圖已說明等於垃丁,而這邊(A)mirrored也請把它看成『=』,就像在AutoCAD畫圖時下指令『MI』然後建立平行線後,得到平行線兩邊的圖形是『一模一樣』,所以鏡射也可以是為等號,然後再加上拉丁這個字眼,不用多說就是選(A)



probably agree with這個提起來就感覺有不確定性,所以就是考推理題了,而且推理題這邊還好心的幫你準備條件predating Dilworth’s,言下之意就是要讓你去比較TD時代跟早期時代的教英文差異,因此時間對比非常明顯,那這裡就只有兩種答案會出現,要嬤出現早期都是用較拉丁語的方式教,要嬤就是『沒有children's understanding』,看到(B)failed to就是沒有,the knowledge of language a child already possessed對應children's understanding,沒有意外,選(B)


補充:我在第二句看到, unlike earlier ones,之後就可以推出早期作品是小孩無法理解的,這個結論出來後,根本就不用再讀texts taught children an unknown language, introductory English texts should teach English as if it, too, were an unknown language.這句話,省時省力。另外這兩句While it is in fact unlikely that children would have recognized all the vocabulary Dilworth used, that was at least his stated goal. Dilworth recognized that primers should enable children to decode words from print with the form of language they already knew: speech.雖然剛開始有個轉折字,可是其實這是『句內轉折字』,就是在演心裡小劇場,啊呀,這個好像不錯耶,可是那個也很好啊,自己在心裡糾結,然後再給你說好拉經過一番糾結之後我選擇already knew: speech.這個東西,啊這不是廢話嗎,開頭第二句很明確說明children's understanding那其實這兩句根本沒必要看,我們已經知道『小孩可以理解』跟already knew不就同意替換了,才讀個三句一下就解決兩題,其他三句視而不見~~~YA!!,而且也不用在那邊想說到底什麼事esoteric。





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