MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing established firms with easier access to relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms a greater opportunity to develop sound business foundations than does simply making general management experience and small amounts of capital available.
代名詞先試著把他找出,MESBIC’s are the(代表of the belief) result of the(就是要注意名詞子句裡的這個信仰) belief that providing established firms with easier access to relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms( established firms) a greater opportunity to develop sound business foundations than does(gives those firms.....foundations) simply making general management experience and small amounts of capital available.
主幹其實很好找就是MESBIC’s are the result,某個東西就是一個結果,然後我們再去看是怎樣的結果,看到of the belief,就是一個信仰的結果,因此主幹到這裡結束,邏輯關係MESBIC→belief,不過還是看不出什麼屁話,只給一個belief的抽象概念名詞,所以他比以往去關代去介系詞的方式還麻煩,必須再往下撥。
the belief that providing established firms with easier access to relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms a greater opportunity to develop sound business foundations than does simply making general management experience and small amounts of capital available.
從belief後面出現到結尾的是that子句,我們照樣先找這一個子句的主幹找完之後才判斷他是完整句的名詞子句內容,還是關係代名詞的形容詞不完整子句,老樣子利用主幹大法,第一步:介系詞結構不理會,第二部:關代和分詞子句無視,所以providing established firms with easier access to relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms a greater opportunity to develop sound business foundations than does simply making general management experience and small amounts of capital available.大致上看到providing established firms with easier access會把它刪掉,不過!!他是主詞(provide A with B,提供B給A),這裡是分詞轉成名詞片語當成形容一件事,如果把它刪掉不就沒東西了,這個起頭句不能用老方法將它刪除,真變態。然後動詞是gives這是授與動詞所以等等會看到兩個受詞出現those firms(O1),a greater opportunity(O2),可是只看到好機會,但沒有說是什麼機會,所以還要再繼續看,這種大順子句子真的粉煩
機會有三個:relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital
看到這裡別再糾結than後面的東西一看到than這樣的比較級出現一定是在說明跟你剛剛所看到的東西是相反的,所以大膽預測一定是not elevant management techniques,no job-specific experience,few amounts of capital三個任你選,不要被文章牽著鼻子走啊,回來主幹的部分,剛剛分析到是一個完整的句子結構,所以可以判斷此句是名詞子句。
第三:概念名詞+that 名詞子句
既然上面推理出來是名詞子句了,把目光拉長看到整個句子,這裡常出現的論文寫作方式,概念名詞+that 名詞子句,這個子句的用意句是在說概念名詞的屬性及內容,我們可以假設概念名詞就好像是百貨公司的福袋,買回來你只看到外觀,然後that就是你的雙手,試著想把福袋打開來看,最後名詞子句就是你看到裡面有化妝品啊,香水啊,彩妝盒啊,因此在整個流程走完之後你會得到一個結論,庵買了個福袋裡面有化妝品,香水,彩妝盒,所以可以更進一步地用數學是表達福袋=化妝品+香水+彩妝盒,因此這個that被視為等號『=』了,他不是關係代名詞形容詞子句當作修飾與限定範圍用的喔,所以直接要翻譯成:『這個概念就是.....的概念啊』,移回本題上說就是belief=三個機會relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital。就是這樣~喵~~。
than does simply making general management experience and small amounts of capital available. 裡面的than可以當作連接詞以及介系詞,就看後面加上麼東西決定,而此句只看到does和simply making......可能會覺得訝異為何does助動詞後面不是加原型動詞嗎?怎麼出現動名詞。因為啊這個does是代替上面出現過的give s those firms a greater opportunity to develop sound business foundations來當動詞和動詞後面所謂的受詞的省略,然後呢,making一直當結尾是整個分詞片語當作名詞片語使用,所以視為一個名詞只是有點長而已。也就是說than是連接詞了,只是省略了動詞和受詞並用dose取代。其中這個又來個煩人的倒裝這裡的用法跟某個常用句子很類似,He had been these, so do I.簡單來說就是助動詞的倒裝用法。
making general management experience and small amounts of capital available.這裡就是make+n+adj.的結構,就是所謂的make加上受詞後面在方受詞補語,這個補語通常是形容詞。可以看到這裡的名詞還放兩個用and做並列,真有夠變態。
MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing established firms with easier access to relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms a greater opportunity to develop sound business foundations than does simply making general management experience and small amounts of capital available.
relevant management techniques, more job-specific experience, substantial amounts of capital > general management experience, small amounts of capital
MESBIC=Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Company。看看就好我也不知道這個名詞可以幹嗎
substantial (adj.) 很大的= considerable / sizable / huge / vast / enormous / tremendous / immense / mammoth / colossal / gigantic / gargantuan / prodigious / stupendous / elephantine
capital (n) 資金,首都
capital (adj.) 首都的,資本的,重要的
relevant (adj.) 相關的= related / pertinent / germane / applicable
sound (adj.) 健全的= healthy