A survey was recently conducted among ferry passengers on the North Sea. Among the results was this: more of those who had taken anti-seasickness medication before their trip reported symptoms of seasickness than those who had not taken such medication. It is clear, then, that despite claims by drug companies that clinical tests show the contrary, people would be better off not taking anti-seasickness medications. 


Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion above? 

(A) Given rough enough weather, most ferry passengers will have some symptoms of seasickness.

(B) The clinical tests reported by the drug companies were conducted by the drug companies’ staffs. 

(C) People who do not take anti-seasickness medication are just as likely to respond to a survey on seasickness as people who do. 

(D) The seasickness symptoms of the people who took anti-seasickness medication would have been more severe had they not taken the medication. 

(E) People who have spent money on anti-seasickness medication are less likely to admit symptoms of seasickness than those who have not. 


logic book style:

Premise1:A survey was recently conducted among ferry passengers on the North Sea.

Premise2:Among the results was this: more of those who had taken anti-seasickness medication before their trip reported symptoms of seasickness than those who had not taken such medication.

Conclusion:It is clear, then, that despite claims by drug companies that clinical tests show the contrary, people would be better off not taking anti-seasickness medications. 








weaken這個削弱的意思就是想辦法將整個argument變成爛的argument,想辦法變成invalid argument,所以可以有以下質疑處,可以詢問前提是否為真,結論是否有反例出現,基本上這兩招吃遍所有加強跟削弱題。這個論辯在結論上的反例就是:不管怎樣你各位最好就是給我吃下去



(A) Given rough enough weather, most ferry passengers will have some symptoms of seasickness.



(B) The clinical tests reported by the drug companies were conducted by the drug companies’ staffs



(C) People who do not take anti-seasickness medication are just as likely to respond to a survey on seasickness as people who do. 

有吃跟沒吃對調查結果都一樣,阿這不就已經違背前提二了,前提二是調查結果你可以去遲疑他沒錯,也符合weaken的做題方式,你可能說就是因為本來就會暈船,所以才會吃藥,然後再這麼多會暈船的人當中,吃藥沒反應的還是會有,所以吃藥無效,這個對前提的質疑是沒錯的,但是為什麼他不能成為正確選項來削弱原文呢?因為,角色扮演問題,前提二前面有信號字:Among the results was this,這表示冒號後面的東西是既定『事實』,不能去對事實作質疑,沒意義,存在的東西就是存在了。


(D) The seasickness symptoms of the people who took anti-seasickness medication would have been more severe had they not taken the medication. 

這是if假設法的倒裝後面是:if they had not taken the medication.這就表示有病就要吃藥啊,到最後結論就是:吃進去吧,區區含笑半步癲有啥了不起的,大不了不笑不走路。跟原題結論相反。




(E) People who have spent money on anti-seasickness medication are less likely to admit symptoms of seasickness than those who have not






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