Recent scholarship has questioned the naturalness of tropical forests around the world. Archaeologists have shown, for example, that the largest contiguous tract of what was thought to be virgin rain forest in the southern Amazon had been transformed into a cultural parkland before European contact, and many of the forest islands in West Africa's savanna forest transition zone are anthropogenic as well.

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He was never impetuous ;he was nothing if not circumspect, so he forbore for the present to declare his passion 

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The question of when, if ever, history can be considered apolitical is contentious,to say the least. One could argue, for example,that any evaluation of the 180-year-old presidency of Andrew Jackson would likely be free from the controversies that define evaluations of more contemporaneous political leaders, and yet a plethora of passionately held views continues to polarize. The subjectivity of any one judgment is perhaps the one certainty surrounding the issue.



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The editorial, though intended to impugn the current administration, inadvertently substantiated several claims made against the regime suggested as a preferable alternative, effectively castrating any plans for a change in leadership.

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Most psychologists, perplexed by the feelings they acknowledge are aroused by aesthetic experience, have claimed that these emotions are genuine, but different in kind from nonaesthetic emotions. This, however, is a descriptive dsitinction rather than an empirical observation and consequently lacks explanatory value. On the other hand, Gombrich argues that emotional responses to art are ersatz; art triggers remembrances of previously experienced emotions. These debates have prompted the psychologist Radford to argue that people do experience real melancholy or joy in responding to art, but that these areirrational responses precisely because people know they are reacting to illusory stimuli.

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TOEFL【Integrated Writing】EXTRA1

Many people dream of owning their own business but are afraid of the risks, instead of starting a new business, however, one can buy a franchise. A franchise is a license issued by a large, usually well-known, company to a small business owner. Under the license, the owner acquires the right to use the company's brand name and agrees to sell its products. In return, the franchising company receives a percent of the sales. 


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The question of forgery in photography has lately become nontrivial. Prices for vintage prints(those make by a photographer soon after he or she made the negative) so drastically ballooned in the 1990s that one of these photographs might fetch a hundred times as much as a nonvintage print of the same image. It was perhaps only a matter of time before someone took advantage of the discrepancy to peddle newly created “vintage”prints for profit.
造假相片的問題近來便猖獗了。vintage prints(一種沖洗照片的術語,在照完像至後力馬用負片沖洗出來的原汁照片)的價錢在90年代是如此被瘋狂炒作以至於一張這種的照片可能是non-vintage print所照出來的照片還貴上好幾百倍。早晚會有人利用這種價差的優勢去販售全新創造的仿“vintage”prints牟利

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TOEFL【Integrated Writing】TPO23

Populations of the yellow cedar, a species of tree that is common in northwestern North America, have been steadily declining for more than a century now, since about 1880. Scientists have advanced several hypotheses explain this decline.  


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Middlemarch author George Eliot reportedly bemoaned the dearth of erudite women, of which her well-educated main character, Dorothea, was a paradigm . Therefore, Eliot scholars have long debated the author’s meaning in marrying Dorothea to the elderly preacher Casaubon and having him exploit his bride for menial needs.

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TOEFL【Integrated Writing】TPO6

Communal online encyclopedias represent one of the latest resources to be found on the Internet. They are in many respects like traditional printed encyclopedias collections of articles on various subjects. What is specific to these online encyclopedias, however, is that any Internet user can contribute a new article or make an editorial change in an existing one. As a result, the encyclopedia is authored by the whole community of Internet users. The idea might sound attractive, but the communal online encyclopedias have several important problems that make them much less valuable than traditional, printed encyclopedias.  


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