

Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840’s. What is most impressive about the book is the intense and painstaking effort made by the author, Elizabeth Gaskell, to convey the experience of everyday life in working-class homes. Her method is partly documentary in nature: the novel includes such features as a carefully annotated reproduction of dialect, the exact details of food prices in an account of a tea party, an itemized description of the furniture of the Bartons’ living room, and a transcription (again annotated) of the ballad “The Oldham Weaver.” The interest of this record is considerable, even though the method has a slightly distancing effect.

As a member of the middle class, Gaskell could hardly help approaching working-class life as an outside observer and a reporter, and the reader of the novel is always conscious of this fact. But there is genuine imaginative re-creation in her accounts of the walk in Green Heys Fields, of tea at the Bartons’ house, and of John Barton and his friend’s discovery of the starving family in the cellar in the chapter “Poverty and Death.” Indeed, for a similarly convincing re-creation of such families’ emotions and responses (which are more crucial than the material details on which the mere reporter is apt to concentrate), the English novel had to wait 60 years for the early writing of D. H. Lawrence. If Gaskell never quite conveys the sense of full participation that would completely authenticate this aspect of Mary Barton, she still brings to these scenes an intuitive recognition of feelings that has its own sufficient conviction.

The chapter “Old Alice’s History” brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers. The account of Job Legh, the weaver and naturalist who is devoted to the study of biology, vividly embodies one kind of response to an urban industrial environment: an affinity for living things that hardens, by its very contrast with its environment, into a kind of crankiness. The early chapters—about factory workers walking out in spring into Green Heys Fields; about Alice Wilson, remembering in her cellar the twig-gathering for brooms in the native village that she will never again see; about Job Legh, intent on his impaled insects—capture the characteristic responses of a generation to the new and crushing experience of industrialism. The other early chapters eloquently portray the development of the instinctive cooperation with each other that was already becoming an important tradition among workers.


1.Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward Gaskell’s use of the method of documentary record in Mary Barton

  1. Uncritical enthusiasm
  2. Unresolved ambivalence
  3. Qualified approval
  4. Resigned acceptance
  5. Mild irritation


2.According to the passage, Mary Barton and the early novels of D. H. Lawrence share which of the following? 

  1. Depiction of the feelings of working-class families 
  2. Documentary objectivity about working-class circumstances
  3. Richly detailed description of working-class adjustment to urban life
  4. Imaginatively structured plots about working-class characters
  5. Experimental prose style based on working-class dialect


3.Which of the following is most closely analogous to Job Legh in Mary Barton, as that character is described in the passage? 

  1. An entomologist who collected butterflies as a child
  2. A small-town attorney whose hobby is nature photography
  3. A young man who leaves his family’s dairy farm to start his own business
  4. A city dweller who raises exotic plants on the roof of his apartment building
  5. A union organizer who works in a textile mill under dangerous conditions


4.It can be inferred from examples given in the last paragraph of the passage that which of the following was part of “the new and crushing experience of industrialism” for many members of the English working class in the nineteenth century? 

  1. Extortionate food prices
  2. Geographical displacement
  3. Hazardous working conditions
  4. Alienation from fellow workers
  5. Dissolution of family ties


5.It can be inferred that the author of the passage believes that Mary Barton might have been an even better novel if Gaskell had 

  1. concentrated on the emotions of a single character
  2. made no attempt to re-create experiences of which she had no firsthand knowledge
  3. made no attempt to reproduce working-class dialects
  4. grown up in an industrial city
  5. managed to transcend her position as an outsider


6.Which of the following phrases could best be substituted for the phrase “this aspect of Mary Barton” in the second paragraph without changing the meaning of the passage as a whole? 

  1. the material details in an urban working-class environment
  2. the influence of Mary Barton on lawrence’s early work
  3. the place of Mary Barton in the development of the English novel
  4. the extent of the poverty and physical suffering among England’s industrial workers in the 1840’s
  5. the portrayal of the particular feelings and responses of working-class characters


7.The author of the passage describes Mary Barton as each of the following EXCEPT: 

  1. insightful
  2. meticulous
  3. vivid
  4. poignant
  5. lyrical




由第一句開始,Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840’s.中間的插入句不用看,一定要設法讀懂不然沒戲唱了,抓住關鍵字suffering of the industrial worker工人的辛苦,所以可以這麼理解,作者今日要分享一個工人的血淚史。然後再往下看most impressive,這個強調字出現要注意本句話在講啥,很有可能是考點,後面提到人名了,EG是作者,然後介紹everyday life in working-class的事情,好的。接下來就不要看了因為後面開頭是Her method is partly documentary她的寫作風格是啥,這已經進入到講EG這個人了,可是剛剛我們文章由強調句most impressive可以知道他後面的東西是重點,才是主幹,而這個強調句是強調工人階級日常生活,相較之下,本句話開頭講作者寫作方式,這樣就已經進入到細節去描述作者如何把工人的心酸血淚寫出來,所以就不往下看了


