
TOEFL【Integrated Writing】TPO6

Communal online encyclopedias represent one of the latest resources to be found on the Internet. They are in many respects like traditional printed encyclopedias collections of articles on various subjects. What is specific to these online encyclopedias, however, is that any Internet user can contribute a new article or make an editorial change in an existing one. As a result, the encyclopedia is authored by the whole community of Internet users. The idea might sound attractive, but the communal online encyclopedias have several important problems that make them much less valuable than traditional, printed encyclopedias.  


The passage says that the online encyclopedias were less valuable than traditional counterparts, judging from errors, hackers, and topics. However, the professor argues that the criticisms of bias ignored how far the online ones have come.

First, error. The passage says that unlike content of traditional encyclopedias keeping academically rigorous, content of online encyclopedias had faults frequently. However, the professor argues that traditional version was also imperfect, and such online or offline encyclopedias as comprehensive references without mistakes never existed. She points out that the errors in traditional encyclopedias were kept for decades, but those in online encyclopedias can be corrected easily-- an advantage of online encyclopedias.

Second, hackers. The passage states that the original materials of online encyclopedias could be changed from hackers, misleading the careless users. However, the crucial facts recorded on online encyclopedias, the professor argues, have been set to the "read-only" format, ensuring their reliability. She adds that hiring special editors, monitoring and eliminating the parts changed, can protect the undisputed articles of online encyclopedias.

Third, topics. The passage claims that unlike traditional encyclopedias with important topics, online counterparts very cared about too many insignificant and popular topics. However, the professor argues that traditional encyclopedias having to judge the importance of topics were caused by  limited space. Yet, the online encyclopedias, she emphasizes, had enough space to offer varieties of topics and to keep the academic articles, reflecting the diversity of interests from users-- worth of online encyclopedias.



1. Reading :on line X

argument1.:errors ----- online X expert,offline riguous

argument2.:hacking ------ be changed,careless user

argument3.: topics ------- online X important info.,offline considered view


2.listening :online good / bias,din't know how far 

argument1:trad still fault,online eaily correct 

argument2.:read only ,editor monitor 

argument3.:trad.- limited space / trad info.X wide,online large / info.diversity






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