When speaking of Romare Bearden, one is tempted to say, "A great Black American artist." The subject matter of Bearden's collages is certainly Black. Portrayals of the folk of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, whom he remembers from early childhood, of the jazz musicians and tenement roofs of his Harlem days, of Pittsburgh steelworkers, and his reconstruction of classical Greek myths in the guise of the ancient Black kingdom of Benin, attest to this. In natural harmony with this choice of subject matter are the social sensibilities of the artist, who remains active today with the Cinque Gallery in Manhattan, which he helped found and which is devoted to showing the work of minority artists.


Then why not call Bearden a Black American artist? Because ultimately this categorization is too narrow. "What stands up in the end is structure," Bearden says. "What I try to do is amplify. If I were just creating a picture of a farm woman from back home, it would have meaning to her and people there. But art amplifies itself to something universal."


1. According to the passage, all of the following are depicted in Bearden's collages EXCEPT:

A.workers in Pittsburgh's steel mills

B.scenes set in the ancient kingdom of Benin

C.people Bearden knew as a child

D.the jazz musicians of the Harlem Bearden used to know

E.traditional representations of the classical heroes of Greek mythology


2. The author suggests that Bearden should not be called a Black American artist because

A.there are many collages by Bearden in which the subject matter is not Black

B.Bearden's work reflects the Black American experience in a highly individual style

C.through the structure of Bearden's art his Black subjects come to represent all of humankind

D.Bearden's true significance lies not so much in his own work as in his efforts to help other minority artists

E.much of Bearden's work uses the ancient Black kingdom of Benin for its setting


3. Bearden's social sensibilities and the subject matter of his collages are mentioned by the author in order to explain

A.why one might be tempted to call Bearden a Black American artist

B.why Bearden cannot be readily categorized

C.why Bearden's appeal is thought by many to be ultimately universal

D.how deeply an artist's artistic creations are influenced by he artist's social conscience

E.what makes Bearden unique among contemporary Black American artists


4. The author of the passage is chiefly concerned with

A.discussing Bearden's philosophy of art

B.acknowledging Bearden's success in giving artistic expression to the Black American experience

C.assessing the significance of the ethnic element in Bearden's work

D.pointing out Bearden's helpfulness to other minority artists

E.racing Bearden's progress toward artistic maturity.



When speaking of Romare Bearden, one is tempted to say, "A great Black American artist."

這句是必看內容,因為他主文章開頭的主題句告訴方向,說到大家都認為『RB是偉大的非裔美國人藝術家』,這裡不用去過問one is,那個one就是某人的意思,不用理會,但是這裡假藉one這個非限定哪個領域的人來說他是偉大的藝術家,你隨便找一個路人甲還是路人乙問這個人怎樣,意味著這裡有一個大家的共識,大家都認為RB很偉大,由他人之口去證明作者的論點是『廣泛』被認為是正確的,因此只要記得有一個論點,這論點就是:"A great Black American artist."。


The subject matter of Bearden's collages is certainly Black.



Portrayals of the folk of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, whom he remembers from early childhood, of the jazz musicians and tenement roofs of his Harlem days, of Pittsburgh steelworkers, and his reconstruction of classical Greek myths in the guise of the ancient Black kingdom of Benin,(插入句不看) attest to this.

其實就看黑色部分即可知是做舉證,去支持上一句話他的非裔畫作內容,所以基本上看到Portrayals這裡即可跳過,那比較麻煩的是內部差入句要如何拆解,等等題目有看到再看,題目沒出就算我賺到了,總結這句話,這裡Portrayals attest to this. 其中的代名詞代替上一句的觀點,那個subject matter of Bearden's collages,所以邏輯上來說是順向的,這句話只是緊接著說明主題有哪些。


In natural harmony with this choice of subject matter are the social sensibilities of the artist, who remains active today with the Cinque Gallery in Manhattan, which he helped found and which is devoted to showing the work of minority artists.

