According to a recent survey, marriage is fattening. Citied as evidence is the survey’s finding that average woman gains 23 pounds and average man gains 18 pounds during 13 years marriage.
The answer to which of the following questions would most relevant in evaluating the reasoning presented in the survey?
- Why was the period of the time studied in the survey 13 years rather than 12 or 14 ?
- Did some of the men surveyed gain less than 18 pounds during the time they were married ?
- How much weight is gained or lost in 13 years by single people of comparable age to those surveyed ?
- Were the women surveyed as active as he men surveyed, at the time the survey was made ?
- Will the reported gains be maintained over the lifetime of the person surveyed ?
找到一個句子,然後用這個句子當作出發點,這兩句話當中必須先找到所謂的結論跟前提,才能形成一個辯論,也就是說argument=premises + conclusion,而前提可以有很多句,但是結論就是一句。各句拆解:
According to a recent survey...這個叫irrelevant twaddle,一個論證中他屬廢話屁話,但是文章中他是必要存在但是不怎麼重要,表示作者避免造成plagiarism剽竊行為,但是他只是很簡單講說最近研究顯示,我看作者只是想推卸責任,所以這句話請跳過。
marriage is fattening,接下來接到這個結論:婚姻就是增肥計劃,那為什麼我會說是argument的結論部分呢,可以從後方的Citied as evidence is the survey’s finding這裡判斷,因為他說他發現怎樣怎樣,才會讓他得到怎樣的結論,當然這裡當作論點也是說得過去的,所謂論證當中結論的定義就是你覺得你在爭辯的東西的這個陳述是對的,就可以視為conclusion了,然而你覺得這句話這個句子是在支持或是當作你結論的原因理由,就可以視為前提(premises),所以其實前提在這個例子當中也可以是為論據,或是證據,無傷大雅。剛好對於接下來的句子介紹完畢了。
Citied as evidence is the survey’s finding that average woman gains 23 pounds,這裡也有同樣的廢話出現,所以請刪除Citied as evidence is the survey’s finding,所以就保留下average woman gains 23 pounds還有average man gains 18 pounds during 13 years marriage.那這兩個就可以當成是前提了,前提一:平均女性在這十三年婚姻當中肥了23磅。前提二:男性在這結婚的十三年當中肥了18磅。
premise 1 : average woman gains 23 pounds during 13 years marriage.
premise 2 : average man gains 18 pounds during 13 years marriage.
conclusion : marriage is fattening
Evaluation的解題方式要先假設選項中的東西可以很順利的跟文章上作者認為的結論有所連結,並且不管得到的評價是否定或是肯定是好是壞都是可以的,而且只有結論跟觀點才能去對他做好壞評價,只有結論才會依照個人因素有所不同出入,因為前提跟論據只是做支持用的,你對一個已經被限定存在的東西評價它好壞沒有意義,以這做例子,這裡文章給了結論:婚姻就是增肥計劃,所以評價就必須對於這個結論去認定說,誒對耶,我看我朋友結婚十來年的確雙方都變胖了,或是,幹,你甲賽,我隔壁鄰居都結婚超過十三年了,還變瘦。就會有這兩類最普遍聽到的兩種說法,不過其實比較正確的解題方式應該是幫結論打上問號。結婚真的是增肥的因素嗎?那沒有變胖就是沒有結婚嗎?這就扯到了Modus tollens: If P then Q, not Q therefore not P.這個邏輯型態,這也是數學出現過的內容,如果答案是肯定的那就是一個好的argument,那如果答案是否定或是不一定,那就是一個壞的argument,所以答案就可以很輕鬆的選擇(C)了
選項(A)the period of the time這裡就不對了,文章主幹不是『時間』
選項(B)some of the men surveyed gain less than 18 pounds去對論據或是前提質疑或評價沒意義,因為他們是文章限定有這些條件下我們才能探討接下來的事情,不能說這個前提很爛所以才會導致作者講出婚姻就是增肥計劃的這種鬼話,你如果直接對前提做評價,這樣會導致其他結論出現,那這樣就失去原本要對『婚姻就是增肥計劃』的這個argument來評價的用意了。
選項(E)the reported gains be maintained對於報導的維持更扯,連結論的一個字都沒出現