

The discovery that Haydn’s and Mozart’s symphonies were conducted during their lifetimes by a pianist who plays the chords to keep the orchestra together has given rise to early music recording in which a piano can be heard obtrusively in the foreground, despite evidence indicating that the orchestral piano was virtually inaudible to audiences at eighteenth-century concerts and was dropped as musically necessary when a better way to beat time was found.




解析:這句話複雜在於先是來個名詞子句,然後這子句裡面又來關係代名詞子句,回到主幹之後在接一個in which關係代名詞子句,然後逗點之後despite在接上一個句內轉折,evidence街上關係代名詞子句的省略法,並用indicating that+名詞子句引導,這個名詞子句中的內容還夾帶一個平行結構,平行結構的第二部分又再用副詞子句when去做補充,文法真他媽的眉飛色舞啊!!



@:The discovery that Haydn’s and Mozart’s symphonies were conducted during their lifetimes by a pianist這個名詞子句是概念名詞為了再多加說明所加上的名詞子句,(概念名詞+名詞子句),因為一般都很容易不小心看成關係代名詞的形容詞子句,所以我們要先確認一下that後面是何種句型,我們看到了主詞Haydn’s and Mozart’s symphonies海和默的交響曲。再來看到動詞是were conducted,被指揮。往後看就是介系詞片語他是修飾詞不是主幹先別理他,因為動詞是被動狀態所以沒有受詞是很合理的事情,因為受詞在此進化成主詞了,引此判斷後他是個完整子句,翻譯:有個發現,而這個發現就是那個在海和默的生平,海和默的交響曲是由一位鋼琴家所指揮的這個發現,所以名詞子句在此的翻譯是屬於『=』等號的,因此中文上可以把這個結構,概念名詞+that+名詞子句當成:阿這個概念名詞就是那個名詞子句所說的那個概念名詞啊。這樣來翻譯


有興趣參考其他這類名詞子句請點擊:【GRE,GMAT,SAT經典長難句】Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission(21/50)


@indicating that the orchestral piano was virtually inaudible to audiences at eighteenth-century concerts,這邊and後面還有一個內容就先省略不說了結構是一樣的(indicating that the orchestral piano was dropped as musically necessary when a better way to beat time was found.)這個結構是動詞+that +名詞子句,這種結構通常出現在當表示觀點,感想之類的動詞出現後面才會把原本應該是名詞位置,把它複雜化變成名詞子句,所以結構上還是不變的,原本的vt後面本來就要補上一個受詞了,而這個受詞因為一個單字無法完整表達一件事情時,進而才用名詞子句,把事情說明完畢,而名詞子句(完整句S+V+O)我們可以利用that把它包裝起來,也就是that+Ncl.當作一個整體的大名詞,來去跟前方動詞連結。值得小心的事這類表個人論點,感官的動詞後面是否可以接上that子句是需要先確認的,像是argue / assert / claim / explain都可以,但是dispute / reject就不行了。回到這一句話, evidence indicating that the orchestral piano was virtually inaudible to audiences at eighteenth-century concerts這裡複雜的事情是這本身又卡了一個關係代名詞限定用法,我們先把它簡單化,先探討名詞子句,evidence indicate that the orchestral piano was virtually inaudible to audiences at eighteenth-century concerts。證據指出『到』在十八世紀的音樂會裡這個交響樂鋼琴對觀眾來說實際上是聽不到的,所以直接翻譯的話那個that就是『到』的含義。


第二:在剛剛the discovery的名詞子句裡頭還藏一個,a pianist who plays the chords to keep the orchestra together關係代名詞的形容詞不完整子句,這裡因為a pianist後方『沒出現逗點』,所以直接視為限定用法,彈奏和弦去和交響樂對拍『的』這位開琴家,這裡的who就是『的』意思,所以可以知道鋼琴家被限定在專門彈奏合弦對拍的這位。


第三:early music recording in which a piano can be heard obtrusively in the foreground這裡面出現了in which這樣的介系詞加上關係代名詞的結構,這個結構我稱為『小三結構』,因為這裡的in介系詞後方本來就要+名詞了,可是它誰都不要偏偏找which讓結構完整prep+N,而偏偏which是關係代名詞啊,後面要加上的事不完整句,缺受詞或缺主詞,他們之所以會缺是因為,其中一個地位是由which來代替的,所以which後面才會有不完整句出現。那現在whichin搶走了,所以原本which所引導的不完整子句就尷尬拉,所以勢必要另外再找個名詞來補上,所以一個全新的名詞進來補上原本which的空缺,變成in which+完整子句。那我們來環原一下early music recordingand in early music recording a piano can be heard obtrusively in the foreground。然後and in early music recording=in which,假設今天沒有介系詞in的話,本來的句子應該是early music recording which can be heard obtrusively翻做可以很明顯被聽到的早期音檔,可是偏偏來了一個in(黎薇恩)她把which(溫瑞凡)搶走兩人勾成介系詞片語,這時候can be heard(謝安真)就很傷心了,沒辦法構成一個完整的家,此時obtrusively(萌萌)不知所措,因為副詞會跟著動詞,正在心痛之時, a piano(藍天蔚)來找can be heard obtrusively,使得 a piano can be heard obtrusively變成一個完整子句,這就是為什麼介系詞+which+完整子句。大家互為表兄妹。意思也變得不一樣了,在早期的音檔當中,鋼琴是可以很明顯被聽到的,逗點隔開兩家人。


類似句型可參考:【GRE,GMAT,SAT經典長難句】In addition, the style of some Black novels, like Jean Toomer’s Cane, verges on expressionism or surrealism(39/50)




第五:evidence indicating that the orchestral piano was virtually inaudible to audiences at eighteenth-century concerts and was dropped as musically necessary when a better way to beat time was found.這裡面就是含有一開始說到的名詞子句,但這裡其實是有關係代名詞的限定用法的,並寫還做省略,原本應該是evidence which indicate that…。所以就可以解釋成:暗指....『的』證據,同樣which表示『的』當作限定用法。




第一the orchestral piano was virtually inaudible to audiences at eighteenth-century concerts

第二the orchestral piano was dropped as musically necessary when a better way to beat time was found.



進主幹,The discovery that Haydn’s and Mozart’s symphonies were conducted during their lifetimes by a pianist who plays the chords to keep the orchestra together has given rise to early music recording in which a piano can be heard obtrusively in the foreground我們看到keep the orchestra together,保持節拍,所以應該是必要存在的,然後 a piano can be heard obtrusively可以聽得到。所以總結一下:應該是儘管鋼琴對觀眾來說是聽不到的而且當一個更好的節拍器被發現之後鋼琴也不重要了,但是但是,一項研究認為早期的音檔當中,鋼琴在前奏時是可以被聽到的,然後是藉由(by是因果含義的介系詞,要小心它的存在)一個鋼琴家在幫交響樂對拍子的時候發現的




The discovery that Haydn’s and Mozart’s symphonies were conducted during their lifetimes by a pianist who plays the chords to keep the orchestra together has given rise to early music recording in which a piano can be heard obtrusively in the foreground, despite evidence indicating that the orchestral piano was virtually inaudible to audiences at eighteenth-century concerts and was dropped as musically necessary when a better way to beat time was found.




obtrusively (adv.) 超級明顯地 too noticeably

Noticeable (adj.) 明顯的=striking / apparent / conspicuous / remarkable / palpable / obvious / overt / eminent / prominent / evident / manifest /   pronounced / patent / salient 

Virtually (adv.) 實際上,幾乎=almost / nearly / all but / practically 

beat time 敲節拍



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