看到this choice of subject matter,其中的那個選擇,這又是在支持他的上一句話,接著說道選擇的理由,所以邏輯還是同向的,這個也沒必要看了,請跳過。再來管他後面的關係代名詞怎樣形容,都當作非禮勿視。換句話說,這一段是在說明主題為何如此選擇,但是文章主軸是再討論RB為何是個偉大的非裔藝術家,兩者之間的關聯性中間卡了一個:subject matter of Bearden's collages is certainly Black,所以此句的角色已經是在做文章主題下面的內容的解釋,並不是對文章主題直接解釋,所以細節忽略不計,而後方關係代名詞又是修飾語,既然是修飾語就不是主幹,所以也不理會。這樣還有一個好處,不用去檢查這個倒裝句讓自己大腦燒掉。


Then why not call Bearden a Black American artist?

接著看到第二段的部分,這裡出現了反駁說到他『不是』所以要來做對象比較,比來比去原來差一個great,Black American artist VS. A great Black American artist,再來why的出現也證明了等等會以講述原因來完成文章,既然接下來都是做解釋,所以不看也罷,我的主架構已經抓到之後,就不需過問原因和理由了,以下都是在做支持。 等到真的有考再說,可是在講完理由之後接下來出現了轉折詞BUT,這個BUT意味著文章主題又要說RB是個偉大的非裔藝術家嗎?所以來仔細研究一番:


But art amplifies itself to something universal.

"因為後面有個“引號”,所以會是RB自己說的,他說道:藝術自己有能力讓自己壯大普及。所以最後的這句話的邏輯是『大』,大在藝術自己,那他最直接的方式是跟上一句取反,所以If I were just creating a picture of a farm woman from back home, it would have meaning to her and people there. 這句話理當朝向『小』的方式描述,不過,這個是『假設法』,因為他在引號裡面,當下他所講的內容應該是要保持現在式才行,可是這裡用了比現在式還過去一級的過去式,所以他在講反話,他說如果只是畫農村婦女的話,其畫作意義只有少數人知道,一個是農婦自己,第二個是當地人,第三個我不能說,『所以我不畫』,喔~~所以這句話含義也是表達『大』的概念,因為是假設法,表示作者沒有打算做小的事情,那這樣怎麼會有BUT呢?這就要考慮到BUT的封裝了(之前有寫過好像是biomaterials那篇,有興趣可以參考參考這裡就不多贅述了),所以再來重新看一次第二段:


Then why not call Bearden a Black American artist? (一)表示 great 延續上一段的邏輯

Because ultimately this categorization is too narrow.(一)


"What stands up in the end is structure," Bearden says. (這個在建立座標原點,邏輯是正是負別理他,原點就是0,沒正負之別)

"What I try to do is amplify(+).

If I were just creating a picture of a farm woman from back home, it would have meaning to her and people there.(+)

 But art amplifies itself to something universal."(+)


這段當中有強詞對比narrow VS. universal,不過先來處理簡單的,如果將它還原成普通模式如下:

Then why not call Bearden a Black American artist?


Because ultimately this categorization is too narrow. (這當中的代名詞this是在說誰啊,往前找最近的,發現a Black American artist,分類成非裔美國藝術家,因為再往前找就離開邏輯區了,所以唯一目標句只有第二段第一句,再來往後narrow. 不要管他翻啥意思,只要知道他是『一』負號即可,因為because是因果關係詞,他們所連接的前後邏輯必同向,因此第二句也是取負,not a Black American artist)


However,Bearden says that what stands up in the end is structure and what I try to do is amplify.

