

According to the conventional view, serfdom in nineteenth-century Russia inhibited economic growth. In this view Russian peasants’ status as serfs kept them poor through burdensome taxes in cash, in labor, and in kind; through restrictions on mobility; and through various forms of coercion. Melton, however, argues that serfdom was perfectly compatible with economic growth, because many Russian serfs were able to get around landlords’ rules and regulations. If serfs could pay for passports, they were usually granted permission to leave the estate. If they could pay the fine, they could establish a separate household; and if they had the resources, they could hire laborers to cultivate the communal lands, while they themselves engaged in trade or worked as migrant laborers in cities.


It can be inferred from the passage that the “rules and regulations”   affecting serfdom in Russia involved  

  1. responsibility for the work needed to accomplish certain defined tasks
  2. restrictions on freedom of movement
  3. limitations on the ability to set up an independent household


The sentence “If serfs … estate”  has which of the following functions in the passage?  

  1. It provides support for an argument presented in the preceding sentence.
  2. It provides evidence that helps undermine a view introduced in the first sentence.
  3. It raises a question that the succeeding sentence will resolve.






題目給到定位詞,我們眼睛就跟過去,然後問到affecting serfdom,表示做這件事有啥影響,那這樣就表示文章在挖細節了,所以要往後看,因為這句話是however的所在地,所以我們可以想像的事情是,這句話本生的功能是在打槍前方觀點的,所以一定是在講『經濟成不成長的事情』,如果在往上一句看,會超過however這樣民顯過了楚河漢界,絕對是講不一樣的事情,而且rules and regulations出現在because的副詞從屬子句中,所以絕不會是主幹的,所以也只能往後看倒是有哪些規則,哪些限制了,而該慶幸的事情是,後面馬上看到三組IF...的句型,這就是考場苦海中的明燈啊,為什麼,因為IF表示條件意思,試想如果聽到別人用IF的句式在講事情,一定伴隨著條件上的限制,就是說如果你有怎樣的話你就會成功,表示說你在有做怎樣的前提之下,我們才能談成功,因此條件跟限制其實都一樣,好拉既然有三組就看他們限制啥,再去找答案出來,第一:付錢買護照對應(B),第二:繳罰金對應(C),第三:他們有資源。第三個沒出現在答案中,反而(A)選項是以概念的形式呈現了(B)和(C)的內容,也就是說(A)就是付錢買護照和繳罰金的概念敘述。答案:全選



functions,問到功能就是要探討句子和句子間的關係了,試想這是在however之後的句子,因此我們的預設目標示這句話一定支持經濟有成長,並且去反駁前面的觀點兩者進而產生對立。第二,剛剛上一題探討到這是個舉例,所以一般來說舉例就是對前方的論點最支持的論述,而剛剛前方那句話是講『經濟有成長』,因此帶入就可以求答案了。(A)the preceding sentence前一句話,(C)question不存在,因為沒有轉折字眼,基本上這個答案不應該考慮,答案:(A)(B)






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