而第二段開頭As a member of the middle class, Gaskell could hardly help approaching working-class life,這表示EG是中產階級的局外人,沒辦法知道工人真正生活,接著看到But there is genuine imaginative re-creation,這裡轉折出現but,表示重點來了前面都是廢話,但是有很真實的創作,所以總結這段出現分歧點,先是說could hardly help不可能知道工人的事,但是卻用非常真實的想像力創作作品。立場對立點就是先講看不穿,後講不對喔,它靠creation把文章寫得很『真』,很寫實呢!再來『描到』Green Heys Fields, of tea at the Bartons’ house, and of John Barton and his friend’s discovery這都是具體的東西,還來discovery表示文章已經進入到論據補充說明的階段了,因此跳過,論點抓住後就不再留念。

補充:in her accounts of可以想成是等號的概念,就是『基於』的意思,這種『介系詞+名詞』的結構通常都是用來修飾名詞或動詞的,所以看到文章往前找到他是在修飾re-creations所以自然不是主幹,讀的時候萬一不小心讀不懂就先看到re-creations,然後這個re-creations是從Green Heys Fields....等東西來的靈感,這樣層次感就出來了。


第三段看到chapter表示在講書本的內容了,brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers.從鄉村包圍城市,主幹立即出現,因為照文法結構來看主幹應該是The chapter “Old Alice’s History” brilliantly dramatizes the situation一個章節改編自一個情況,主幹受詞只有situation不夠細只能進一步往下找。


問到作者對於EG的評價,所以目標鎖定到第二段內容,剛剛分析過第二段在講雖是局外人,但還是一樣寫的不錯,所以是『有但書』的贊成支持,因此選擇(C)Qualified approval,補充:Uncritical enthusiasm是鐵粉,所以絕對不會出現轉折詞,相反的Unresolved ambivalence會出現一堆轉折詞,Resigned acceptance本篇沒有能忍則忍,逼良為娼之感



把目標句看完答案就出現了Indeed, for a similarly convincing re-creation of such families’ emotions and responses,families’ emotions and responses對應feeling,such往上找到名詞代替誰,而且還要能夠"share" Mary Barton,那也只剩下working-class life,因此選(A),補充:(B)要小心本篇是一個re-creation,所以絕不是客觀事實,objectivity這邊就出局了。(D)是錯在虛構Imaginatively structured,是re-creation改造,不是無中生有



analogous to Job Legh,簡單看就是『 = JL 』,Job Legh in Mary Barton表示書中的內容,因此看到第三段找關鍵字,The account of Job Legh, the weaver and naturalist who is devoted to the study of biology, vividly embodies one kind of response to an urban industrial environment,看樣子是個喜歡自然的工人,再加上文章結構分析中的第二點『從鄉村進入城市』,兩個概念合輯來就是『人在曹營心在漢』的感覺,在工業大城裡面做鄉村農場的事,選(D)



看到inferred再加上Xparagraph of the passage,這是標準的找段落主旨題型,然而“the new and crushing experience of industrialism”這句話是幫助思考的,給個例子『一個新的工業主義的經驗』,然後這個例子是暗示段落主題,兩者達成支持的關係,而主題句再看到文章一開始的結構分析已經看到答案了就是『到城市去』,所以就選(B)選擇有搬家遷徙的字眼。這好比說我缺錢,那就會打點話給爸媽,喂~~爸,那個最近開學了要買教科書,然後迎新宿營要團費,還有住宿費要預繳,等等之類的,反觀老爸可能才聽到教科書叫說:『啊是要多少。』利用很多的具體需求去向爸嗎暗示我打這通點話的目的就是請爸媽把錢匯到戶口,所以主旨就是:我要錢,然後例子有三,教科書,團費,住宿費,答案推出:臭小子又給我花到沒錢了,欠多少。



這跟剛剛考主旨的推理題不同,這類推理題為直接問說某個人事物,然後由這個人事物推出來答案,答案通常會跟文章的內容呈現『相反』狀態,好比剛剛要錢的例子來說,那這邊題目就會問說:由教科書可以推論到啥事?答案:因為要開學了所以要買教課書,或者是沒有開學就不用買教科書。那如果問說:尤文中的團費可以推論出什麼?答案:因為有迎新宿營,所以要團費,或是沒有迎新宿營就不用付團費。所以總結一下這個題型只是針對小小的例子去暗示我為何講這句話,他跟上面是不一樣的,所以換句話說上題是宏觀態,本題是微觀態。上面是探討車子往北跑引擎所輸出的力,本題是探討人坐在車上跟椅子之間的內力。那這題其實也出的算仁慈還給一個假設法,Mary Barton might have been an even better novel if Gaskell had,如果EG怎樣會更好,講到作者的事情馬上瞄到文章分析的第一點,再來如果會更好言下之意就是沒有不好,所以只要把outsider的負面因子去除答案就出來了就變成沒有不好的事了。選(E)



跟第二題類似,the portrayal of the particular feelings and responses of working-class characters,選(E)



瞄準背景句第一段的部分,之前只看到suffering of the industrial worker,painstaking effort ,這樣的話(D)就先刪掉了,Her method is partly documentary in nature:第一段這句話看到這個documentary(E)立即出局,冒號後方也不用看了,選(E)即使我不知道有沒有insightful,meticulous,vivid,但我能非常確定他是紀傳文,而不是lyrical抒情文。





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