(轉折詞出現表示楚河漢界,要對剛剛的not a Black American artist取反了,因此這裡就是『YES, Black American artist』特別的是這個論點二,Bearden自己講自己,所以這篇完章全部都是借刀殺人,第一段用one來講RB很偉大,然後第二段是RB自己講自己還好而已拉,藝術自己會放大自己的普世價值,這篇作者還滿狡猾的,個人造業個人扛,結果他找來其他人擔,所以使得這篇文章變成了觀點敘述文,就是主題:RB是偉大的非洲裔美國藝術家嗎?A觀點說是的,然後給理由,之後來個轉折講到B觀點不是拉你過獎了,最後再給個理由,此時如果考試出題問到作者目的,就是選擇轉折後的那個觀點)


He further states that If were just creating a picture of a farm woman from back home, it would have meaning to her and people there. (他在自己舉例)


He finally believes that art amplifies itself to something universal.(除了打槍 "A great Black American artist."外還擴張主題,主詞變成藝術了,不是RB本人)



1. According to the passage, all of the following are depicted in Bearden's collages EXCEPT:

A.workers in Pittsburgh's steel mills

B.scenes set in the ancient kingdom of Benin

C.people Bearden knew as a child

D.the jazz musicians of the Harlem Bearden used to know

E.traditional representations of the classical heroes of Greek mythology



這種是非題很討厭,幾乎選項全看了,好的首先來找看看考點在哪,depicted in Bearden's collages提到描述,所以就是畫作都是描述啥東西,表示是在細節舉例裡頭,那首先是看看出現collage的位置,也就是第二句的部分,但是第二句只提到collage的概念而已,因此往下找才是他的細節舉例,

Portrayals of the folk of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, whom he remembers from early childhood, of the jazz musicians and tenement roofs of his Harlem days, of Pittsburgh steelworkers, and his reconstruction of classical Greek myths in the guise of the ancient Black kingdom of Benin, attest to this.


接著兩逗點中的差入句當同位語去修飾Mecklenburg County,畢竟是專有名詞對上專有名詞,所以就可以知道MC這個地區在北卡裡面。

往下又來了兩個逗點中間加一個不完整句的結構:whom he remembers from early childhood,這要幹媽用的呢?首先看到關係代名詞用whom表示那是在修飾人的,所以往前找可以找的人物只有the folk,所以這群人是畫家RB在孩提時代所記得的這些人,好了,先整合以上就變成了,『來自於北卡州MC地區這群RB孩提時期所熟知的人他們的肖像畫作』。

但是後面又來了兩組of開頭的介系詞片語,可是他不完整啊,介系詞片語是修飾詞怎麼可能單獨出現呢,所以要來揭穿他修飾哪個名詞,這時候其實很簡單,先找同屬性的東西往前配對,jazz musicians=the folk,都是人,因此可以知道這第一組of的完全表示是:Portrayals of the jazz musicians and tenement roofs of his Harlem days。同理,後方的第二組也可以知道了就是:Portrayals of Pittsburgh steelworkers,匹茲堡鋼鐵人這應該不是在講美式足球隊也不是在講東尼史塔克,應該是人才對。


到此為止我們剩下, and his reconstruction of classical Greek myths in the guise of the ancient Black kingdom of Benin, attest to this。這開頭有個連接詞又有逗點,所以這裡到底跟誰並列呢?在此要先整理出來剛剛那三組肖像畫作:

一:Portrayals of the folk of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, whom he remembers from early childhood

二:Portrayals of the jazz musicians and tenement roofs of his Harlem days

三:Portrayals of Pittsburgh steelworkers

在我沒有把Portrayals加上去之前,他的of前方都有一個『逗點』,因此我可以斷定現在處理的『, and...』是被綁在一起的,就因為平行結構可以只保留一個and在最後一組呈現即可,然後判斷點就是三面兩組of前方的『逗號』。所以我們對此下了第四組的定義

四:his reconstruction of classical Greek myths in the guise of the ancient Black kingdom of Benin


然後以上四組的動詞跟受詞就是attest to this,動詞沒有加S,所以是複數的動詞,與上面四組當在一起,合理。因此我們再回來看選項,只要不是這四組東西那個選項就是答案了,然後(E)選項的traditional representations跟文章his reconstruction,我們不管他後面有沒有出現超級英雄,我們看到這之間的對比,一個是傳統大眾認知,不被大眾認同只會是異類不會變傳統,另一個是個人的認知,傳統表示『大家廣為流傳VS.himself 』,自己認定的,這個就產生矛盾了,選(E)


