No other contemporary poet’s work has such a well-earned reputation for near impenetrability, and there are few whose moral vision is so imperiously unsparing. Of late, however, the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable turn. This new collection is the poet’s fourth book in six years ——an ample output even for poets of sunny disposition, let alone for one of such penitential austerity over the previous 50 years. Yet for all his newfound volubility, his poetry is as thorny as ever

No other contemporary poet’s work has such a well-earned reputation for (i)_____, and there are few whose moral vision is so imperiously unsparing. Of late, however, the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable turn. This new collection is the poet’s fourth book in six years ——an ample output even for poets of sunny disposition, let alone for one of such (ii)_____over the previous 50 years. Yet for all his newfound (iii)_____, his poetry is as thorny as ever
Blank(i) Blank(ii) Blank(iii)
(A)patent accessibility

(D)penitential austerity


(B)intrinsic frivolity

(E)intractable prolixity


(C)near impenetrability

(F)impetuous prodigality





首先No other contemporary poet’s work has such a well-earned reputation for (i)_____, and there are few whose moral vision is so imperiously unsparing.,找到這句邏輯詞and可知道兩邊句子邏輯同向,帶入看看(i)_____= imperiously unsparing,完了(A)明顯可接近(B)內在輕浮(C)近乎難以理解,找不到道德要求高的同義詞,所以這個and邏輯詞沒用,往下看,而且通常ETS的出題套路都會用這個and去帶出兩個內容和上下句的另外兩個內容去做對應,讓整體文章複雜化,所以這裡的and如果能夠找到道德要求高的同義詞,整個句子的意思會變成沒有人的文章能如此道德要求高而且這人的道德標準也很高,這樣帶出內容只有說這個人的人品跟作品一樣極為蠻橫道德要求高,這樣就小看GRE了

好在這裡有個Of late, however, the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable turn.這個severe 剛好搭建了橋梁了因為他前面有個『THE』千萬別小看代名詞,這個東西可以讓你上天堂不讓你住套房,他就是對應上一句的so imperiously unsparing道德要求高,然後目標句往後看有個and densely forbidding poetrypoetry不就剛好對應上一句的poet’s work,所以整理一下這兩句之間的關係,poet’s work (i)_____,and so imperiously unsparing,然後等於下一句his severe and densely forbidding poetry,這樣對應完答案(C)near impenetrability就出來了,然後這個and 就是剛剛所說的ETS套路,兩兩相對你儂我儂,冷ㄟ修弄!!

到這裡先休息一下,腦子快燒起來了,那為何Of late, however, the almost belligerent demands of his severe and densely forbidding poetry have taken an improbable turn.當中的however,沒有用呢?因為這個howeverturn 的邏輯關係兩兩負負得正銷掉了,所以整體句子的第一句和第二句邏輯上是同向的,所以直接去內容對應即可不用取反

往下第三句This new collection is the poet’s fourth book in six years ——an ample output even for poets of sunny disposition, let alone for one of such (ii)_____over the previous 50 years.好像也不知道他要幹嗎,這裡有個同位語結構『——an ample output....』這個基本上就是邏輯同向,這裡『——』把他改成which is 就好理解了,因為同位語就是從這類關係代名詞省略而來的,就是前面一句的內容the poet’s fourth book in six years為先行詞,所以補充這個量是很大的即使是性格陽光的人都很大,let alone for 更別說such(ii)_____,前面的such價值連城阿根本就是掛單沖等漲停,such是代名詞就是剛剛那個道德要求高很嚴格的人,那就可以選到(D)penitential austerity

Yet for all his newfound (iii)_____, his poetry is as thorny as ever,這句當中有Yet這個句間的轉折詞,所以前後兩個"主要句"邏輯取反,是主要句喔,而for all厲害了,他在這裡是轉折意思翻作"儘管",等於despite,掌管的是句內關係所以,先由句內關係開始解題,建立恆等式newfound (iii)_____=(-1)thorny(很艱澀難懂) as ever,所以選(I)清晰可見,一指點即茅塞頓開,哈哈!!這裡選(I)就完全上當了,因為這樣Yet沒有考慮到阿

所以我們把三四句抓起來義起看好了This new collection is the poet’s fourth book in six years ——an ample output even for poets of sunny disposition, let alone for one of such (ii)_____over the previous 50 years.Yet for all his newfound (iii)_____, his poetry is as thorny as ever ,可以發現剛剛那個"同位語"結構太重要了an ample很多很大的意思new collection=newfound,建立等式 an ample=(-1,yet) (-1, for all) (iii)_____負負得正 ,所以(iii)_____ 也要很多(H)volubility


patent (adj) 明顯的
accessibility (n) 可接近
intrinsic (adj) 本質的
frivolity (n) 輕浮,不穩重
impenetrability (n) 不能滲透,難以理解
intractable (adj) 難以駕馭的,不聽話的
prolixity (n) 撈叨
penitential (adj) 後悔的,苦行的
austerity (n) 苦行,嚴厲
impetuous (adj) 魯莽的,衝動的
prodigality (n) 浪費,闊氣

taciturnity (n) 沉默寡言

volubility (n) 嘴砲,口落懸河

pellucidity (n) 晶瑩剔透 

imperiously (adv) 傲慢地,自大地

unsparing (adj) 大方的,嚴厲不留情的

belligerent (adj) 好鬥的

thorny (adj) 多刺的,有爭議的

let alone for 更別說

for all=despite



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