AS we can see, the covid -19 pandemic is becoming stable campared with the beginning of this year. Now in the July of 2021. Sean is here to update the current situation of COVID fucking-19. 

If you are a foreign student in Spain, how do you get the vaccine. Remember to bring 3 stuff. Then go to Salud to ask someone to help make the temporary AR numbers. I don't know what is AR numbers called, but you will receive a document with the AR numbers so that you can wait for 5 days and then go to the appointment website. that's all. 


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(Matsu Pilgrimage) 

Maybe, I need a rest. Without any fruits of hard labor, my enthusiasm dissipated over time. On a normal April day in Taiwan, a group of people, about 20 thousand, prepared for one of the top three religious events of the world listed by Discovery— Matsu Pilgrimage. This peregrination lasted 9 days across over 4 counties with the distance of 300 kilometers, approximate to 186 miles. This international event always attracts more than millions of people to come. Perhaps, this 9 days tour could brought me some, so I followed with Matsu for the journey on my feet. Away from the city and heading into the hug of country side, I felt the slow path leisure. I appreciate Nature. Wildlife suffering from urbanization, freely wandered around the fields without disturbance coming from human activities or industrialization. Migratory birds chasing the sunshine were delighted to enjoy the delicacies located in lakes or forests. They were not just eating; they were appreciating arts in term of food satisfying every salivating beak, immersing in this peaceful wild land. Forests, threatened by logging in order to build skyscrapers replacing the primate canopy across the sky, could stay in peace. This was like an ecological adventure— real experiences absent in textbooks. Smell the aroma by breeze coming through my faces, and see the leaves accompanied by glisten sunshine projecting waving shadow from silent blue sky to vital verdant grass. The splash of rivers crossed through the bedrock. Every moment on the route brought me personally sensory stimulation seared in my mind, forming not a picture but reality about recognization of Nature. The mainstream of modern society is capitalism, and rapid development makes human reluctant to look around and stay clam, however. I stick into this torrent without self-awareness to look back the small big causing my failure. In this travel, everyone had their reasons to come, and for me, I wanted the help of religious power to clam down. Meeting with a lot of people, we shared our stories and helped each other. I realize that this is not just a religious event but a bridge to connect among many people who have different backgrounds and come from different places. Donators, alone the route for the event, were hospitable. It is a gift during the tough peregrination that donators always voluntarily greeted us. They brought various supplies to pilgrims. Being hungry, we always had meals to fulfill our energy. Any food we saw, fruits, bread, pizza, burgers, noddles, dumplings, coffee, or ice cream is free. Just took it. Medical squads stood by. Temporary shelters and shower rooms were built along the route. From this event, I saw a powerful cohesion to raise every citizens’ cultural identity. This connection were displayed in term of invisible culture.


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Anxiety floods into all the floor, just like the huge power of an arrow on the bow which is ready for turning potential energy for a linear spring to kinetic energy by an archer holding the bow to keep that unstable dynamic equilibrium spreads everyone’s back. Sweating a lot, they, Lieutenant Danny, the police, the criminal, and the hostage, feel nervous, mirrored from the drop of sweat. With sweat dropping, every drop is one of the accumulation of stress.  


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A divide between aesthetic and technical considerations has played a crucial role in mapmaking and cartographic scholarship. Since nineteenth century cartographers, for instance, understood themselves as technicians who did not care about visual effects, while others saw themselves as landscape painters. That dichotomy structured the discipline of the history of cartography. Until the 1980s, in what Blakemore and Harley called “the Old is Beautiful Paradigm,” scholars largely focused on maps made before 1800, marveling at their beauty and sometimes regretting the decline of the pre-technical age. Early mapmaking was considered art while modern cartography was located within the realm of engineering utility. Alpers, however, has argued that this boundary would have puzzled mapmakers in the seventeenth century, because they considered themselves to be visual engineers.


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Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840’s. What is most impressive about the book is the intense and painstaking effort made by the author, Elizabeth Gaskell, to convey the experience of everyday life in working-class homes. Her method is partly documentary in nature: the novel includes such features as a carefully annotated reproduction of dialect, the exact details of food prices in an account of a tea party, an itemized description of the furniture of the Bartons’ living room, and a transcription (again annotated) of the ballad “The Oldham Weaver.” The interest of this record is considerable, even though the method has a slightly distancing effect.


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“ 關係代名詞限定用法VS.非限定用法-『逗號』的差異 ”

首先要來說明一下關係代名詞在幹媽的,其實就是修飾名詞用的,所以在文法定義上他會是形容詞子句要注意它是『不完整子句』,完整句一定是S+Vi 或是S+Vt+O的結構(當然長句子會有介詞結構等等,但這些都不是主要結構),但是為何關係代名詞引導的子句會是不完整句(結構當中缺S或是O就是不完整句),因為這個缺的名詞(S或是O)就是被前面的先行詞取代了,整個關係代名詞引導的形容詞子句去修飾前方的先行詞,另一種說法是關係代名詞which/ who ....,他們的含意就是and+先行詞,所以會產生不完整句就是其中不完整句的S或是O有一個被抓去和and合併被吃掉了,但這不是要探討的重點所以展開至此,大致了解關係代名詞請用不完整句就夠了。至於有時候在結構上會出現 先行詞+ 關係代名詞形容詞子句先行詞+ 『,』關係代名詞形容詞子句,逗點就是關鍵了


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