2. The author suggests that Bearden should not be called a Black American artist because

A.there are many collages by Bearden in which the subject matter is not Black

B.Bearden's work reflects the Black American experience in a highly individual style

C.through the structure of Bearden's art his Black subjects come to represent all of humankind

D.Bearden's true significance lies not so much in his own work as in his efforts to help other minority artists

E.much of Bearden's work uses the ancient Black kingdom of Benin for its setting



這題第二段的理由,把它找出來即可,但是這裡題目沒有great喔!!not be called a Black American artist言下之意表示題目是在找"A great Black American artist."所以現在我已經知道兩個同屬性的對象了,那接下來就是進入到我個人最喜歡的推理題對比推理的環節,在這個節目內容當中,兩個同屬性的特別來賓會被請到擂台上進行對抗,兩位特別來賓所代表的陣營是敵對還是同盟的話,節目組紅隊會給予提示,在此紅隊的提示為人名的提示,一組代表的是A great Black American artist另一組代表名字為a Black American artist,由名字上來看兩者絕對是持對立的great VS. not great,接著節目組會把線索給予『非』題目所提及的戰隊(not be called a Black American artist),挑戰者須向非題目限定戰隊要求給出線索,最後將得到的線索再『取反』即可過關。所以現在題目指定對象跟它同屬性的敵方陣營所表示的內容(即剛剛所提到的向非題目限定戰隊要求給出線索),為第二段的Because ultimately this categorization is too 『narrow.』取反得到very huge,tremendous, colossal, immense, titanic, vast, gargantuan, enormous, formidable, gigantic, massive, prdigious, stupendous, mammoth,..之類的延伸,立馬喵到選項represent all of humankind,對應點成立,選(C)




3. Bearden's social sensibilities and the subject matter of his collages are mentioned by the author in order to explain

A.why one might be tempted to call Bearden a Black American artist

B.why Bearden cannot be readily categorized

C.why Bearden's appeal is thought by many to be ultimately universal

D.how deeply an artist's artistic creations are influenced by he artist's social conscience

E.what makes Bearden unique among contemporary Black American artists



這個看到後方in order to就是修辭目的題的訊號字了,所以此題是討論句子和句子之間的關係,看到題目標示關鍵字:social sensibilities and the subject matter這裡分別回推到第二句和第四句,有social sensibilities所在的第四句,因為是藉由choice說明了是在支持subject matter的理由,所以第四句對第二句做支持背書,但是第二句跟誰負責,就要來看到The subject matter of Bearden's collages is certainly Black.以這句話為基準,往下看是舉例,往上看是文章宗旨,第二句本身扮演的是一個觀點,為什麼呢?因為三四句都在做舉例跟說明,既然如此,它出現的理由就只剩下要去支持主題句的理由了,也就是文章第一句開頭,所以選(A)


4. The author of the passage is chiefly concerned with

A.discussing Bearden's philosophy of art

B.acknowledging Bearden's success in giving artistic expression to the Black American experience

C.assessing the significance of the ethnic element in Bearden's work

D.pointing out Bearden's helpfulness to other minority artists

E.racing Bearden's progress toward artistic maturity.



結構圖上有兩個觀點,兩個觀點成對立,一個贊成一個反對,並對各自做解釋,就是『評價』是非好壞的動作,A great Black American artist vs. a not great Black American artist選(C)




(B)acknowledging Bearden's success,單方面贊成RB,不過最後是轉折說RB還好而已拉,是藝術自己很厲害,所以態度相反。

(D)helpfulness to other minority artists搞錯重點了,是RB這個人怎麼稱呼才對。

(E)Bearden's progress這裡也錯了







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